Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

yeah, the various econ theories aside, back when I was in HS and got min wage, or near it, I got raises when it went up. So, even if the economists who argue against it are right, which I doubt, it's simply a political loser positon unless you're in a district that is dominated by older white people on soc sec or in the top 20%.

you were getting raises because the economy was growing, the unemployment was low and if you were a good worker, you were appreciated.
Now we have economy in stagnation, extremely high unemployment rate and one worker can be substituted by 10 others any second he is fired.

The minimum wage is not going to be raised in such conditions and should not.
because it will cause just more misery to those whom it is supposed to help.

Making the economy grow, stimulate jobs creation - THAT is going to raise the minimum wage by itself.

Are you sure?
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery
The job market may be gradually improving, but the gains aren't showing up in worker's paychecks.
And the resulting belt-tightening continues to weigh on an economy heavily dependent on consumer spending.
Wages for those at the very bottom of the income ladder have been falling, in real terms, for the past 45 years. Despite periodic increases, the current federal minimum wage — adjusted for inflation — has about the same buying power as it did in the 1950s.
In better times, that so-called "wealth effect" might have helped spur consumer spending as households see the benefits of those rising markets in their retirement savings or home equity. But because so many of those households saw their homes repossessed or savings accounts wiped out, the impact of the wealth effect has been muted.
Meanwhile, wealthy households tend to spend a smaller portion of their overall income than those at the bottom of the income ladder living paycheck to paycheck.
That means that less of the overall growth in national income is flowing back into the economy in the form of demand.
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery - NBC

The last three recessions have last longer than previous recession because of the flat wages since the 1980s. (See chart below) Is it some kind of weird consistence? It's a no brainer for people who understand economics and the structure of the American economy.


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don't lie.

tax cuts were ACROSS THE BOARD and yes, tax cuts DO create jobs and help get economy out of the recession - as it happened with the Clinton's recession left to Bush.
It was short-lived EXACTLY because of the Bush economy policies, including the tax cuts ACROSS THE BOARD.
yeah, the various econ theories aside, back when I was in HS and got min wage, or near it, I got raises when it went up. So, even if the economists who argue against it are right, which I doubt, it's simply a political loser positon unless you're in a district that is dominated by older white people on soc sec or in the top 20%.

you were getting raises because the economy was growing, the unemployment was low and if you were a good worker, you were appreciated.
Now we have economy in stagnation, extremely high unemployment rate and one worker can be substituted by 10 others any second he is fired.

The minimum wage is not going to be raised in such conditions and should not.
because it will cause just more misery to those whom it is supposed to help.

Making the economy grow, stimulate jobs creation - THAT is going to raise the minimum wage by itself.

Are you sure?
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery
The job market may be gradually improving, but the gains aren't showing up in worker's paychecks.
And the resulting belt-tightening continues to weigh on an economy heavily dependent on consumer spending.
Wages for those at the very bottom of the income ladder have been falling, in real terms, for the past 45 years. Despite periodic increases, the current federal minimum wage — adjusted for inflation — has about the same buying power as it did in the 1950s.
In better times, that so-called "wealth effect" might have helped spur consumer spending as households see the benefits of those rising markets in their retirement savings or home equity. But because so many of those households saw their homes repossessed or savings accounts wiped out, the impact of the wealth effect has been muted.
Meanwhile, wealthy households tend to spend a smaller portion of their overall income than those at the bottom of the income ladder living paycheck to paycheck.
That means that less of the overall growth in national income is flowing back into the economy in the form of demand.
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery - NBC

The last three recessions have last longer than previous recession because of the flat wages since the 1980s. (See chart below) Is it some kind of weird consistence? It's a no brainer for people who understand economics and the structure of the American economy.

I did not mean ARTIFICIAL wage growth.

Wage growth because of low unemployment, which happens when economy is booming - now THAT what is called recovery.
Who wants to buy a 40 dollar drive thru meal? Just do it. I love it. Destroy this industry. Give it liberals. YAY!!!

The food is shit. The service is lousy. I'll buy kobe beef and eat at home.

Funny thing about liberals that think low wage workers deserve more money.
They could always tip them.
I wonder how many liberals actually tip the McDonalds employees that they think deserves a higher wage. They could do it if they were that concerned, but I bet they don't.

Don't be ridiculous. Even when I ate meat, no way would I eat that garbage any more than I would shop in a WalMart now. I'll bet you eat hot dogs too. :cuckoo:

(Cracks me up that brain-dead tinnydancer actually believes in "Kobe beef". She's paying huge money for shitty American beef that Europe won't buy or allow into their countries The Republican-led race to the bottom continues.)

yeah, the various econ theories aside, back when I was in HS and got min wage, or near it, I got raises when it went up. So, even if the economists who argue against it are right, which I doubt, it's simply a political loser positon unless you're in a district that is dominated by older white people on soc sec or in the top 20%.

you were getting raises because the economy was growing, the unemployment was low and if you were a good worker, you were appreciated.
Now we have economy in stagnation, extremely high unemployment rate and one worker can be substituted by 10 others any second he is fired.

The minimum wage is not going to be raised in such conditions and should not.
because it will cause just more misery to those whom it is supposed to help.

Making the economy grow, stimulate jobs creation - THAT is going to raise the minimum wage by itself.

