Congressional Panel: Put planned parenthood officials in jail for selling aborted baby parts


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Congressional Panel: Put Planned Parenthood Officials in Jail For Selling Aborted Baby Parts
Congressional panel sent letter to Texas Attorney General indicating PP affiliate may have violated both state and federal law when it sold the body parts of aborted babies

A special Congressional panel that has been investigating the Planned Parenthood abortion business and others for selling the body parts of aborted babies has recommended that an additional 15 entities be potentially criminally prosecuted for their actions.
Below is an excerpt from the letter the Congressional committee sent to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton:

The more dirt that comes out on this crooked corporation and that's all it is, the more and more people will wake up and catch onto what p.p. has been about all along.
The fact that they have bee labeled as " Helping Women" it's only been a cover, a cover to fool people into their support of killing those without a voice.
They've used every fabricated line there is to use in order to spread the Eugenics esp. among the black communities. Many blacks are finally picking up on this. Most never pay attention to where these places are located but most often they are placed in or near poor black neighborhoods.
Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
But they cheered a law in Texas or somewhere requiring clinics to incinerate fetuses and toss them in the dumpster.
Labs sell the parts for scientific research not PP or other abortion clinics.
It is donated tissue otherwise it would be incinerated.
We donate organs, blood and body parts, even a whole body, why should this tissue be any different.

A woman does not have to donate, it is her choice

It has been used for almost 100 yrs and saved countless lives. It was essential in the testing of the polio vaccine. Now it is used in stem cell research for people with paralysis and parkinson's.
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Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
Just like animals when nobody wants to adopt them just kill it right. Throw it into a dumpster.
After all that is the subliminal indoctrinated messages taught.
Human life is pretty much not worth a damn thing. Hmmm no wonder.
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Labs sell the parts for scientific research not PP or other abortion clinics.
It is donated tissue otherwise it would be incinerated.
We donate organs, blood and body parts, even a whole body, why should this tissue be any different.

A woman does not have to donate, it is her choice

It has been used for almost 100 yrs and saved countless lives. It was essential in the testing of the polio vaccine. Now it is used in stem cell research for people with paralysis and parkinson's.

Which when we use human tissue be it to eat it , or inject it there is a subliminal form of canabalisim going on. Also humans all through time were not meant to ingest other humans the body does some kind of weird thing when it's done. I can't put my finger on that right at this moment.
Vaccines also contain poisons we are told not to ingest and if so call poison control yet they tell people it's safe because it oh small doses of it. lol

Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
Just like animals when nobody wants to adopt them just kill it right. Throw it into a dumpster.
After all that is the subliminal indoctrinated messages taught.
Human life is pretty much not worth a damn thing. Hmmm no wonder.

Woman's life is priority. Till it is viable outside the womb, it is the woman who decides.
You should not know who has an abortion due to privacy rights a woman can have a home abortion in the first three months with no medical records at all.
If she wants to donate the tissue from a clinical abortions that should be her choice. Otherwise the tissue might as well be casually dumped in the trash. Donated, it might save lives, same as donating organs, though less directly.

At home it would be flushed down the sewer or tossed with the rest of the garbage.
Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
Just like animals when nobody wants to adopt them just kill it right. Throw it into a dumpster.
After all that is the subliminal indoctrinated messages taught.
Human life is pretty much not worth a damn thing. Hmmm no wonder.

Woman's life is priority. Till it is viable outside the womb, it is the woman who decides.
You should not know who has an abortion due to privacy rights a woman can have a home abortion in the first three months with no medical records at all.
If she wants to donate the tissue from a clinical abortions that should be her choice. Otherwise the tissue might as well be casually dumped in the trash. Donated, it might save lives, same as donating organs, though less directly.

At home it would be flushed down the sewer or tossed with the rest of the garbage.

The problem is most of the women DON'T know they are not informed.
Woman's life is a priority has been falsely pushed.
Your medical records are not private any longer, your information is sold, it is also used against you as a cost that of course is hidden information..

Woman Sues Abortion Clinic That Donated Her Aborted Baby’s Body for Research Without Her Consent
Woman Sues Abortion Clinic That Donated Her Aborted Baby’s Body for Research Without Her Consent
So if an unborn baby is not considered a LIVING LIFE, then police should not present charges for " TWO LIVES" ...........just one when it involves a pregnant woman.

real logic there.
Better to use the organs rather than just letting them decompose.
As for abortion in general, the matter should be up to each state. If California for example, is pro-choice, that should be their state's decision and if Texas is pro-life (excuse me, pro-birth, not really pro-life), then that should be their choice.
The so-called pro-life crowd is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses and isn't interested in taking care of the infant once it's spit out of the uterus and is definitely not pro-life when it comes to criminals and enemies.
Just like animals when nobody wants to adopt them just kill it right. Throw it into a dumpster.
After all that is the subliminal indoctrinated messages taught.
Human life is pretty much not worth a damn thing. Hmmm no wonder.

Woman's life is priority. Till it is viable outside the womb, it is the woman who decides.
You should not know who has an abortion due to privacy rights a woman can have a home abortion in the first three months with no medical records at all.
If she wants to donate the tissue from a clinical abortions that should be her choice. Otherwise the tissue might as well be casually dumped in the trash. Donated, it might save lives, same as donating organs, though less directly.

At home it would be flushed down the sewer or tossed with the rest of the garbage.

The problem is most of the women DON'T know they are not informed.
Woman's life is a priority has been falsely pushed.
Your medical records are not private any longer, your information is sold, it is also used against you as a cost that of course is hidden information..

Woman Sues Abortion Clinic That Donated Her Aborted Baby’s Body for Research Without Her Consent
Woman Sues Abortion Clinic That Donated Her Aborted Baby’s Body for Research Without Her Consent
fyi, that was NOT Planned Parenthood.
Labs sell the parts for scientific research not PP or other abortion clinics.
It is donated tissue otherwise it would be incinerated.
We donate organs, blood and body parts, even a whole body, why should this tissue be any different.

A woman does not have to donate, it is her choice

It has been used for almost 100 yrs and saved countless lives. It was essential in the testing of the polio vaccine. Now it is used in stem cell research for people with paralysis and parkinson's.

Which when we use human tissue be it to eat it , or inject it there is a subliminal form of canabalisim going on. Also humans all through time were not meant to ingest other humans the body does some kind of weird thing when it's done. I can't put my finger on that right at this moment.

communionis the body and blood of a man?

In small quantities people can drink blood and in some parts of the world flesh is eaten. Some for ritual, some for survival.

Some religions object to organ donation but it is becoming quite commonplace now. Some object to blood transfusions, but they save lives.

Some object to vaccines, but some began with testing on fetal cells.

If you object, don't have an abortion, don't donate tissue and don't accept any treatment to save your life that used fetal cells. That is your personal choice. For others, they should decide for themselves.

Dissections used to be both immoral and illegal, but we would have no modern medicine without them. They are still vital teaching tools and common place both for students and to determine cause of death. Any tissue removed in surgery is tested routinely.

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