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Congress Declares ISIS War on Christians to be Genocide; Something Obama Doesnt Have the Nerve for

Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.
Fine Turning? Sweetheart, you were tuned for the earth, not it for you.

Tell us, if little green men landed here, from across time and space, and they also believe in God, which one of you is made in the Image of God? The little green men able to traverse the universe in a a spaceship, or the naked apes who drop their pants to take a dump and still think indoor plumbing is a pretty neat thing (which a couple of billion or so still lack)?


Hi ya, God...
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The Christian belief is that Jesus died for your sins so you wouldn't have to.

But we are stillobligated to Obey Him.

Anyone who says that they have the love of God but does not live the life God calls them to live is a liar and a fraud.

Does the failure to obey revoke your right to be forgiven, and therefore saved?

No, it does not. It proves that there is no faith to start with.

If I steal bread, I have to become genuinely sorry for doing it, I must repent, make restitution, and then do it no more. As a Catholic I can also go to Confession and the Priest will council me and give me more acts of penance above these basic norms.

If I do not do this, then my faith is fraudulent. But genuine faith will do the penance, the restitution and live in the light that God gives us.

Protestants don't do penance, do they?

How do you know the Protestants are wrong?

Do you doubt that an omniscient God can spot the difference between true belief and belief that is feigned?

If you aren't lucky enough to be given the ability to believe the unbelievable, was that God's way of pre-determining your unfortunate fate of being denied salvation?

Some Protestants do and some dont. The New Testament tells us we need to do Penance, not necesarily a sacrament, but to rectify our damage we have done and to spiritually edify ourselves.

And yes, God knows the true heartfelt beliefs.

And you give yourself the ability to believe the completely believable by actually honestly looking into the facts of the matter.

Is God the only supernatural creature you believe in? What about Allah? What rational thought process allows you to conclude with intellectual certainty that Allah does not exist.

What about those Hindu gods? What thought process did you use to eliminate the possibility that they might all actually exist?
God loved Sodom even as He nuked it.

Then God is a dick.

No, he is not.

God is eternal and He knows that eventually all will be with Him in eternal peace and joy.

But some chose to take a harsher roll and try to drag down and corrupt everyone else they can.

God knew that it would be better for Sodom, its inhabitants and neighbors, if he destroyed them immediately so as to shorten their time in Hell and progress back to Paradise/Purgatory and into the Divine Presence of God.

In short, He did them a favor snuffing out their degenerate lives. But only God via His omniscience is able to make that call, not us.

He's still a dick.

If he is omniscient, then he knows all things. Thus, he knew of a way to deal with Sodom without killing anyone.

If he is all powerful, then he had the ability to deal with Sodom without killing anyone.

So, since he knew of a way to do it, and he had the ability to do it, he choose to do it because of his character. I.E. God is a dick.
The Christian belief is that Jesus died for your sins so you wouldn't have to.

But we are stillobligated to Obey Him.

Anyone who says that they have the love of God but does not live the life God calls them to live is a liar and a fraud.

Does the failure to obey revoke your right to be forgiven, and therefore saved?

No, it does not. It proves that there is no faith to start with.

If I steal bread, I have to become genuinely sorry for doing it, I must repent, make restitution, and then do it no more. As a Catholic I can also go to Confession and the Priest will council me and give me more acts of penance above these basic norms.

If I do not do this, then my faith is fraudulent. But genuine faith will do the penance, the restitution and live in the light that God gives us.

Protestants don't do penance, do they?

How do you know the Protestants are wrong?

Do you doubt that an omniscient God can spot the difference between true belief and belief that is feigned?

If you aren't lucky enough to be given the ability to believe the unbelievable, was that God's way of pre-determining your unfortunate fate of being denied salvation?

Some Protestants do and some dont. The New Testament tells us we need to do Penance, not necesarily a sacrament, but to rectify our damage we have done and to spiritually edify ourselves.

And yes, God knows the true heartfelt beliefs.

And you give yourself the ability to believe the completely believable by actually honestly looking into the facts of the matter.

Is the Biblically calculated age of Earth at about 6000 years a fact that I should be able to believe?
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?
Wrong, your reading comprehension sucks… Trust and obey have a lot more to do with it. Lol

Justification, in Christian theology, is God's act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while at the same time declaring a sinner righteous through Christ's atoning sacrifice. In Protestantism, righteousness from God is viewed as being credited to the sinner's account through faith alone, without works.
Anyone can "believe" in anyone and anything, say a fence post... Lol

But generally we say we believe in things that are not firmly established by repeatable testing.

I believe that the post exists in my back yard because I can go and cut it down if I want or hang laundry from a wire connected to it.

The Creator is much more difficult to grasp and requires an open heart and mind, which leaves libtards out.

Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.

Irrelevant gibberish.

Once you reject evidence as the basis for belief, you have rejected rational thinking. Once you reject rational thinking,
you have rejected the single most important core ability of the human brain.
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?
The question every four-year-old can ask, and no believer can answer...
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?

The Creator created time, so there is no 'before' the Creator.
I understand faith, trying to prove it is where all hell breaks loose which is why, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... you aren't supposed to try and prove it...
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?

The Creator created time, so there is no 'before' the Creator.
I love how the believers get the obvious wrong. Man created God, not the other way around, obviously, but somehow, no matter how many faiths have been created and destroyed over man's history, the faith of the believer is always, always, the One and Only True Faith.

By God that's convenient eh, and it almost, without exception, the very same faith they were raised in as children. Another remarkable coincidence...
By declaring what ISIS and other Islamic Extremists are doing 'Genocide', I am sure in Obama's mind, Congress just 'declared war' against him....

"The future must NOT belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
- Barry

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
- Barry

Easy is s funny little turd.....

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied. (Applause.)

Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims and Shiite pilgrims. It’s time to heed the words of Gandhi: "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit."

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly

Coil of Rage
Not the martyr for the cause ploy again.
As to your erroneous claim of being more educated then myself or anyone else is clear
Evidence that you aren't.
If you were , you'd not have to constantly bring it up.
Being well versed in bullshit doesn't change the fact that it's bullshit.
Not the martyr for the cause ploy again.
As to your erroneous claim of being more educated then myself or anyone else is clear
Evidence that you aren't.
If you were , you'd not have to constantly bring it up.
Being well versed in bullshit doesn't change the fact that it's bullshit.

Define"bullshit"...you mean stuff that your beloved "gubermint" hides from you? You need to be reminded that I have more knowledge than you and you couldn't win a debate with me on the best day that you ever had....but you are more than welcome to try......I am all about helping people wake up. You may hate me now, but you will be grateful later.
your bullshit needs no definition as it's extremely obvious.
it's your government too, your melodramatic denial just add to the delusionary nature of your constant need to repeat this mantra "You need to be reminded that I have more knowledge than you"-DS.
debate? we are debating now on your mental instability and you're losing.
hate you? :rofl::lmao:
hating takes time and commitment
you are not worth the effort
did like the touch of melodrama, the age old proclamation of you hate me now!
Unfortunately, this poster caught the contagious disease of politicalchicisitus. The symptoms are the persistent repeating of delusional statements of being smarter than everyone who challenges them, the use of unreliable links and sources to promote conspiracies and can be easily identified by their big heads and swollen shoulders caused from slapping themselves on the back.
Still waiting on you to (snicker) "challenge" me.....you can throw a rock in any direction in cyberville and hit a leftard with an over-inflated sense of self that has no clue about anything but their tribalism to a political party that ditched them a few decades ago but still clings to a failed ideology. So far, you haven't shown me diddly squat but a lot of worthless fool-fueled rants because I rattled your cage.......pisses ya off, no? Get use to it or use the "Ignore" feature"....Hope this helps!!!

You haven't rattled anyone's cage but your own. You simply are not taken seriously by the folks you try to impress. Your history is what I said it was, rants supported by unreliable sources from the conspiracy zone sprinkled with distortions of reality. You are unable to participate in discussions or debates adhering to minimal academic standards and hence, rely on that old lame standby excuse that you are so much more knowledgeable than everyone else that the world is unable to understand your logic and concepts. What that means, in reality, is that only those who have been brainwashed into the same beliefs and concepts as you can agree with your rants.

I beg to differ.....you can measure your ability to rattle cages by the amount of times you get attacked or have postings deleted exposing the fraud......I have had over 2,000 posts deleted on Yahoo alone for exposing the criminal central bank....you see, I know more than you. Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help.
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?

The Creator created time, so there is no 'before' the Creator.


The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future.
Time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with the three spatial dimensions.[8]
end of story.
Define"bullshit"...you mean stuff that your beloved "gubermint" hides from you? You need to be reminded that I have more knowledge than you and you couldn't win a debate with me on the best day that you ever had....but you are more than welcome to try......I am all about helping people wake up. You may hate me now, but you will be grateful later.
your bullshit needs no definition as it's extremely obvious.
it's your government too, your melodramatic denial just add to the delusionary nature of your constant need to repeat this mantra "You need to be reminded that I have more knowledge than you"-DS.
debate? we are debating now on your mental instability and you're losing.
hate you? :rofl::lmao:
hating takes time and commitment
you are not worth the effort
did like the touch of melodrama, the age old proclamation of you hate me now!
Unfortunately, this poster caught the contagious disease of politicalchicisitus. The symptoms are the persistent repeating of delusional statements of being smarter than everyone who challenges them, the use of unreliable links and sources to promote conspiracies and can be easily identified by their big heads and swollen shoulders caused from slapping themselves on the back.
Still waiting on you to (snicker) "challenge" me.....you can throw a rock in any direction in cyberville and hit a leftard with an over-inflated sense of self that has no clue about anything but their tribalism to a political party that ditched them a few decades ago but still clings to a failed ideology. So far, you haven't shown me diddly squat but a lot of worthless fool-fueled rants because I rattled your cage.......pisses ya off, no? Get use to it or use the "Ignore" feature"....Hope this helps!!!

You haven't rattled anyone's cage but your own. You simply are not taken seriously by the folks you try to impress. Your history is what I said it was, rants supported by unreliable sources from the conspiracy zone sprinkled with distortions of reality. You are unable to participate in discussions or debates adhering to minimal academic standards and hence, rely on that old lame standby excuse that you are so much more knowledgeable than everyone else that the world is unable to understand your logic and concepts. What that means, in reality, is that only those who have been brainwashed into the same beliefs and concepts as you can agree with your rants.

I beg to differ.....you can measure your ability to rattle cages by the amount of times you get attacked or have postings deleted exposing the fraud......I have had over 2,000 posts deleted on Yahoo alone for exposing the criminal central bank....you see, I know more than you. Learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help.
Belief in the Creator only requires the ability to believe in that for which there is no evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, such as the Infinite Regression Fallacy, the Big Bang, the Resurection and the Fine Tuning of the Universe.

If the existence of life requires a Creator, who was the required Creator of the living God who created life on earth?

The Creator created time, so there is no 'before' the Creator.
I love how the believers get the obvious wrong. Man created God, not the other way around, obviously, but somehow, no matter how many faiths have been created and destroyed over man's history, the faith of the believer is always, always, the One and Only True Faith.

By God that's convenient eh, and it almost, without exception, the very same faith they were raised in as children. Another remarkable coincidence...
Unlike Congress whose vote was based on subjective emotion and partisan fear, the State Department will base its determination based on objective facts and the law.

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