Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.

Agreed on both counts. Anybody who thinks he and many others at USMB have made no antisemitic posts certainly doesn't read well.
Not to mention how the relentless devotion to Islam is coupled with incessant claims of being Christian.

He might as well post recipe after recipe of great meat dishes when claiming he is a vegetarian.
There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votes…. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, I’ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I can’t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, I’m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no water….. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And that’s it Have a nice day.
I aints gots nuttin against them damned Jews, but them damned semites is another thang!
No, its not that you have ANY LEGITIMATE CRITICISM of the Israeli government, it's that you utterly reject ANY information that disagrees with what you want to believe and your eagerness to ACCEPT ANYTHING that makes Israel RESPONSIBLE for the October 7th massacre.

"No babies were beheaded"

"Netanyahu issued a stand down order "

"The Israeli government carried out the massacre to acquire land"

You people say "I need verification of that." When a reporter, or a soldier tells you the animals Beheaded babies (and others), it then you push THEORIES without proof other than, "governments lie"

These are the people you've aligned yourself with. Are you proud.

Those two are a pair of oddities.

Jeremy Corbyn would not answer Piers Morgan’s question whether he thinks Hamas is a terrorist organisation, the other night on TV.
I don't usually speak up for people. I let em fight their own battles. But I've known buttercup for many years. Since long before I ever came around this circus. But I don't like bullies. In fact, I especially loathe them. Particularly the ones who run in packs and seek to single out those whom they might see as an easy target in an organized manner for the purpose of creating the illusion of strength in their designated narrative because they know that their target is more passive and won't likely engage them in the same vitrolic manner. And in this particular case, being led around by the nose and directed by some entitlement-minded noob who knows absolutely jack squat nothing about anyone on this board.

That loud mouth that's following buttercup around making the claims that he is (as well as a couple of others in his dedicated little group who tend to like to single her out in the same manner and with the same intent) don't have a clue about what they're talking about. They're just low value blips on a screen trying to find an easy target to gang up on who they know isn't as vitriolic and naturally mean-spirited as they are and who they think they can use as an example without much risk of being turned out. They're white noise. Nothing more. People like that are generally weaklings and intellectual lightweights. Typical low-value posters and loud mouthed wingers, often just as rabidly statist as those whom they accuse of the same in their daily routine of chase, trap and hump the football, observably. And demonstrably, I'd add.

As a missionary and having lived over there (as well as in other countries,) she's probably forgotten more about the geo-politics of the Middle East and the people of the Middle East than they will ever know. But that's her business to discuss any further than that.

Placing that aside, I've worked two general election campaigns for a true and legitimate statesman where she contributed her skillset in some part, doing things that people like her recent fan club full of keyboard jockeys wouldn't likely ever have the fortitude or courage to take on, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that she's also a far superior representative for the cause of Individual liberty, her faith and for the fabric of the Republic itself than any of the quislings using the board to play the game they're playing with her will ever be. I imagine the most they've ever done in their lives is vote and pop their pie holes off on obscure message boards. And likely as far as they've traveled the world is Disney World or whatever.

Thanks so made my day. :smiliehug: And like I said yesterday, as someone who is liberty-minded you are very rare around here, because you're able to see past the propaganda and into what's really going on in the bigger picture and how it's going to affect us all. And btw you hit the nail on the head in your description of the vitriolic, mean-spirited, nasty loud-mouthed wingers. (to put it nicely) The last few weeks have proven exactly what you said, that they are just as rabidly statist as the leftists. In fact there's very little difference between neocons and neolibs, they are both statist dupes who are very useful to the corrupt globalist powers they don't even realize they're cheerleading for.
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They didn't ask for my vote. If Democrats got a bunch of votes then Jews got a bunch of votes and since Jews (in many cases) are light-skinned, they can also be bunched in with them who voted against "whites."

