Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre


Obama is killing it....

too funny

he's selling more guns than ever.

obama has been voted number one gun salesman

several years in a row

now more then ever the left is doing its darnest

to smear the nra

i read an article today

in it saying only iran north korea and the NRA is against

the international small arms treaty

Who voted him number 1? You?

it is just the way it is

With Obama as ?Best Gun Salesman There Ever Was,? Membership in N.H. Gun Clubs Surges - By Katherine Connell - The Corner - National Review Online
Weapon-loving Nancy Lanza regularly took her awkward loner-son Adam to shooting ranges, where the painfully shy boy — who suffered from the autism-related Asperger’s syndrome — blasted away targets using his mom’s small arsenal of guns.

“She’d take them to the range a lot . . . Nancy was an enthusiast — so much so that she wanted to pass it on to her kids,” said her former landscaper and occasional drinking buddy Dan Holmes.

Newtown, Connecticut shooter Adam Lanza's mom Nancy shared her gun obsession with him, taking him to shooting ranges before he killed 26 people, including 20 kids, at Sandy Hook Elementary School -

Lanza did not buy any of the weapons himself. But agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have confirmed he and his mother did go shooting together at various gun ranges.

Motive remains unclear behind Newtown shooting - CBS News

I wonder if McViege got that bomb recipe from his father or one of those other democratic union members?

Seriously, don't you ever get tired of just making shit up?

McVeigh was introduced to firearms by his grandfather.

McVeigh introduced his sister to anti-government literature, but his father had little interest in these views.

McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military,[84] but voted for Libertarian Party candidate, Harry Browne, in the 1996 presidential elections.[85] McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[86] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.

In April 1993, McVeigh headed for a farm where co-conspirator Terry Nichols lived. In between watching coverage of the Waco siege on TV, Nichols and his brother began teaching McVeigh how to make explosives out of readily available materials; specifically, they combined household chemicals in plastic jugs. McVeigh and Nichols also began making bulk purchases of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, for resale to survivalists, since rumors were circulating that the government was preparing to ban it.

McVeigh claimed that the bombing was revenge for "what the U.S. government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously, don't you ever get tired of just making shit up?

McVeigh was introduced to firearms by his grandfather.

McVeigh introduced his sister to anti-government literature, but his father had little interest in these views.

McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military,[84] but voted for Libertarian Party candidate, Harry Browne, in the 1996 presidential elections.[85] McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[86] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.

In April 1993, McVeigh headed for a farm where co-conspirator Terry Nichols lived. In between watching coverage of the Waco siege on TV, Nichols and his brother began teaching McVeigh how to make explosives out of readily available materials; specifically, they combined household chemicals in plastic jugs. McVeigh and Nichols also began making bulk purchases of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, for resale to survivalists, since rumors were circulating that the government was preparing to ban it.

McVeigh claimed that the bombing was revenge for "what the U.S. government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearms are not the same as explosive.
i am a firm believer in states rights

as Connecticut choose to limit the freedoms

of its honest citizens

here in South Dakota we have empowered them

with a Firearms Freedom Act

which voids federal gun laws in the state

It's sad how dull-witted some states' citizens are. If only their leaders believed in giving the citizens a good education. Sad.

Honey, states cannot overrule federal law. Honest.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

Because anti gunners are stupid fucks.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

Because anti gunners are stupid fucks.

I am an 'anti gunner', yet I can understand the stupidity of passing a law that already exists.

Why is that?
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

It's a knee-jerk reaction that the soft-hearted among us feel they "must do SOMETHING", regardless if that "something" is already law or not.

The Sandy Hook shooter broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 43 laws with his rampage.
I don't think a 44th (or a 45h, 46th, or 47th) would have stopped him
So much for conservative advocacy of ‘states’ rights.’

Otherwise, if a resident of Connecticut should believe his civil liberties are being infringed, he has the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, either through the political process with elections, or through the courts by filing suit to seek relief.

And the various provisions in the Connecticut law have been subject to judicial review in other jurisdictions, all of which have passed Constitutional muster.

But a Connecticut gun owner should file suit nonetheless, and perhaps succeed in having the law modified.

States rights are limited by the requirement to follow the constitution, as the bill of rights has been incorporated to the states via amendment. Most of these laws are unconsitutional if you follow a strict interpretation of the document.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

It's a knee-jerk reaction that the soft-hearted among us feel they "must do SOMETHING", regardless if that "something" is already law or not.

The Sandy Hook shooter broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 43 laws with his rampage.
I don't think a 44th (or a 45h, 46th, or 47th) would have stopped him
When Connecticut passed the law, it was not to prevent a crime identical to Sandy Hook, but rather lessen the amount of gun violence of all sorts.
If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

It's a knee-jerk reaction that the soft-hearted among us feel they "must do SOMETHING", regardless if that "something" is already law or not.

The Sandy Hook shooter broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 43 laws with his rampage.
I don't think a 44th (or a 45h, 46th, or 47th) would have stopped him
When Connecticut passed the law, it was not to prevent a crime identical to Sandy Hook, but rather lessen the amount of gun violence of all sorts.

Heart-strings weren't pulled "for the sake of the children" to garner votes?
If that is the case, what is the point of passing one law when another law, exactly the same, already exists?

It's a knee-jerk reaction that the soft-hearted among us feel they "must do SOMETHING", regardless if that "something" is already law or not.

The Sandy Hook shooter broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 43 laws with his rampage.
I don't think a 44th (or a 45h, 46th, or 47th) would have stopped him
When Connecticut passed the law, it was not to prevent a crime identical to Sandy Hook, but rather lessen the amount of gun violence of all sorts.

This law will not lessen any gun violence whatsoever, as most of it is committed by handguns, and by people who are already criminals (felons) who shouldnt have the guns in the first place.

Its feel good progressive bullcrap, plain and simple.
It's a knee-jerk reaction that the soft-hearted among us feel they "must do SOMETHING", regardless if that "something" is already law or not.

The Sandy Hook shooter broke somewhere in the neighborhood of 43 laws with his rampage.
I don't think a 44th (or a 45h, 46th, or 47th) would have stopped him
When Connecticut passed the law, it was not to prevent a crime identical to Sandy Hook, but rather lessen the amount of gun violence of all sorts.

Heart-strings weren't pulled "for the sake of the children" to garner votes?
If it hadn't been Sandy Hook, it would have been a slaughter in another school, shopping mall, a home invasion, or some other mass murder that hits the media. As society becomes more violent and weapons become more powerful and plentiful, there will be lots of Sandy Hooks to inspire law makers.

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