Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

you can pump out a lot of rounds in a lever action of a pump for that matter
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.
WASHINGTON -- Both houses of the Connecticut legislature passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, approximately 100 days after 26 students and educators were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

More: Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

how does this law prevent Sandy Hook, he stole his mothers gun to kill people. I'm nost sure a background check or a ban on sales would apply.

To answer your question, it won't.

First off to get a gun license in CT before Sandy Hook you had to jump through hoops so I don't see how more hoops are going to help. Banning gun sales doesn't do squat. Two people who don't give a flying F*** about the states gun laws are criminals and people who are mentally disturbed. Criminals have no problem breaking the law and the insane don't care about the law as long as they feel justified. Won't be a problem getting an illegal gun for nutjobs as long as they have the cash the criminal will sell them what they want. That said, if the unhinged want to kill they will find a way to do it. They really don't need assualt rifles. They can cause damage with the available guns and homemade bombs. Timmothy McVeigh killed a bunch of people in Oklahoma and never touched the trigger of a gun.

Now can someone explain this. Not even the local news station could get an explaination for why the store was closed.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A shop that sold a gun to the Newtown school shooter’s mother has lost its federal firearms license.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revoked the license of Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor in December. The agency didn’t say why.

Authorities raided the store for undisclosed reasons shortly after the December school shootings in which Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He also shot to death his mother, Nancy, at their home. Authorities say he fired 154 shots with a Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle inside the school, then killed himself with a Glock handgun.

Nancy Lanza purchased a Bushmaster from Riverview, according to a person close to the investigation into the school shooting who spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe is continuing. It could not be confirmed whether the Bushmaster was the one used in the shooting.


Shop owner David LaGuercia said in December that Nancy Lanza bought a gun from him years ago, but he couldn’t remember what kind. LaGuercia said at the time he was cooperating with law enforcement.

“There is nothing more devastating than the loss of a child,” LaGuercia said in a statement in December. “We are absolutely appalled that the product that we sold several years ago would be used in this type of horrendous crime. Our hearts go out to the victims and the families.”

His wife, Shelley Clemens, said Friday that she and her husband still don’t know why the ATF revoked his firearms license. She said the store remains open selling ammunition and other items while LaGuercia appeals the revocation.

“They just came in the store after Sandy Hook, raided the store and took away the license,” she said, referring further questions to her husband. LaGuercia, of Agawam, Mass., didn’t return phone messages Friday.

Gun Shop That Sold Firearm to Newtown Shooter?s Mom Has Gun License Revoked ? Feds Don?t Say Why |
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Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

He was sniping from the Tower - but he also had several other weapons.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

somewhat different circumstance than the recent mass killings - even with that condition an automatic rifle with 30 round detachable magazine would potentially have killed far more people.

as far as pump action - the reloading would allow time for escape or to assault the shooter.
all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

somewhat different circumstance than the recent mass killings - even with that condition an automatic rifle with 30 round detachable magazine would potentially have killed far more people.

as far as pump action - the reloading would allow time for escape or to assault the shooter.

private citizens went and got their firearms

and joined in with the police trying to pick off whitman
all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

somewhat different circumstance than the recent mass killings - even with that condition an automatic rifle with 30 round detachable magazine would potentially have killed far more people.

as far as pump action - the reloading would allow time for escape or to assault the shooter.
Never said it was but it shoots a hole no pun intended in the idea that smaller capacity magazines or limits on weapon types would stop these things this was a man with a bolt action rifle as his main weapon that had used a five or six round tops magazine. What everyone seems to overlook with these shooters be it Whitman back then or the more recent one's they are not spur of the moment actions they are well planned well thought out attacks there is very little if anything that will stop these types from finding a way to carry out their insane actions.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?
Gun control laws are not as effective as they should be because:
  • The laws are watered down before they're passed such as only requiring licensed dealers to do background checks.
  • Local authorities don't enforce the laws.
  • There is no uniformity in the laws between states. If there is a problem buying guns in one state, they can be bought in other states.
  • Background checks are only as good as the data in the system and many states don't go a good job in supplying information for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

We don't abolish laws because they don't work as well as we think they should, we fix them. To make the laws more effective they should be more uniform throughout the nation, all guns should be registered, and a background check should be required for all sales.

all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

What is your area of expertise that leads you to that conclusion?
Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my shotgun right in the doorway. I set down 6 shells, and even placed it in my chair. I then left it alone and went about my business.
While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign right in front of our house.
After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there right where I had left it. It hadn't rolled itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had been presented to do so. In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself.
Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. Either the media is wrong, and it's the misuse of guns by PEOPLE that kills people, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

Alright, well I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

The anti gunners were getting all wet over this you party pooper.
all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

47 years. The Left had to go back 47 years in history to find a Newtown-type massacre (or close to it) in the "gun-happy Red state" of Texas. At least i got my question from post #36 answered.
Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my shotgun right in the doorway. I set down 6 shells, and even placed it in my chair. I then left it alone and went about my business.
While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign right in front of our house.
After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there right where I had left it. It hadn't rolled itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had been presented to do so. In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself.
Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. Either the media is wrong, and it's the misuse of guns by PEOPLE that kills people, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

Alright, well I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.
I don't know maybe it was sick or didn't feel it was good enough to do the job, or just fell asleep. It sounded like it was a nice sunny day, even guns have lazy moments.
Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

47 years. The Left had to go back 47 years in history to find a Newtown-type massacre (or close to it) in the "gun-happy Red state" of Texas. At least i got my question from post #36 answered.

and that at best was a poor example

private citizens in that case assisted

the police with firearms to stop the shooter
Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

47 years. The Left had to go back 47 years in history to find a Newtown-type massacre (or close to it) in the "gun-happy Red state" of Texas. At least i got my question from post #36 answered.
There have been a couple of others George Hennard at the Luby's in 1991 and of course Hassan at Fort Hood in 2009 the irony here is they both used two pistols in their assaults not assault rifles.
all Firearms: bolt or lever action per round non detachable magazines would have made a difference in all the mass shootings past and future.

Charles Whitman used a bolt action Remington 700 for most of his rampage.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.[1][2][3][4][5]

Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.

so much for gunhappy Texas being immune from gun fanatics ...

somewhat different circumstance than the recent mass killings - even with that condition an automatic rifle with 30 round detachable magazine would potentially have killed far more people.

as far as pump action - the reloading would allow time for escape or to assault the shooter.

not to mention he was in a tower and his victums were hundreds are yards away.....but guess what it was at a university......funny how these gun free zones are allowing these shooters to shoot fish in a barrell......

Yet with all the guns at a gun show...we dont have this happen....hmmmmmmmmm.....interesting.
Because more guns automatically means more violence........well to some people
Connecticut still thinking with their hearts and not their heads.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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