Congressional Repubs acting like feckless douches, who would have guessed?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., whose home state is one of the hardest-hit by the disease’s outbreak.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment. It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting frontline workers, like nurses, during crises like the coronavirus.

The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”
I've been reading that hospitals in heavily impacted areas are at a point where they will not be able to make payroll soon or afford to buy needed supplies without governmental assistance. I'm not saying certain industries shouldn't get aid, I think they should if all options have been exhausted in the private market. Boeing, for example, (putting aside their culpability for the Max problems) is tremendously important to the overall economy because of all the components that go in to assembling a jetliner. They are so big shutting down production has the potential to hurt GDP by a few tenths of a percent. But we can not short change the medical facilities providing like saving care to thousands of people. Give them what they need for goodness sake.
This cannot be a repeat of 2008 when the working class got left out in the cold. Big corporations and rich people have enormous borrowing power and should bail themselves out, at least in the short term. Critical health infrastructure, small business and paycheck-to-paycheck families must take precedence. Everything must be done to keep people in their homes, fed and the lights on or there will be no economy to restart when this is over.
This cannot be a repeat of 2008 when the working class got left out in the cold. Big corporations and rich people have enormous borrowing power and should bail themselves out, at least in the short term. Critical health infrastructure, small business and paycheck-to-paycheck families must take precedence. Everything must be done to keep people in their homes, fed and the lights on or there will be no economy to restart when this is over.
We weren't just left out in the cold, we paid for the reckless behavior of the big banks while no corporate officers who put the nation's economy at risk were held accountable.
With this bill it's more a matter of where the priorities lie. It's a classic partisan divide, Repubs leaning towards big business with Dems leaning towards the common man. In this instance that includes the first line of defense, medical facilities.

“Now, let me be clear: the Majority Leader was well aware of how this vote would go before it happened, but he chose to move forward with it anyway—even though negotiations are continuing, so who’s playing games?” Schumer asked, before adding a hopeful note: “Can we overcome the remaining disagreements in the next twenty-four hours? Yes. We can and we should. The nation demands it.”
According to reports the bill had BIPARTISAN support until Pelosi showed up.
Have you read the bill Berg or just your government issued talking points?
What reports would those be? Ones on Faux?
Interviews with Senators on any channel as well as articles in the NYT.
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
Pelosi just has to be the queen bee at the center of everything.
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
So you're good with handing over 500 BILLION to corporations with no oversight?

Short changing medical care?

Are you serious
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
So you're good with handing over 500 BILLION to corporations with no oversight?

Short changing medical care?

Are you serious
Of course I'm not good with that. I have expressed as much on MULTIPLE occasions.
I'm just not gullible enough to believe everything I read or hear on face value. I have not seen the bill, have YOU?
And the vote they sabotaged was to PROCEED TO DEBATE, you know, where they negotiate the particulars.

Think for yourself.
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
So you're good with handing over 500 BILLION to corporations with no oversight?

Short changing medical care?

Are you serious

I'm GOP and have no problem with more oversight.
I don't want Trump and Mnuchin to have a multi-$trillion slush fund.
I'm not a fan of the tax cuts w/o spending cuts either.

Medical care??? How are the single-payer healthcare systems in the EU working? Hint: they suck.
"I am a military service and war veteran. People who know I have served go out of their way to thank me for my service and I appreciate their regard every time.

Now, however, I call on all of you to thank every health-care worker and all frontline workers (pharmacy, grocery, take-out, gasoline, etc.) to thank them for their service. They are likely more frightened than you are of the virus and its fallout on their financial lives. These people are risking their personal health — and the health of the people they love — for you."

They deserve our gratitude and the financial assistance they need to continue their work caring for the sick. C'mon Repubs, do the right thing for once.
I have not sat through a single Trump presser since this started so blow me
Trump presser? You mean like those impromptu Q&A's out on the lawn as the Golfer-in-Chief makes his way to the helicopter for another 36 holes in FL? The ones when he lies his fat ass off?
Please don't pretend not to be the drooling sycophant you are. I'm familiar with your posts.
As for your lewd request, I'll pass. Maybe you can find some toothless ho to pay for that service.
I have not sat through a single Trump presser since this started so blow me
Trump presser? You mean like those impromptu Q&A's out on the lawn as the Golfer-in-Chief makes his way to the helicopter for another 36 holes in FL? The ones when he lies his fat ass off?
Please don't pretend not to be the drooling sycophant you are. I'm familiar with your posts.
As for your lewd request, I'll pass. Maybe you can find some toothless ho to pay for that service.
He is on tv for an hour or more EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don't watch ANY of it.
You have no argument with me but you're too stupid to realize it
According to reports the bill had BIPARTISAN support until Pelosi showed up.
Have you read the bill Berg or just your government issued talking points?
What reports would those be? Ones on Faux?
Interviews with Senators on any channel as well as articles in the NYT.
Their biggest sticking point from the interviews I've seen is oversight on the corporate money. Not the money itself but the management of it.
Pelosi just has to be the queen bee at the center of everything.
hey gramps how'd you like to go to a hospital with no one to take care of you?

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