Congress or King.. ?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Who should settle the immigration headache once and for all..?

Should Democrats get their crap together and actually HELP get it done in Congress.?

.....or would they rather have King Trump decide on his own and continue using kids like pawns in their monotonous/divisive political games and such?
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Like the Muslim ban, like the DACA case, like the transgender in the military ban, the courts will stop this. America, thank God above, is not nor will it become, an Authoritarian state.
Like the Muslim ban, like the DACA case, like the transgender in the military ban, the courts will stop this. America, thank God above, is not nor will it become, an Authoritarian state.

So you're all in for King Trump..etc.?

... and you have a list of divisive topics that render you irreconcilable... ... :)
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Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

Grow up with your pussy boy excuses and deadbeat Democrat Congressmen

You know how it works, maybe... :lol:

..lock step voting Democrats in Congress so nothing gets accomplished but we hear plenty of monotonous whining for the next election.
Will they be allowed to vote on Feinstein's bill?

I'm not familiar with it..

Give us the short truthful version... :wink_2:

Of course you're not familiar with it, you've been told over and over again that Democrats don't want to do anything. Fire Tucker and Sean already, will ya'?

That's the short version... :lol:

Before I go through the trouble of reading it, how much support does it have?

Well, they haven't accomplished much, it's all about obstruction.. sheesh, pay attention..
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

Grow up with your pussy boy excuses and deadbeat Democrat Congressmen

You know how it works, maybe... :lol:

..lock step voting Democrats in Congress so nothing gets accomplished but we hear plenty of monotonous whining for the next election.
The fact that republicans hold the house, senate, and presidency is an excuse? It's reality dude.
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

Grow up with your pussy boy excuses and deadbeat Democrat Congressmen

You know how it works, maybe... :lol:

..lock step voting Democrats in Congress so nothing gets accomplished but we hear plenty of monotonous whining for the next election.
The fact that republicans hold the house, senate, and presidency is an excuse? It's reality dude.

Sure it's reality but who do Democrat Congressmen represent, just Democrats, all other Americans simply don't matter, even illegals have more representation.?

Should we just forget that they're legislators and accept them as do nothing deadbeats or worse...:popcorn:
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Will they be allowed to vote on Feinstein's bill?

I'm not familiar with it..

Give us the short truthful version... :wink_2:

Of course you're not familiar with it, you've been told over and over again that Democrats don't want to do anything. Fire Tucker and Sean already, will ya'?

That's the short version... :lol:

Before I go through the trouble of reading it, how much support does it have?

Well, they haven't accomplished much, it's all about obstruction.. sheesh, pay attention..

All Democrats in the senate have signed onto it. As of now it's the bill that has the most support because Republicans can't decide what the best remedy is for the asshole you guys put in the White House.
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

They started it....actually, he started it and he could end it all on his own.
I mean this is reality, no hiding it, and it is still others fault somehow.

Yep. I tell ya', and I'm going to go off topic here, but I'm exhausted. Not just by this latest move, to attack those who have the very, very least. Not just immigrants, but children and they don't care.

I'm exhausted that their political philosophy is to hate, loathe and dismiss anything remotely different from themselves. How can a party govern this way? Sure, there are deep political divides and both sides can go over the top and say idiotic things, it's politics after all, as much about policy as it is sport. But this is different, I hope that my views have been perversely skewed by this board and I'm not seeing our country as it really is but I'm just not sure anymore. fuck.
Like the Muslim ban, like the DACA case, like the transgender in the military ban, the courts will stop this. America, thank God above, is not nor will it become, an Authoritarian state.

So you're all in for King Trump..etc.?

... and you have a list of divisive topics that render you irreconcilable... ... :)
Hardly! The courts are the only brakes on this runaway Trump Train! He does not only not want to be regarded as the Leader of the Free World, he wants to eliminate freedom right here.
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

Wasn’t it the democrats that blamed the republicans when the democrats controlled the Hous and the Senate during the Obama administration? Why is this different?
Republicans hold a majority in the house, senate, and have the presidency. It is up to republicans, stop blaming others.

They started it....actually, he started it and he could end it all on his own.
I mean this is reality, no hiding it, and it is still others fault somehow.

Yep. I tell ya', and I'm going to go off topic here, but I'm exhausted. Not just by this latest move, to attack those who have the very, very least. Not just immigrants, but children and they don't care.

I'm exhausted that their political philosophy is to hate, loathe and dismiss anything remotely different from themselves. How can a party govern this way? Sure, there are deep political divides and both sides can go over the top and say idiotic things, it's politics after all, as much about policy as it is sport. But this is different, I hope that my views have been perversely skewed by this board and I'm not seeing our country as it really is but I'm just not sure anymore. fuck.
Never give up dude. This far right authoritarian shit is not normal and we cannot let it become normal. Our voices are important.

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