Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns


"If Congress will not act, we in the states will."

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) announced Thursday he intends to sign a "common sense" executive order prohibiting individuals on government watch lists from buying guns.

"This is a moment to seize here in America," Malloy said during a press conference. "It is incumbent upon leaders at all levels of government to protect its citizenry."

Pending approval from the federal government to access their databases, including the "no-fly" roster, Malloy said he will sign an order requiring those who apply for gun permits to be screened against government watch lists. Those who are on such lists would be banned from purchasing handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will," Malloy said.

He added there would be an appeals process for people who say they have been unfairly placed on government watch lists.

More: Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

Thank you Governor Malloy! This is common sense that states must act if Congress won't.

illegal and unconstitutional. He should be tarred and feathered.

Come on man, give him a break. He's a Democrat. He has no idea or interest in that old outdated scrap of paper called the Constitution.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will."

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) announced Thursday he intends to sign a "common sense" executive order prohibiting individuals on government watch lists from buying guns.

"This is a moment to seize here in America," Malloy said during a press conference. "It is incumbent upon leaders at all levels of government to protect its citizenry."

Pending approval from the federal government to access their databases, including the "no-fly" roster, Malloy said he will sign an order requiring those who apply for gun permits to be screened against government watch lists. Those who are on such lists would be banned from purchasing handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will," Malloy said.

He added there would be an appeals process for people who say they have been unfairly placed on government watch lists.

More: Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

Thank you Governor Malloy! This is common sense that states must act if Congress won't.

And also deny them the right to speak or to worship......and their citizenship...if they are on the watch list just lock them the F**k up....if they are too dangerous to own guns, they should be locked up.........

hitler, stalin, mao, pol pot, the castros, che....lenin...they are all proud of their protege O'malley....

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will."

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) announced Thursday he intends to sign a "common sense" executive order prohibiting individuals on government watch lists from buying guns.

"This is a moment to seize here in America," Malloy said during a press conference. "It is incumbent upon leaders at all levels of government to protect its citizenry."

Pending approval from the federal government to access their databases, including the "no-fly" roster, Malloy said he will sign an order requiring those who apply for gun permits to be screened against government watch lists. Those who are on such lists would be banned from purchasing handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will," Malloy said.

He added there would be an appeals process for people who say they have been unfairly placed on government watch lists.

More: Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

Thank you Governor Malloy! This is common sense that states must act if Congress won't.

illegal and unconstitutional. He should be tarred and feathered.

Come on man, give him a break. He's a Democrat. He has no idea or interest in that old outdated scrap of paper called the Constitution.

He's more interested in his state constitution and protecting his citizens.
And so it begins...
It will have zero impact.

It can't hurt. Their previous gun control laws have helped.

So you think someone who wants to commit a mass shooting has no other choice than to go to a gun store or show and buy a gun where a background check will be done? I have news for you, criminals don't give a shit about your gun laws. His effort to do "something" will have zero impact.
That's exactly what Connecticut is trying to do - protect it's citizens.

It's not even a close comparison. Foreigners have no Implied or Direct Right to enter the United States, while the US Government HAS a Mandate to provide for the Common Defense of the nation.

On the other hand the Citizens of Connecticut have Direct Constitutional Rights to Keep and Bear Arms on bith the Federal and State levels, whereas the State of Connecticut, per several SCOTUS decisions does NOT have a Mandate to protect individual citizens lives or property.

See the difference?

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will."

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) announced Thursday he intends to sign a "common sense" executive order prohibiting individuals on government watch lists from buying guns.

"This is a moment to seize here in America," Malloy said during a press conference. "It is incumbent upon leaders at all levels of government to protect its citizenry."

Pending approval from the federal government to access their databases, including the "no-fly" roster, Malloy said he will sign an order requiring those who apply for gun permits to be screened against government watch lists. Those who are on such lists would be banned from purchasing handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition.

"If Congress will not act, we in the states will," Malloy said.

He added there would be an appeals process for people who say they have been unfairly placed on government watch lists.

More: Connecticut To Block People On Watch Lists From Buying Guns

Thank you Governor Malloy! This is common sense that states must act if Congress won't.

illegal and unconstitutional. He should be tarred and feathered.

Come on man, give him a break. He's a Democrat. He has no idea or interest in that old outdated scrap of paper called the Constitution.

He's more interested in his state constitution and protecting his citizens.

Criminals side step the law. Zero impact, but he will feel good about doing "something" even if it does nothing.
And so it begins...
It will have zero impact.

It can't hurt. Their previous gun control laws have helped.

So you think someone who wants to commit a mass shooting has no other choice than to go to a gun store or show and buy a gun where a background check will be done? I have news for you, criminals don't give a shit about your gun laws. His effort to do "something" will have zero impact.

Unlicensed criminals can also steal cars. So, what's your point?
From the OP:

With gun control measures stalled at the federal level, Connecticut has made significant strides since the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In April 2013, the state passed some of the toughest gun regulations in the nation, including requiring background checks for private gun sales, banning the sale of magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds and expanding the state's ban on assault weapons.

A study released in June linked the state's dramatic drop in gun-related homicide to the new regulations.

There is a history of lying about Connecticuts gun laws....

Fact checking one of the worst WaPo gun control stories ever

Hmmm… noticing a pattern? Including in the 39 states which had no such laws? But let’s move on.

The author also notes some other “potential problems” with the study. In order to compare what Connecticut would look like without the law, they created a “synthetic” Connecticut — a Frankensteinian creation that is mostly Rhode Island, with some Maryland, and traces of California, Nevada and New Hampshire. Seriously? What could possibly go wrong with that? You’re comparing actual data to a model you created out of thin air involving multiple placeswhich are not Connecticut? Hey… Science!

