Congress seeks to rescind Medals of Honor

How did TDS get involved in the discussion? The subject is the withdraw of MOH awards to racist government agents who allegedly murdered a village of Native American people during the "Indian Wars" of the 1870's in order to convince Native American Indians to comply with U.S. government demands. Col. Tippet was awarded the 2nd highest medal for incinerating a hundred times more women and children in a single Hiroshima bomb in 1945 to force native Japanese people to comply with U.S. government demands. What's the difference?
This is nothing but propaganda. Don't they know over half the country thinks( knows) Trump was cheated?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The subject is the withdraw of MOH awards to racist government agents who allegedly murdered a village of Native American people during the "Indian Wars" of the 1870's in order to convince Native American Indians to comply with U.S. government demands.
A lot wrong with this post. First it didn't 'allegedly' happen. It DID happen. Second, it had nothing to do with a war or even a battle. It was a massacre. A massacre of hundreds of innocent women and children. The U.S. government demands you speak of was our refusal to stop dancing. Wovoka, or Jack Wilson as he became known as because we were given 'American' names (not allowed to use our names in the land of the free), founded the 2nd Ghost Dance movement. The government forbade this. We believed the Ghost Dance would render us impenetrable to the white man's bullets and would raise all the dead warriors so that we could kill off our oppressors.
For this the government gave the soldiers medals.
A lot wrong with this post. First it didn't 'allegedly' happen. It DID happen. Second, it had nothing to do with a war or even a battle. It was a massacre. A massacre of hundreds of innocent women and children. The U.S. government demands you speak of was our refusal to stop dancing. Wovoka, or Jack Wilson as he became known as because we were given 'American' names (not allowed to use our names in the land of the free), founded the 2nd Ghost Dance movement. The government forbade this. We believed the Ghost Dance would render us impenetrable to the white man's bullets and would raise all the dead warriors so that we could kill off our oppressors.
For this the government gave the soldiers medals.

The question isnt if we were making this decision today would we award these men the CMoH, we clearly would not. The only issue I and I think most people have with this is why do we even care about this issue? Everyone involved has long since died as have their children, their children's children, and their children's, children's, children. What's the point? That viewed though the lens of modern society people in the past did really horrible things? That's breaking news....
Not only should the soldiers lose their medals but they should be posthumously dishonorably discharged. They gunned down hundreds of unarmed people including dozens of children. They were, every last man, disgraces to this country and the uniforms they wore.

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