Cons and NRA forsing America to regress 100 years


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?
I don't know. How many times will we hear "He drew on me first"? Seems to me if you want to make that assertion you should provide some evidence that anyone is claiming it.

I tend to think the more people who can and will defend themselves is a good thing. People taking responsibility for their lives is always a good thing.
No one is "forsing" anything. The NRA and conservatives are rolling back regressive laws. That's actual progress.

The Cons and NRA are turning back the page to a time when we didn't have to ask permission from bureaucrats to exercise fundamental human rights. Damn them! Damn them all to hell!
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.
If you do not want to own a gun then do not own a gun...

Here in Texas they have Open Carry now but a business still has the right to refuse it within their business. HEB which is a grocery chain here in Texas allow conceal and carry but does not allow open and carry within their stores.

Do I believe they are wrong for doing this?

No, because it is their right to set their store policies as they see fit...

So you have choices in life and you have the right not to own a gun, but I also the right to own one, and will not be denied that right...
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

Except none of this is actually happening, except in your active little brain-stem.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Projection. They don't trust themselves with a gun, therefore no one can be trusted with a gun.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Do you know the only time I have ever had a gun pulled on me here in Texas?

It was by a Indian from India, and he was arrested. He legally owned the gun, but in a fit of rage pulled the gun on my brother first and then pointed it at me which was the biggest damn mistake of his life.

When the police first showed up they thought it was me, and when the witnesses pointed out it was the Indian they put him under arrest.

Now I have lived in Texas for 20+ years and that is the only time, so this wild west nonsense is just fairy tale nonsense.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Projection. They don't trust themselves with a gun, therefore no one can be trusted with a gun.

Ahh.. I think it is more basic than that... they're totalitarian assholes.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Do you know the only time I have ever had a gun pulled on me here in Texas?

It was by a Indian from India, and he was arrested. He legally owned the gun, but in a fit of rage pulled the gun on my brother first and then pointed it at me which was the biggest damn mistake of his life.

When the police first showed up they thought it was me, and when the witnesses pointed out it was the Indian they put him under arrest.

Now I have lived in Texas for 20+ years and that is the only time, so this wild west nonsense is just fairy tale nonsense.

Of course it is....
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Projection. They don't trust themselves with a gun, therefore no one can be trusted with a gun.

Ahh.. I think it is more basic than that... they're totalitarian assholes.

There's also that. They like oppressive rules since they think they'll be in charge and the rules will be what they like and won't be used against them in any event. Liberty for me but not for thee.

The problem is those people get lined up against the wall too.
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

46 States have open carry laws. Where are all the NRA gunslingers? Seems to me the gun deaths are confined mainly to inner city ghettos controlled by gun hating Democrat Mayors.

Those people need to lay off the drugs.... they conjure up crazy ass shit that doesn't even really happen.

Projection. They don't trust themselves with a gun, therefore no one can be trusted with a gun.

Ahh.. I think it is more basic than that... they're totalitarian assholes.

There's also that. They like oppressive rules since they think they'll be in charge and the rules will be what they like and won't be used against them in any event. Liberty for me but not for thee.

The problem is those people get lined up against the wall too.

'Cons and NRA forcing America to regress 100 years'


Obama gives thousands of guns and GRENADES to Mexican Drug Cartels...but doesn't want law abiding citizens to have them.

Obama gave billions of dollars of weapons to the terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood...but doesn't want law abiding citizens to have weapons.

Obama gave weapons to Al Qaeida (Yeah - 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, THAT Al Qaeida) and even took the country to war to help our enemy (that perpetrated the worst attack on the US since Pearl Harbor) take over Libya...but doesn't want law abiding citizens to have guns.

Obama supplied, armed, and trained ISIS....but doesn't want law abiding citizens to have them.

The Obama administration's office of Land Management sent it's own 'military' and snipers to put their crosshairs on the heads of the wife and children of a rancher, who was using the public lands Senate Majority Leader wanted for himself for a deal that would make him a lot of money, to intimidate them and drive them off the land....the government even stole and illegally slaughtered a number of the man's cows.....

Obama is rejecting the Constitution, which established the 3 Branches of the Federal Government and tasked them with their own responsibilities / duties (Separation of Powers), and continues to tyrannically by-pass Congress to create his own laws / edicts to impose on the law-abiding citizens of the United States.....

...and YOU post the opinion that Conservatives and the NRA, that promotes the safe and responsible ownership of guns according to the Constitution (as opposed to Mr. / President 'Arm Mexican Drug Cartels and Terrorists'), are forcing American to regress 100 years?!

:lmao: :lmao:

Stripping law-abiding citizens of their right to bear arms does not make them makes more 'sheep' on which the 'wolves' - criminals, drug cartels, terrorists...and government - will feast!
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?
Why is you nose getting longer than John Holmes's penis?
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?
Up until now I've felt like I lived in a civilized country. But the barbarian gun culture is making it out to be unsafe to not carry a gun. Either carry a gun, or be a victim of a gun nut.

When everybody has a gun, it's back to the days when everything is solved with a gun. How many times will we hear on the news, somebody say, "He drew on me first"?

Yeah, are these wingnuts even capable of reading and comprehending the Constitution? I'll let you answer that yourself. They're the Democrat-Base. Pretty scary.

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