Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

I thought Rachel Maddow made a good point a few minutes ago. Using the NRA argument against gun control, she basically said why bother locking stuff since some criminals can pick locks and/or otherwise break in. Sooo, all you anti-gun control folks can just stop locking your cars, trucks and homes. Let us know how that works out...

All Maddow did was confirm the point many have made if a criminal is determined to commit a crime no law will deter them that was not her intention but it was the end result.
I thought Rachel Maddow made a good point a few minutes ago. Using the NRA argument against gun control, she basically said why bother locking stuff since some criminals can pick locks and/or otherwise break in. Sooo, all you anti-gun control folks can just stop locking your cars, trucks and homes. Let us know how that works out...

Does that mean I don;t need trigger locks or gun safes any more?????
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

I think we were only allowed semi automatics, that said the now piece of crap legislation has caused a run on guns. More of the offending firearms have been sold since Newtown then have been sold in the last couple of years here in CT. All this law did was put more guns on the street. Lol

Thankfully my guns are being grandfathered in although there have been complaints about that too. They can KMFA. Wanna do something meaningful how about working on keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally impaired. Folks knew Lanza had issues way before this shooting. Just saying.

Now my lovely state wants to visit it's hysteria on the nation by calling for a nation wide ban. Obama is coming Monday and will surely endorse this agenda. If you value you second amendment rights get ready for the fight.
What is hilarious is that right wingers want to put trained and armed guards in schools. But before they do, they insist those guards have, get this, "BACKGROUND CHECKS".

Ah ha ha ha ha Ah ha ha ha ha, tee hee, giggle, giggle

I thought Rachel Maddow made a good point a few minutes ago. Using the NRA argument against gun control, she basically said why bother locking stuff since some criminals can pick locks and/or otherwise break in. Sooo, all you anti-gun control folks can just stop locking your cars, trucks and homes. Let us know how that works out...

Does that mean I don;t need trigger locks or gun safes any more?????

Apparently not by NRA logic...
What is hilarious is that right wingers want to put trained and armed guards in schools. But before they do, they insist those guards have, get this, "BACKGROUND CHECKS".

Ah ha ha ha ha Ah ha ha ha ha, tee hee, giggle, giggle


Almost as funny as the Mayor of Chicago having armed bodyguards

WASHINGTON -- Both houses of the Connecticut legislature passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, approximately 100 days after 26 students and educators were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

More: Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

That's nice. They can all wank off now.

Adam still had to kill his mother to access her guns.

Gee. He broke the rules.

OMG he broke the law.
I thought Rachel Maddow made a good point a few minutes ago. Using the NRA argument against gun control, she basically said why bother locking stuff since some criminals can pick locks and/or otherwise break in. Sooo, all you anti-gun control folks can just stop locking your cars, trucks and homes. Let us know how that works out...

Never forget to put your "gun free zone" sign out in the front of your yard..
What is hilarious is that right wingers want to put trained and armed guards in schools. But before they do, they insist those guards have, get this, "BACKGROUND CHECKS".

Ah ha ha ha ha Ah ha ha ha ha, tee hee, giggle, giggle


Nothing the NRA does surprises me anymore. The shock value is gone.
WASHINGTON -- Both houses of the Connecticut legislature passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, approximately 100 days after 26 students and educators were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

More: Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

:clap2: 'Bout time. They did something to stop future Newtowns. Red states will have future Newtowns due to their lack of action on gun control.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.
Red states will have future Newtowns due to their lack of action on gun control.

Really? And how many Newton-style massacres has, say, Texas had?

Before the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut already had strict gun laws. What makes them think more laws will work?
WASHINGTON -- Both houses of the Connecticut legislature passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, approximately 100 days after 26 students and educators were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

More: Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

how does this law prevent Sandy Hook, he stole his mothers gun to kill people. I'm nost sure a background check or a ban on sales would apply.
It's all a giant circle jerk. To murder someone is against the law as well.

Gee, that works doesn't it?
It's all a giant circle jerk. To murder someone is against the law as well.

Gee, that works doesn't it?

but democrats think guns dont help. how did they come up with this idea?.....They wonder why noone pulled out a gun to kill the shooter in the Aurora theatre because Colorado is such a pro gun state (their words not mine).....except that Aurora is liberal and the theatre is a no gun law abiding citiznes, unlike criminals follow the law and didnt bring them. The guy who didnt care about the law...aka the criminal ignored it and killed people.....gotta love gun free zones.....Loiberals are going to save us all by banning everything that can kill us....which guessed it just about everything! NANNY STATE!!!!!!!!
It's all a giant circle jerk. To murder someone is against the law as well.

Gee, that works doesn't it?

but democrats think guns dont help. how did they come up with this idea?.....They wonder why noone pulled out a gun to kill the shooter in the Aurora theatre because Colorado is such a pro gun state (their words not mine).....except that Aurora is liberal and the theatre is a no gun law abiding citiznes, unlike criminals follow the law and didnt bring them. The guy who didnt care about the law...aka the criminal ignored it and killed people.....gotta love gun free zones.....Loiberals are going to save us all by banning everything that can kill us....which guessed it just about everything! NANNY STATE!!!!!!!!

the theater is a gun free zone

they only one carrying a gun that was the shooter

who jusr happened to not pick

the theater closest to him

the one with the biggest crowd

but the only one was a gun free zone

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