Congress shall make no law ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
What law have they passed? Oh wait, this isn't another lie is it?

That you posted my OP and responded to it, suggests to me your don't have the ability to comprehend the written word and can't write effectively.

Try again:
  1. Read the post slowly and look for the single word "NOT"
  2. Next fix the syntax and instead of asking "What laws have they passed" change they to be The Congress, if that is what you meant.
  3. Then, and only then, consider the meaning of the Bill of Rights and how well Trump has considered the spirit in which they were passed***.
***The only one of the Bill of Rights Trump has shown any support for is the Second, and only then to get the vote of the NRA and its members. I doubt he's ever owned or shot a gun, demagoguery is his game.
Typical libtard 6th grade rhetoric.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
You are clearly an imbecile. Fuk the disrespectful turds in the NFL. Fire them all!
I watched the start of the Patriots/Houston game. NO ONE is saluting the flag now. I think this kind of boomeranged on the dotard.
Speaking of dotards, just wait until the attendance is so low they can't sustain it.
Nah, real football fans may gripe about it at the tailgates, but it won't stop them. I know some. Ain't gonna happen. Of course, there ARE real reasons that attendance at pro sports generally is going down, but it isn't because some of the players are taking a knee.

So, you don't think any working people are put off by the fact that privileged multimillionaires are showing disrespect for the country that provided the platform for their being so wealthy and performed with the intent of supporting a form of racism geared towards promoting unfettered criminality in a certain segment of the population?
I don't think avid football fans are going to stop watching because some of the players are making a political statement by taking a knee. So, no, I don't think working people who actually are football fans will stop. At least not the vast majority of them. If you want to, go ahead.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

How is it you make OP when your position is exactly the opposite?


Let me know when you support what the founding fathers did and are ready to back it up with your life.

Until then, GFY.

I think seditious turds such as yourself ought to be hanged.
You are clearly an imbecile. Fuk the disrespectful turds in the NFL. Fire them all!
I watched the start of the Patriots/Houston game. NO ONE is saluting the flag now. I think this kind of boomeranged on the dotard.
Speaking of dotards, just wait until the attendance is so low they can't sustain it.
Nah, real football fans may gripe about it at the tailgates, but it won't stop them. I know some. Ain't gonna happen. Of course, there ARE real reasons that attendance at pro sports generally is going down, but it isn't because some of the players are taking a knee.

So, you don't think any working people are put off by the fact that privileged multimillionaires are showing disrespect for the country that provided the platform for their being so wealthy and performed with the intent of supporting a form of racism geared towards promoting unfettered criminality in a certain segment of the population?
I don't think avid football fans are going to stop watching because some of the players are making a political statement by taking a knee. So, no, I don't think working people who actually are football fans will stop. At least not the vast majority of them. If you want to, go ahead.


You may not think, yet that may not be how it goes down.

UnAmerican bullshit is UnAmerican bullshit.

Some people would rather tweak their carburetors.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I am glad you are a strict supporter of the Constitution.

Deport all illegals, as is outlined in the Constitution. Happy to have you on board.
Trump's call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the Bill of Rights which have been defended by most American's alive or deceased for over 200 years.
Seriously? You honestly think that the president expressing an opinion constitutes a high crime and that it is an inherent disrespect of the constitution? You equate the exercise of a right with disrespecting it? That is about a convoluted thought as can possibly be.

I can stand by stating that what Trump did was WRONG because I do not think that the president should be getting involved in such bullshit matters. Your position is, however, completely nuts.
Trump's call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the Bill of Rights which have been defended by most American's alive or deceased for over 200 years.

You're completely bugfuck mad. Seek mental health assistance.

He made a casual aside. Expressed an opinion.

You DO realize the 1st guarantees free speech FOR ALL, yes? You DO realize it does not preclude private consequences for said speech, yes?

  1. I'm not President of the United States,
  2. And my right to speak my mind is restricted
  • I can't yell fire in a crowded theater
  • I can't call in a bomb scare
Thus we can conclude you are the "completely bugfuck mad" person and in need of much more than mental health treatment, unless it required anti psychotic drugs since your sense of reality is an alternative one, unique to you.
Trump's call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the Bill of Rights which have been defended by most American's alive or deceased for over 200 years.

You're completely bugfuck mad. Seek mental health assistance.

