Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

And so it begins...

No. It's already ongoing in CT. Remember this is the same state where gun owners blew off this Governor's DEMAND that they register all military style rifles and high capacity magazines at the beginning of this year. They'll blow this EO off as well.
Lakooka thinks hitting "funny" is debate and it reveals he knows he's fugged

Shitting Bull is incapable of debating his own thread, LMAO

Another fail - so you resort to racist person attacks. So Christian of you...

Man up. The whines do not effect me

Don't you mean "affect"...?

Have an effect, better? Now explain how not giving an individual due process won't be deemed unconstitutional? Be specific....let's see if you and the shit bag Fascist Mallory have thought this through
Lakooka thinks hitting "funny" is debate and it reveals he knows he's fugged

Shitting Bull is incapable of debating his own thread, LMAO

Another fail - so you resort to racist person attacks. So Christian of you...

Man up. The whines do not effect me

Don't you mean "affect"...?
You know when someone has just had their ass kicked when they are resorting to correcting the spelling of one word. What's the matter pocahontas? Still riding to 'cotton pinto'?
If those laws were "passed" - how were they blown off?

Very simple..... The CSP and even local LEOs aren't even trying to determine if people have these items or not. Nobody has been arrested or charged (to my knowledge) for failung to register the items. They literally BEGGED the Governor to try snd enforce the law and he blinked.
And so it begins...

No. It's already ongoing in CT. Remember this is the same state where gun owners blew off this Governor's DEMAND that they register all military style rifles and high capacity magazines at the beginning of this year. They'll blow this EO off as well.

If those laws were "passed" - how were they blown off?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law

It's still winding it's way through the courts, it takes time
And so it begins...

No. It's already ongoing in CT. Remember this is the same state where gun owners blew off this Governor's DEMAND that they register all military style rifles and high capacity magazines at the beginning of this year. They'll blow this EO off as well.

If those laws were "passed" - how were they blown off?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law
The "laws" were NEVER passed bitch squaw! Do some fucking reading if you can before running your stupid mouth.
It's hilarious, now all the sudden the left champions "state's rights" but if it's an issue they are against state's rights be damned. Fools
The never-give-an-inch NRA gun nutters are the greatest threat to our future gun rights.

So how long would the appeal process take? Weeks? Months? Years?

How about we deny voting rights if you are on a list, or 4th amendment rights?

Do you idiots know what type of precedent this sets?

But that's different. Besides, even if the courts allow this, it will never ever ever be used against something I like. It'll just be for those evil scary guns and the evil scary gun owners. My rights are just fine and always will long as I don't end up on a list that I might not even know exists, that I was placed on by someone I never met using criteria I can't define using a process I am unsure of.

But it'll all work out.
And so it begins...

No. It's already ongoing in CT. Remember this is the same state where gun owners blew off this Governor's DEMAND that they register all military style rifles and high capacity magazines at the beginning of this year. They'll blow this EO off as well.

If those laws were "passed" - how were they blown off?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law
The "laws" were NEVER passed bitch squaw! Do some fucking reading if you can before running your stupid mouth.

Which laws "were NEVER passed"...?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law

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