Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

Trump is emotionally unstable. He has exhibitied it continually in his tweets, & his pathological lying. There's nothing new about this you saw it throughout the campaign, only you thought he was joking. He wasn't joking.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
Overview of Personality Disorders - Psychiatric Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional
Pathological lying - Wikipedia

Someone who is emotionally unstable should not be POTUS. Trump has always been wholly unfit to be President.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Now we only get what he says publicly--I imagine congress and the Senate know a lot more about Trump than we do, and have witnessed a barrage of things he has said and done that we don't know about.


The 155 Craziest Things Trump Said This Election

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What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

Havn't you all figured out by now? Trump isnt Crazy, he's just from New York. Now Hillary on the other hand, she just pretends to be from New York. Now who is the crazy one?
Ms loudmouth Cecille should look up the definition of sundowner's. Then apply what you've learned to his erratic behavior and tweets mostly after dark.

Given that I'm no more Donald Trump's psychiatrist than you are, or Al Franken is, or any of those unprofessional and unethical doctors are, I have no reason to look up anything, since I will not be "applying" it to anything, since I will no more be actually diagnosing and treating him than any of those others will.

And at no point in time is ANY of this going to result in you leftists being able to wish away the election results. Once again, man up and deal with it.
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.
Trump's dysfunction is readily apparent to those who care to see it.

Every initiative he has put forth has either failed or is in the process of failing. Instead of putting his efforts into selling them to the American people and working closely with Congress to refine these initiatives, he instead finds it necessary to pursue inane twitter controversies.

Is that a fact, Dr. Freud? Where was it you received your psychiatric training, again? And why didn't they ever mention to you how unprofessional and unethical it is to diagnose people you've never even met?

Only a lunatic would choose to ignore his lunacy.

You are correct, and should stop ignoring your lunacy immediately, and seek help.

Meanwhile, neither of us is a psychiatrist, or even a doctor, and neither of us has even MET Trump, let alone treated him as a medical professional. And only a fool would presume to diagnose mental illness in someone they've never met, never seen a medical file on, and . . . oh yeah, without having any training in psychiatry.

Now, you certainly have the right to gas away and speculate uselessly, but you should understand that it has as much impact on the real world as everything else you say, ie. less than a taco fart.
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.

. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.
The question for Republicans is will Trump destroy the Republican party? The Republicans might decide to show the American people that they put America first and party second.
The question for Republicans is will Trump destroy the Republican party? The Republicans might decide to show the American people that they put America first and party second.

Been hearing that crap since Trump announced. They said he would destroy the GOP and cause them to lose the senate and possibly the house as well. The opposite happened. They were wrong then and you all are wrong now. The only ones who can destroy the GOP are the spineless RINOs who don't support the President.
Trump's dysfunction is readily apparent to those who care to see it.

Every initiative he has put forth has either failed or is in the process of failing. Instead of putting his efforts into selling them to the American people and working closely with Congress to refine these initiatives, he instead finds it necessary to pursue inane twitter controversies.

Is that a fact, Dr. Freud? Where was it you received your psychiatric training, again? And why didn't they ever mention to you how unprofessional and unethical it is to diagnose people you've never even met?

Only a lunatic would choose to ignore his lunacy.

thats what you were all told to believe. No one was calling Trump Crazy in the media until the election. That's because its an invention of the power structure who sees Trump as a threat to themselves.

No one needs to be told anything. It's self evident.
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.

. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.

Saying "they don't have the guts" implies that they might actually want to oust him. I see no reason to believe that they want to.
The question for Republicans is will Trump destroy the Republican party? The Republicans might decide to show the American people that they put America first and party second.

By following the wishes of a bunch of lunatic dimwits who couldn't even get enough agreement among the American people to win the election?
Trump's dysfunction is readily apparent to those who care to see it.

Every initiative he has put forth has either failed or is in the process of failing. Instead of putting his efforts into selling them to the American people and working closely with Congress to refine these initiatives, he instead finds it necessary to pursue inane twitter controversies.

