Congress seeks to rescind Medals of Honor

Yeah, as opposed to republic pols selling theirs.
At some point we have to stop hating our nation. The same one where most live better than many people in the world. The pursuit of happiness has been muddied by corrupted politicians who make any problem seem much worse.
Not only should the soldiers lose their medals but they should be posthumously dishonorably discharged. They gunned down hundreds of unarmed people including dozens of children. They were, every last man, disgraces to this country and the uniforms they wore.
What would that accomplish?
What would it hurt?

Congress should be doing things that serve some purpose. They have offloaded huge amounts of their responsibility onto executive agencies so they can spend their time renaming post offices and worrying about medals people who have been dead for over 100 years got 150 years ago?
They should also strip Custer of his rank and decoration over all the women and children he and his terrorists murdered.
Same thing that tearing down conservative monument accomplishes. It ends the honoring of trash.
LOL. Suddenly the monuments of Confederate Generals who were most definitely not Republican and Conservative are "conservative monuments"

But to your point at least the statue is there and people are aware of it's existence so tearing it down serves some purpose. 99.9999% of Americans including you and everyone else on this board had zero clue these men even existed let alone received CMoH's for Wounded Knee. Im willing to bet 98% (that's likely a low percentage honestly) of American's couldn't tell you what the Massacre of Wounded Knee was even now. Im willling to bet YOU didnt know either prior to this bill being pass or maybe even this thread being started.
Food is sky high? Sounds like a beanstalk story.

I just filled up for $3.65/GAL so.....

What are deportations per month?
May wanna back off that.

Oil is about to freak out again.

Also, if Biden isn't responsible for gas prices, then he has nothing to do with this.
LOL. Suddenly the monuments of Confederate Generals who were most definitely not Republican and Conservative are "conservative monuments"

But to your point at least the statue is there and people are aware of it's existence so tearing it down serves some purpose. 99.9999% of Americans including you and everyone else on this board had zero clue these men even existed let alone received CMoH's for Wounded Knee. Im willing to bet 98% (that's likely a low percentage honestly) of American's couldn't tell you what the Massacre of Wounded Knee was even now. Im willling to bet YOU didnt know either prior to this bill being pass or maybe even this thread being started.
The democrats were the conservative party back then.
Congress should be doing things that serve some purpose. They have offloaded huge amounts of their responsibility onto executive agencies so they can spend their time renaming post offices and worrying about medals people who have been dead for over 100 years got 150 years ago?
It matters. Not to you obviously but it matters.
It matters. Not to you obviously but it matters.
Who does it matter to? The .0001% of the population that had any idea what the Massacre at Wounded Knee was prior to last week or the .001% of the population that knows what the Massacre at Wounded Knee is now?

And explain how it matters? What changes? How is the country demonstratively better due to this bill? How are the people who were involved in the incident better off?
Congress is proposing to rescind Medals of Honor awarded to 20 soldiers who participated in the Wounded Knee Massacre

Long overdue for rewarding Genocide

Glad they are on top of this. Meanwhile, inflation continues to grow, we are probably already in a recession, and the world is on the brink of another world war, maybe this time with nuclear weapons. People can't afford rent, gas, groceries, or anything else. Maybe the government just needs the metal in the medals. Do we even know where they are?
Not to those who lost family members.
No one who is alive lost a family member they ever met. They didnt "lose" anything as the person who was killed had no real connection other than through DNA to anyone currently breathing.

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