Congressman suggests his country should back ISIS against Iran


Nov 14, 2012
When will the Americans wake up and get rid of the monsters they are ruled by?

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:40 P.M.) – United States Representative Dana Rohrabacher expressed gratitude that Islamic State radical elements assaulted the Iranian Parliament alongside Khomeini’s Mausoleum in Tehran.

The representative went on to express his perplexing question as to whether it is “a good thing for us to have the United States finally backing up Sunnis who attack Hezbollah and the Shiite threat to us.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” the California congressman inquired as he compared prospects of backing the Islamic State against Iran to backing the Soviet Union against Hitler’s Nazi regime during the Second World War."

US Congressman suggests his country should back ISIS against Iran following Tehran attacks: Video
The GOP congressman, who brags about arming Osama Bin Laden with stingers from Reagan, also supports the Taliban.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California
This is why America needs to stay the fuck home. We're too stupid.

it was way back in the 1980s and the White House did not ask me. Supporting ANY Islamic
faction against a perceived common enemy is a BIG MISTAKE----the koranic directive---
DO NOT MAKE "THEM" your friends or allies is a very serious issue for muslims----it is
their religion.

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