I find these people very problematic:

Democrats and light-skinned and Jewish:

It's one thing to be Jewish , just as it is to be Catholic

It's entirely another to be Zionist , just as it were if one were a terrorist

Thanks so made my day. :smiliehug: And like I said yesterday, as someone who is liberty-minded you are very rare around here, because you're able to see past the propaganda and into what's really going on in the bigger picture and how it's going to affect us all. And btw you hit the nail on the head in your description of the vitriolic, mean-spirited, nasty loud-mouthed wingers. (to put it nicely) The last few weeks have proven exactly what you said, that they are just as rabidly statist as the leftists. In fact there's very little difference between neocons and neolibs, they are both statist dupes who are very useful to the corrupt powers they don't even realize they're cheerleading for.
Hate to break the news to you when you are on a stupid rant, but you are in bed with the woke globalist leftists on this one.

I saw you disagreed with one of my posts. I’m reaching out to you because I respect you tremendously. And I’ve done the same thing with some of the other pro Israel posters but there’s nothing perhaps that can be said for them. They have insulted me nonstop even though I have never insulted them. All for having a position on Israel Palestine. And frankly, it doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s the Internet after all.

By the way, if you have an example of somebody making an anti-Semitic statement, please quote it and show it that way we can bring up the persons name and ask them if they are against Judaism or Jews in general, and we will have our answer.

so far the few pro Israel people who apparently hate me here have not been able to show any evidence of antisemitism on the usmb…. Thought crimes and thinking somebody might be anti-Semitic won’t cut it. We’re all adults here.

I cited a poll on the USMB… which asked people which group they think causes the most trouble Muslims got the most votes. Jews got zero votes. And perhaps 50 people participated in that poll. I haven’t checked it recently, but the numbers are astounding. And for anybody who voted for Muslims to complain about antisemitism is really laughable, it makes them look like crybabies.

I’m an Irish Catholic and I can handle people saying the nastiest things about Catholics. There has been a number of posters on the usmb who openly said very negative things about the pope and the Catholic Church… I’m not going to personally insult him. I can simply disagree with them and praise the Catholic Church.

So for the few fellow Americans on the usmb complaining about antisemitism while openly denigrating Muslims… they look bad. Its a free country learn how to deal with criticism of Israel. No group of people in this world is special. No country is free from criticism. We are all human.

But you could perhaps respect that the holy land is important to Muslims, Christians and Jews. And frankly it was owned by pagans for centuries. The Roman empire before the rise of Christianity.

I am an Irish Catholic and I have a deep and profound respect for the Irish Catholics and protestants of Irish history from 1798 and from the 20th century who engaged in various battles and wars against the English for freedom. But I know full well there are English people who might disagree with my position, and I understand that.

I respect a number of Zionists. I totally understand. There’s some Jewish people of the world who feel in their heart and soul a deep in profound connection to the holy land. Much like how Muslims and Catholics felt the same way, and many still due to this very day, when it comes to the holy land.

I saw you disagreed with one of my posts. I’m reaching out to you because I respect you tremendously. And I’ve done the same thing with some of the other pro Israel posters but there’s nothing perhaps that can be said for them. They have insulted me nonstop even though I have never insulted them. All for having a position on Israel Palestine. And frankly, it doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s the Internet after all.

By the way, if you have an example of somebody making an anti-Semitic statement, please quote it and show it that way we can bring up the persons name and ask them if they are against Judaism or Jews in general, and we will have our answer.

so far the few pro Israel people who apparently hate me here have not been able to show any evidence of antisemitism on the usmb…. Thought crimes and thinking somebody might be anti-Semitic won’t cut it. We’re all adults here.
Frank, the thing is, if you're anti-Isreal, you're an anti-sematic

Kinda like sayin' , if one is anti-MAGA, one is a terrorist


I saw you disagreed with one of my posts. I’m reaching out to you because I respect you tremendously. And I’ve done the same thing with some of the other pro Israel posters but there’s nothing perhaps that can be said for them. They have insulted me nonstop even though I have never insulted them. All for having a position on Israel Palestine. And frankly, it doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s the Internet after all.