Is that a fact, Dr. Freud? Where was it you received your psychiatric training, again? And why didn't they ever mention to you how unprofessional and unethical it is to diagnose people you've never even met?

Only a lunatic would choose to ignore his lunacy.

thats what you were all told to believe. No one was calling Trump Crazy in the media until the election. That's because its an invention of the power structure who sees Trump as a threat to themselves.

No one needs to be told anything. It's self evident.

In other words, you've got shit and you're just hoping people will believe you because you say it.
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.

. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.

Saying "they don't have the guts" implies that they might actually want to oust him. I see no reason to believe that they want to.
Right everyone wants a lying piece of garbage to represent them as president. Fortunately he is no longer the leader of the free world
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.

. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.

Saying "they don't have the guts" implies that they might actually want to oust him. I see no reason to believe that they want to.
Right everyone wants a lying piece of garbage to represent them as president. Fortunately he is no longer the leader of the free world

We're talking about politicians. Not sure they have a lot of choice in the matter of lying pieces of garbage. Be that as it may, are you outraged because you're trying to save people from the lying piece of garbage they elected, or because you're pissed that they DIDN'T elect the lying piece of garbage YOU offered them?
The democrats don't have the power to do it and the GOP doesn't have the guts.

. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.

Saying "they don't have the guts" implies that they might actually want to oust him. I see no reason to believe that they want to.
Right everyone wants a lying piece of garbage to represent them as president. Fortunately he is no longer the leader of the free world

We're talking about politicians. Not sure they have a lot of choice in the matter of lying pieces of garbage. Be that as it may, are you outraged because you're trying to save people from the lying piece of garbage they elected, or because you're pissed that they DIDN'T elect the lying piece of garbage YOU offered them?
You are the lying piece of garbage shytestain
. . . Or the GOP doesn't actually think there's a need to do it as yet.

They don't have the guts. For one thing, they know that Trump isn't crazy, they know that we know that the media and the left is full of shit. If they ousted Trump, they would all be out of a job in the next election.

Saying "they don't have the guts" implies that they might actually want to oust him. I see no reason to believe that they want to.
Right everyone wants a lying piece of garbage to represent them as president. Fortunately he is no longer the leader of the free world

We're talking about politicians. Not sure they have a lot of choice in the matter of lying pieces of garbage. Be that as it may, are you outraged because you're trying to save people from the lying piece of garbage they elected, or because you're pissed that they DIDN'T elect the lying piece of garbage YOU offered them?
You are the lying piece of garbage shytestain

Let me just pencil in some time to not give a shit what you think. How does the 6th of Piss Off sound to you?
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

You bed wetters have ZERO credibility as judges of mental stability when you keep trying to make your regressive policies "work". City after city in the US is going to shit, thanks to democrooks. States going bankrupt just trying to keep up with federal mandates, entire countries turned into nightmarish distopian hell holes. The world is watching oil rich venezuela on a mad dash down the shitter, and there are insipid drones like you advancing the same regressive idiocy over and over.

You're either weapons grade stupid, or batshit crazy. Then again look at some of the utter imbeciles you parasites elect over and over.

Let us return to the topic of the thread. "He did this, he didn't do that, I don't like this policy, I hate that proposal . . ." I don't care. Doesn't matter. Liking or disliking the man or his policies proves nothing either way about mental health. Likewise, the opinions of a bunch of biased, unethical doctors who've never met him, let alone treated him in a professional capacity, means nothing except that I certainly would not seek treatment from them for anything, and they should probably all be up in front of a medical review board.

The fact remains that the 25th Amendment provides only for a transition of power in the event the President is completely incapacitated, and it sets the bar extremely high on the definition of "incapacitated". Like it or not, holding political views that you disagree with or being a boorish ass in general do not qualify as "incapacitated". Even being an utterly abysmal President - if that were, in fact, to happen - does not qualify as "incapacitated". That would still require you to impeach him.

So the 25th Amendment is not going to provide you a clever little workaround to invalidate a legal election. If you can't deal with that, then I'd say it's not Donald Trump who has the mental illness.

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