Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns


"If Congress will not act, we in the states will."

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) announced Thursday he intends to sign a "common sense" executive order prohibiting individuals on government watch lists from buying guns.

"This is a moment to seize here in America," Malloy said during a press conference. "It is incumbent upon leaders at all levels of government to protect its citizenry."

Pending approval from the federal government to access their databases, including the "no-fly" roster, Malloy said he will sign an order requiring those who apply for gun permits to be screened against government watch lists. Those who are on such lists would be banned from purchasing handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will," Malloy said.

He added there would be an appeals process for people who say they have been unfairly placed on government watch lists.

More: Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

Thank you Governor Malloy! This is common sense that states must act if Congress won't.

illegal and unconstitutional. He should be tarred and feathered.

Where does the Constitution forbid states from protecting its citizens?

Prove to me that denying the rights to people who have not been convicted of crime protects anyone
And so it begins...

No. It's already ongoing in CT. Remember this is the same state where gun owners blew off this Governor's DEMAND that they register all military style rifles and high capacity magazines at the beginning of this year. They'll blow this EO off as well.

If those laws were "passed" - how were they blown off?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law
The "laws" were NEVER passed bitch squaw! Do some fucking reading if you can before running your stupid mouth.

Which laws "were NEVER passed"...?

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Control Law
Knee jerk
No fly, no buy! Makes sense to me...

Then what's the point of having rights or not being able to abridge them except by due process of law if they can be shunted aside for arbitrary, and often incorrect, reasons?

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