Are you sure?
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery
The job market may be gradually improving, but the gains aren't showing up in worker's paychecks.
And the resulting belt-tightening continues to weigh on an economy heavily dependent on consumer spending.
Wages for those at the very bottom of the income ladder have been falling, in real terms, for the past 45 years. Despite periodic increases, the current federal minimum wage — adjusted for inflation — has about the same buying power as it did in the 1950s.
In better times, that so-called "wealth effect" might have helped spur consumer spending as households see the benefits of those rising markets in their retirement savings or home equity. But because so many of those households saw their homes repossessed or savings accounts wiped out, the impact of the wealth effect has been muted.
Meanwhile, wealthy households tend to spend a smaller portion of their overall income than those at the bottom of the income ladder living paycheck to paycheck.
That means that less of the overall growth in national income is flowing back into the economy in the form of demand.
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery - NBC

The last three recessions have last longer than previous recession because of the flat wages since the 1980s. (See chart below) Is it some kind of weird consistence? It's a no brainer for people who understand economics and the structure of the American economy.

And, the Repub plan for job growth?

Yeah, let's subsidize WalMart and other mega-corps instead.


no, we subsidized the FAILED projects a.k.a. as Solyndra - and THAT is the DIRECT reason why economy is not growing, jobs are not being created and wages are not rising.

Jobs ARE being created - by the left. Jobs are being destroyed by the right.

But, didn't you say you were in favor of Bush?


Even so, Bush's failed Solyndra was pennies compared to ...

The right gives tax money to huge corporations while fighting against Americans at every turn.

rw's are against everything this country was built on.

Hate the US? Leave and take traitorous Bolton with you.
Its the small businesses that are responsible for growth and employment. NOT, WalMart, McD's and other's who only want to suck us dry.

Yeah, let's subsidize WalMart and other mega-corps instead.


no, we subsidized the FAILED projects a.k.a. as Solyndra - and THAT is the DIRECT reason why economy is not growing, jobs are not being created and wages are not rising.

Solyndra - the battle cry of the republicans -$500k -Solyndra, bill ayers, and Benghazi compared to the trillions poured into Iraq and the crashed economy? You're grasping for straws. Hint, 500k is only half a million. Takes a thousand million to make a billion. Bush's blunders ran into billions a day added to the debt that republicans whine about daily. Maybe republicans don't understand basic math?
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Logic dictates that one would only want to eliminate the minimum wage if one wanted to give employers the ability to pay even less than they do now.
That is exactly what these fascistic, corporatist puppets are encouraging. It is utterly amazing how this Nation is tolerant of such thinking on the part of even a few political representatives after such experiences as the Gilded Age and the Great Depression.

Will we never learn?
you were getting raises because the economy was growing, the unemployment was low and if you were a good worker, you were appreciated.
Now we have economy in stagnation, extremely high unemployment rate and one worker can be substituted by 10 others any second he is fired.

The minimum wage is not going to be raised in such conditions and should not.
because it will cause just more misery to those whom it is supposed to help.

Making the economy grow, stimulate jobs creation - THAT is going to raise the minimum wage by itself.

Are you sure?
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery
The job market may be gradually improving, but the gains aren't showing up in worker's paychecks.
And the resulting belt-tightening continues to weigh on an economy heavily dependent on consumer spending.
Wages for those at the very bottom of the income ladder have been falling, in real terms, for the past 45 years. Despite periodic increases, the current federal minimum wage — adjusted for inflation — has about the same buying power as it did in the 1950s.
In better times, that so-called "wealth effect" might have helped spur consumer spending as households see the benefits of those rising markets in their retirement savings or home equity. But because so many of those households saw their homes repossessed or savings accounts wiped out, the impact of the wealth effect has been muted.
Meanwhile, wealthy households tend to spend a smaller portion of their overall income than those at the bottom of the income ladder living paycheck to paycheck.
That means that less of the overall growth in national income is flowing back into the economy in the form of demand.
More jobs, yes, but wage growth holds up recovery - NBC

The last three recessions have last longer than previous recession because of the flat wages since the 1980s. (See chart below) Is it some kind of weird consistence? It's a no brainer for people who understand economics and the structure of the American economy.

I did not mean ARTIFICIAL wage growth.

Wage growth because of low unemployment, which happens when economy is booming - now THAT what is called recovery.

How can you have a growing economy when 70% of our economy is driven by consumer spending, you know the group who is/hasn't seen significant wage growth since the late 1970's? You know the shrinking middles class.
Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

So would I. It's inane.
Logic dictates that one would only want to eliminate the minimum wage if one wanted to give employers the ability to pay even less than they do now.
That is exactly what these fascistic, corporatist puppets are encouraging. It is utterly amazing how this Nation is tolerant of such thinking on the part of even a few political representatives after such experiences as the Gilded Age and the Great Depression.

Will we never learn?

Probably not.

Political contrivances like minimum wage are the heart and soul of corporatism.
here is the real issue:

i am against minimum wage as everytime it raises, so do basic necessity prices. that said, before minimum wage US citizens working at the lower levels made absolute shit in order to survive. i worked for minimum wage as a teenager and it sucks, however, it did allow me to share an apartment with my brother.

so, the problem is, should we go back to pre-minimum wage where people took shit pay just to eat or do we somehow fix the current minimum wage hysteria of raising every few years? i say, don't raise it so often. be extremely conservative in raising MW.

what is MW now anyway? last i had MW it was 4.25/hr.
What I can't figure is why no wages is the compassionate solution

How many employers would be able to hire anyone for no wages? Do you know how many people work for nothing now? Do you know what an unpaid intern is or a volunteer docent?

The universal minimum wage needs to go and be replaced by a categorized minimum wage.
Other things that make you go hmmmm .....


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Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”
Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.

That's the conservative idea of how we can compete globally; we'll underbid everyone else.
What I can't figure is why no wages is the compassionate solution

How many employers would be able to hire anyone for no wages? Do you know how many people work for nothing now? Do you know what an unpaid intern is or a volunteer docent?

The universal minimum wage needs to go and be replaced by a categorized minimum wage.

I think that was satire. if you increase minimum wage administratively, the majority of the now working people will lose their jobs - therefore - zero wages.

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