Before we get to the real reason behind these figures, here are two more at least somewhat honest comments from the author. (Emphasis added.)

Together, these two reports offer compelling (if somewhat indirect) evidence that permit-to-purchase laws help save lives, probably by keeping guns off the black market…

Are these annoyances worth it? That depends on how many lives you think are saved by keeping guns out of criminal hands. It’s a number we can only guess at. So far, the best estimate seems to be: a lot.

As I showed above, gun deaths were going into a period of steep decline nearly everywhere, gun control laws being in place or not. And what was the real cause? People were fed up and angry about the dangerous conditions they were enduring and demanding action. Places like New York City implemented the Broken Windows policy and the rest of the nation followed their example when they saw how effective it was. So, was Connecticut on board with those ideas as well? Examples abound. Starting in 1995, Connecticut began expanding and deploying their state troopers into high crime areas, not just to catch criminals after the fact, but to crack down on drug dealers coming into the area and shooting the place up.
And so it begins...
It will have zero impact.

It can't hurt. Their previous gun control laws have helped.

So you think someone who wants to commit a mass shooting has no other choice than to go to a gun store or show and buy a gun where a background check will be done? I have news for you, criminals don't give a shit about your gun laws. His effort to do "something" will have zero impact.

Unlicensed criminals can also steal cars. So, what's your point?

Oh the irony LMAO
The NRA will have its team of Nazi lawyers working around the clock on this.

Why do you hate Constitutional watchdog groups like the NRA and the ACLU comrade? It is their efforts that keeps the government from trampling your constitutional rights, no matter how hard Obama tries.
From the OP:

With gun control measures stalled at the federal level, Connecticut has made significant strides since the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In April 2013, the state passed some of the toughest gun regulations in the nation, including requiring background checks for private gun sales, banning the sale of magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds and expanding the state's ban on assault weapons.

A study released in June linked the state's dramatic drop in gun-related homicide to the new regulations.

And another reason why that study is just another gun grabber lie...

CPRC at Fox News: "Connecticut's strict gun licensing law linked to steep drop in homicides? Not really" - Crime Prevention Research Center

The study cherry picks which states with gun licensing laws are examined, which years are looked at, and the type of crime to study. Any normal researcher would look at all the states in the country that have passed a similar law and compares the changes in crime trends between those states that passed the laws to those that didn’t.

Sure, from 1995 to 2005 the firearm homicide rate in Connecticut did indeed fall from 3.13 to 1.88 per 100,000 people, a 40% drop over a ten-year period. Not mentioned is that the firearms homicide rate was falling even faster immediately before the licensing law went into effect, falling from 4.5 to 3.13 per 100,000 residents — more than a 30 percent drop in just two years.

When researchers throw out data, there had better be a good reason. They didn’t have one. They cite a paper that looked at the impact of smoking for 12 years after cigarette taxes were increased. What cigarettes have to do with explaining crime rates and what 12 years has to do with only looking at 10 years of data is never explained, though possibly they thought no one would actually read the paper they cited.

In any case, their results change appreciably if just one more year is added to their data. Between 1995 and 2006, Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate fell by just 16 percent. By comparison, the rates for the U.S. and the rest of the Northeast fell respectively by 27 percent and 22 percent. If Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate didn’t fall as much as the rest of the country, why should we think that the licensing law was so beneficial?

Why the authors of the study chose to ignore other violent crimes also becomes clear pretty quickly. Relative to the rest of the United States, Connecticut’s overall violent crime rate as well as its robbery and aggravated assault rates were clearly falling prior to the prior to the 1995 law and rising afterwards. Rape was unchanged. . . .
And so it begins...
It will have zero impact.

It can't hurt. Their previous gun control laws have helped.

So you think someone who wants to commit a mass shooting has no other choice than to go to a gun store or show and buy a gun where a background check will be done? I have news for you, criminals don't give a shit about your gun laws. His effort to do "something" will have zero impact.

Unlicensed criminals can also steal cars. So, what's your point?

I note you were calling foul on personal attacks, but if your are really too stoopid to understand something this basic, you bring the name calling on yourself. Moron. Think about it and if a light doesn't come on, I might feel kind enough to explain it slow enough for you to understand.
The NRA will have its team of Nazi lawyers working around the clock on this.

Why do you hate Constitutional watchdog groups like the NRA and the ACLU comrade? It is their efforts that keeps the government from trampling your constitutional rights, no matter how hard Obama tries.

Funny. The NRA used to be a good outfit, and I was a member for many years until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977 and turned to shit.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
And so it begins...
It will have zero impact.

It can't hurt. Their previous gun control laws have helped.

So you think someone who wants to commit a mass shooting has no other choice than to go to a gun store or show and buy a gun where a background check will be done? I have news for you, criminals don't give a shit about your gun laws. His effort to do "something" will have zero impact.

Unlicensed criminals can also steal cars. So, what's your point?

Oh the irony LMAO

I'm honestly amazed he can breathe on his own.
The NRA will have its team of Nazi lawyers working around the clock on this.

Why do you hate Constitutional watchdog groups like the NRA and the ACLU comrade? It is their efforts that keeps the government from trampling your constitutional rights, no matter how hard Obama tries.

Nope.....the NRA supports the right to bear arms..the nazis took guns away from their political enemies....and O'malley is taking guns away from people...who is more like the nazis......
The NRA will have its team of Nazi lawyers working around the clock on this.

Why do you hate Constitutional watchdog groups like the NRA and the ACLU comrade? It is their efforts that keeps the government from trampling your constitutional rights, no matter how hard Obama tries.

Funny. The NRA used to be a good outfit, and I was a member for many years until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977 and turned to shit.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
uh huh

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