Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.

There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votesā€¦. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, Iā€™ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I canā€™t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, Iā€™m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no waterā€¦.. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And thatā€™s it Have a nice day.
You just donā€™t like being called what you are. This passive aggressive thread is a fuck you to the people that call your antisemitism out. I sense your frustration and itā€™s pleasing. The fact that youā€™re posting in announcements and feedback just shows of desperation.
You just donā€™t like being called what you are. This passive aggressive thread is a fuck you to the people that call your antisemitism out. I sense your frustration and itā€™s pleasing. The fact that youā€™re posting in announcements and feedback just shows of desperation.
It's all very snug and offered safe in the knowledge that he and the others like him have the upper hand.
You just donā€™t like being called what you are. This passive aggressive thread is a fuck you to the people that call your antisemitism out. I sense your frustration and itā€™s pleasing. The fact that youā€™re posting in announcements and feedback just shows of desperation.
Yup, they want to be able to reveal their antisemitism as blatantly as they want, and then be able to criticize the Jews (or others) who call them out on it.

Did you SEE the 300,000-strong protest against antisemitism on the National Mall yesterday? We Jews are not going to quietly accept as the Jew-haters attempt to move America from 1938 Germany to 1940 Germany. And all good Christians will stand with us.
You just donā€™t like being called what you are. This passive aggressive thread is a fuck you to the people that call your antisemitism out. I sense your frustration and itā€™s pleasing. The fact that youā€™re posting in announcements and feedback just shows of desperation.
It's all about domination and pushing an agenda being played out on a global level

Just as post diaspora Jews were always a small minority living in enclaves within a large majority, Israel represents a tiny minority nation state among far more fast populations.

There are far more antisemites in the world than there are Jews, the facts of their numerical advantage used to full effect, and so people who are not particularly rational believe the voices of the vast majority instead of the tiny minority.
This is about antisemitismā€¦ Iā€™ve seen none of it on the entire US message board. Iā€™ve only seen a tiny fraction of all posters here on the usmb complain about ā€œantisemitismā€ if somebody criticized Israelā€¦

I havenā€™t seen one poster say all Jews are the enemy. Have you?

the same people calling folks antisemitic are also folks who criticize BLM and claim to support free speech. They should be embarrassed. It is literally the same tactics BLM supporters use calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with them a racist.

Hell I never thought I would see the day when some of my fellow Trump supporters turn into BLM type crybabies.

the challenge has been made and the demand is the accusers show proof. We need to see quotes ā€¦until then there is no antisemitism on the US message board.
What makes someone an anti-Semite?

Modern day ā€Jewsā€ arenā€™t Semitic, they are eastern European Ashkenazis.

Why would criticism of these Jews make one anti-Semitic? Arabs are Semitic. Christians worship Jesus who is Semitic born to a real Jewish/Semitic mother.

Itā€˜s an idiotic term meant to bludgeon anyone that dare criticizes Jews, Judaism, or Israel.
Did you SEE the 300,000-strong protest against antisemitism on the National Mall yesterday?

Yeah, the first thing the Governor did was trot out the expansion of government to curtail constitutional protections of free speech.

Are you proud of yourselves?

You are, aren't you.

I believe that I recall you were openly calling for the expansion of the federal government on the premise of creating a designated victim status group around here some place.

Of course, it's not the first time she's manipulated useful idiots to try to curtail the 1st.


A New York law aimed at regulating ā€œhateful conductā€ online was blocked by a judge. This law, signed by Governor Hochul, required social media networks to report and address hateful conduct, broadly defined as actions that vilify or incite violence based on various identity factors.

Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr. ruled that the law violated the First Amendment, emphasizing the importance of protecting even hateful speech. The court argued that the law not only restricted the speech of social media users but also compelled social media networks to adopt and endorse the stateā€™s definition of hateful conduct.

And, of course, Dick Cheney in three inch heels followed shortly thereafter (LIVE, in fact) with the same intent, except at the federal level, calling anonymous social media posts a ''national security threat,'' will force ''every person'' to be ''verified by their name.''


The founders of our Republic slit throats for less. But I doubt you would know very much at all about that...
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What makes someone an anti-Semite?

Modern day ā€Jewsā€ arenā€™t Semitic, they are eastern European Ashkenazis.

Why would criticism of these Jews make one anti-Semitic? Arabs are Semitic. Christians worship Jesus who is Semitic born to a real Jewish/Semitic mother.

Itā€˜s an idiotic term meant to bludgeon anyone that dare criticizes Jews, Judaism, or Israel.
Lol how does the word antisemite bludgeon anyone? If I called you a Jew hater does that somehow have a less effect? Lol
Itā€˜s an idiotic term meant to bludgeon anyone that dare criticizes Jews, Judaism, or Israel.

Or offend Lisa's feelings by speaking off-script of the designated narrative...

Screen Shot 28.jpg

Ironically, she 'forgot'' when asked for examples to support her frivolous claim. Heh heh heh.

It's humorous how arbitrarily that term gets invoked when any relevant dialogue beyond the designated narrative is contributed. By golly, it's just plain ''brutal'' to even think about doing such a thing.

Why, there oughtta be a law...

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Lol how does the word antisemite bludgeon anyone? If I called you a Jew hater does that somehow have a less effect? Lol
As in the fact it is used in the same way the left throws around the term ā€œracistā€ or some kind of ā€œphoneā€.

For example I do not consider Jews ā€œmy enemyā€, but I believe their modern religion is a perversion of ancient Judaism. I do not believe they are ā€œGodā€™s chosen peopleā€ or any of that nonsense.

As for ā€œZionist Israelā€, I am a nationalist and believe Jews have the right to have their own nation. They just need to learn to defend it themselves.
There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votesā€¦. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, Iā€™ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I canā€™t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, Iā€™m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no waterā€¦.. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And thatā€™s it Have a nice day.
You are an anti Semitic poster.
And all good Christians will stand with us.
Have Jews been standing with Christians all this time?

Seems to me like most Jews are leftwing Marxists, and do everything they can do attack Christians.

Yes, we stand against radical Islamists and believe they should be exported back to their own lands in the Middle East. But it would be nice if Jews stood up for Christians.
There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votesā€¦. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, Iā€™ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I canā€™t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, Iā€™m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no waterā€¦.. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And thatā€™s it Have a nice day.
Thank you! My issues are with the Israeli right. I fully support the Israeli left. Neocons are a different matter. I absolutely detest neocons!
OP is always posting things with an antisemitic slant. He doesn't fool anybody,
and he had no business posting this thread in Announcements and Feedback.
Agreed on both counts. Anybody who thinks he and many others at USMB have made no antisemitic posts certainly doesn't read well.
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Nice try.

It's not my claim. It's yours. Are you telling me you can't say why you said what you said? Or do you just say things for no apparent reason?
Iā€™m saying, ā€œwhy ask me why youā€™re a bigot?ā€œ

If you donā€™t know, maybe you should reconsider your views.

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