He made a casual aside. Expressed an opinion.

You DO realize the 1st guarantees free speech FOR ALL, yes? You DO realize it does not preclude private consequences for said speech, yes?

  1. I'm not President of the United States,
  2. And my right to speak my mind is restricted
  • I can't yell fire in a crowded theater
  • I can't call in a bomb scare
Thus we can conclude you are the "completely bugfuck mad" person and in need of much more than mental health treatment, unless it required anti psychotic drugs since your sense of reality is an alternative one, unique to you.
You can yell fire in a crowded theater.
You can call in a bomb scare.
You are clearly an imbecile. Fuk the disrespectful turds in the NFL. Fire them all!
I watched the start of the Patriots/Houston game. NO ONE is saluting the flag now. I think this kind of boomeranged on the dotard.
Speaking of dotards, just wait until the attendance is so low they can't sustain it.
Nah, real football fans may gripe about it at the tailgates, but it won't stop them. I know some. Ain't gonna happen. Of course, there ARE real reasons that attendance at pro sports generally is going down, but it isn't because some of the players are taking a knee.

So, you don't think any working people are put off by the fact that privileged multimillionaires are showing disrespect for the country that provided the platform for their being so wealthy and performed with the intent of supporting a form of racism geared towards promoting unfettered criminality in a certain segment of the population?
I don't think avid football fans are going to stop watching because some of the players are making a political statement by taking a knee. So, no, I don't think working people who actually are football fans will stop. At least not the vast majority of them. If you want to, go ahead.

You support state enforced racism, so may be under the impression that others are just like you, but you are quite wrong in that.

Trump is a loudmouthed jerk who has no business being president, but the reason he is president is that he tapped into the very same nerve with which the nfl has now aligned itself.

You underestimate the degree of opposition to your extreme authoritarianism and support for any and all racism by people of color directed against the white majority.

People ARE saying "fuck it" and putting their money where there mouths are. Sports are SUPPOSED to be fun and entertaining. Now, it's just the same old heavy- handed crap getting crammed down people's throats.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

How is it you make OP when your position is exactly the opposite?


Let me know when you support what the founding fathers did and are ready to back it up with your life.

Until then, GFY.

I think seditious turds such as yourself ought to be hanged.

You DO! I would think you would prefer ovens for people like me. BTW, Mary, do you mind that I call you Mary? Not that I care, a sissy like you should be called Mary, it fits.

Hmmm, you want me to back "it" with my life (by that I suspect you meant to write the Constitution of the United States, which you would have done had you ever attended college and taken freshman comp and expository writing - but I digress) which I have on three occasions:
  • When I enlisted in the US Navy (1967)
  • When I secured first job as a LE Officer (1972)
  • When I was assigned as a technical assistant with the Federal Dept of Justice (1988).
And you Mary, when did you join the Women's Army Corp?
Trump's call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the Bill of Rights which have been defended by most American's alive or deceased for over 200 years.

You're completely bugfuck mad. Seek mental health assistance.

He made a casual aside. Expressed an opinion.

You DO realize the 1st guarantees free speech FOR ALL, yes? You DO realize it does not preclude private consequences for said speech, yes?


No, you claimed Trump's call for suspension of sons of bitches is a high crime. That's not an opinion, that's madness.

I can't yell fire in a crowded theater

You can, but you will be held responsible for any panic/injuries/damage that result from your speech.

Conversely, if the audience laughs and throws popcorn at you, there will be no consequences.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course Congress has not (yet!) done so, but the words of The President since Friday show the total disrespect he has for our Constitution and the spirit in which it was founded.

Clearly, his call for the suspension of any NFL player - one of whom he called and SOB - is a high crime and a complete disregard for the First Amendment and the rule of law.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Nothing in your post supports your conclusion.
What happens when the Supreme Court or federal judges decide to legislate from the bench? "Congress shall make no law preventing the free exercise of religion" but a Justice found the "separation of church and state" which did not exist in the Constitution and the next thing you know jack booted federal thugs were hammering the Ten Commandments off a court house wall and a federal judge ordered a Korean War monument bulldozed because some agnostic a-hole was offended by a 40 ft Cross. When the Court found a concept of "privacy" that did not appear in the Constitution to justify the murder of the unborn it was fine with the left.

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