By the way, if you have an example of somebody making an anti-Semitic statement, please quote it and show it that way we can bring up the persons name and ask them if they are against Judaism or Jews in general, and we will have our answer.

so far the few pro Israel people who apparently hate me here have not been able to show any evidence of antisemitism on the usmb…. Thought crimes and thinking somebody might be anti-Semitic won’t cut it. We’re all adults here.
I simply disagreed with what you said in that post. Possibly not even all of what you said.

I also think that you are naive when it comes to Jew hatred.

That's all there was to my disagreement. You are the master of yourself and your own thoughts.

That being said, I have been historically stewed in the anti-Semitic tropes and strawmen arguments and see them running rampant again.

I cited a poll on the USMB… which asked people which group they think causes the most trouble Muslims got the most votes. Jews got zero votes. And perhaps 50 people participated in that poll. I haven’t checked it recently, but the numbers are astounding. And for anybody who voted for Muslims to complain about antisemitism is really laughable, it makes them look like crybabies.

I’m an Irish Catholic and I can handle people saying the nastiest things about Catholics. There has been a number of posters on the usmb who openly said very negative things about the pope and the Catholic Church… I’m not going to personally insult him. I can simply disagree with them and praise the Catholic Church.

So for the few fellow Americans on the usmb complaining about antisemitism while openly denigrating Muslims… they look bad. Its a free country learn how to deal with criticism of Israel. No group of people in this world is special. No country is free from criticism. We are all human.

But you could perhaps respect that the holy land is important to Muslims, Christians and Jews. And frankly it was owned by pagans for centuries. The Roman empire before the rise of Christianity.

I am an Irish Catholic and I have a deep and profound respect for the Irish Catholics and protestants of Irish history from 1798 and from the 20th century who engaged in various battles and wars against the English for freedom. But I know full well there are English people who might disagree with my position, and I understand that.

I respect a number of Zionists. I totally understand. There’s some Jewish people of the world who feel in their heart and soul a deep in profound connection to the holy land. Much like how Muslims and Catholics felt the same way, and many still due to this very day, when it comes to the holy land.
You are very naive or you have skin in that game ... I go with skin in that game since you elucidate it so well. We are in today, historically speaking, Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Q'uran.

I have a Palestinian friend who lives in the west bank. You might have family in Israel. My Palestinian friend was a member of the Jewish community center and he worked with Jews in Israel.…. much of the western media is not giving people the full story.

There’s of course plenty of Jews, who support the idea of what you were stayed in the holy land by disagree with Israel’s policies. They are way more critical of Israel compared to my positions.

As you can see, there’s a few posters on the US message board out of preps thousands who hate me now. We used to always get along with each other but then the Israel Palestine thing came up in October and it’s really divided many people. It’s also united people from different sides of the political interestingly enough. But yes, I have not insulted any of the pro Israel people here but unfortunately, some of them hate me and they constantly make up lies about me, accuse me of thought crimes, and it is what it is. It’s the Internet it’s no big deal. I’m proud of my positions.

I have a Palestinian friend who lives in the west bank. You might have family in Israel. My Palestinian friend was a member of the Jewish community center and he worked with Jews in Israel.…. much of the western media is not giving people the full story.

There’s of course plenty of Jews, who support the idea of what you were stayed in the holy land by disagree with Israel’s policies. They are way more critical of Israel compared to my positions.

As you can see, there’s a few posters on the US message board out of preps thousands who hate me now. We used to always get along with each other but then the Israel Palestine thing came up in October and it’s really divided many people. It’s also united people from different sides of the political interestingly enough. But yes, I have not insulted any of the pro Israel people here but unfortunately, some of them hate me and they constantly make up lies about me, accuse me of thought crimes, and it is what it is. It’s the Internet it’s no big deal. I’m proud of my positions.
And I think that your position on this case is naive.

Whether you are proud of it or not.

It's much of a uniparty in America.


Here's Pelosi with four of her democrat buddies.

They are also all proud of their positions. :dunno:

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