Cons/repubs: when republicans in office criticize Obama, do you agree....


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
....with all of the criticisms? Are they all reasonable? Can you give an example or two that are unfair and are clearly politically motivated? Criticisms that they obviously know are bullshit, but they say them anyway for political gain?
Not all of them, no. Ahem, contrary to what [MENTION=24391]NoNukes[/MENTION]: just posited. I disagree that he is Kenyan. I disagree with false contentions made by Republicans about the President, just as I don't support false contentions made by him and his party about Republicans. This is what I refer to as lying. I hate lying, when either side does it to gain something. It's up to the common man to discern the truth for himself, not swallow the demagoguery that his party preaches.
....with all of the criticisms? Are they all reasonable? Can you give an example or two that are unfair and are clearly politically motivated? Criticisms that they obviously know are bullshit, but they say them anyway for political gain?

which criticisms bug you
I bet they were all tore up when Dan Rather went on National T.v. and presented FAKE papers that said Bush was AWOL from the military..They probably say TODAY they weren't fake..

but some people suggest Obama wasn't born here is THE END OF THE WORLD in their book..
Mother fucking deflection in every mother fucking thread. Do you ever get bored?

The question is ......are you aware of instances where GOP leaders purposefully mislead the American people by offering criticism of the President that they know is unwarranted?

One person answered yes......but offered only the "Kenyan" bullshit as an example. Surely, this hater of lies can come up with a few more. And surely he can do so without deflecting the question.

I contend that many of you GOP faithful know that many of the criticisms aimed at the President are bullshit ( Steph is too stupid to know ), but condone them they might help you realize your agenda. Some of you even repeat them if it makes a difference.
Mother fucking deflection in every mother fucking thread. Do you ever get bored?

The question is ......are you aware of instances where GOP leaders purposefully mislead the American people by offering criticism of the President that they know is unwarranted?

One person answered yes......but offered only the "Kenyan" bullshit as an example. Surely, this hater of lies can come up with a few more. And surely he can do so without deflecting the question.

I contend that many of you GOP faithful know that many of the criticisms aimed at the President are bullshit ( Steph is too stupid to know ), but condone them they might help you realize your agenda. Some of you even repeat them if it makes a difference.

Deflection? Lets reverse the question. Do you disagree with the criticisms leveled against President Bush?

How does the GOP have anything to do with the OP? You deflect by calling people names, and then you try to skirt a response from me by passively referring to my post. At least I answered the question. YOU have failed to do such in any of your posts. Getting a forthright answer out of you is like trying to pry a fat man from his hamburger. You'd much rather all of the criticism of Obama be unmerited. Life doesn't work that way, bub. Reality has no biases. You on the other You're hopeless, LL!

BTW, are you suggesting he's a Kenyan?
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Mother fucking deflection in every mother fucking thread. Do you ever get bored?

The question is ......are you aware of instances where GOP leaders purposefully mislead the American people by offering criticism of the President that they know is unwarranted?

One person answered yes......but offered only the "Kenyan" bullshit as an example. Surely, this hater of lies can come up with a few more. And surely he can do so without deflecting the question.

I contend that many of you GOP faithful know that many of the criticisms aimed at the President are bullshit ( Steph is too stupid to know ), but condone them they might help you realize your agenda. Some of you even repeat them if it makes a difference.

Deflection? Lets reverse the question. Do you disagree with the criticisms leveled against President Bush?

How does the GOP have anything to do with the OP? You deflect by calling people names, and then you try to skirt a response from me by passively referring to my post. At least I answered the question. YOU have failed to do such in any of your posts. Getting a forthright answer out of you is like trying to pry a fat man from his hamburger. You'd much rather all of the criticism of Obama be unmerited. Life doesn't work that way, bub. You're hopeless!

BTW, are you suggesting he's a Kenyan?

I offer forthright answers all the time. You are not paying attention.

Please give me an example of a "bullshit criticism" levied against Bush and I will tell you if I believe it to be true or not.

Ask me a fucking direct question......void of bullshit and innuendo....and you will get a fucking direct answer. Try it.
I bet they were all tore up when Dan Rather went on National T.v. and presented FAKE papers that said Bush was AWOL from the military..They probably say TODAY they weren't fake..

but some people suggest Obama wasn't born here is THE END OF THE WORLD in their book..

" even though the papers are fake the story is important "


personally i like to be a critic of the prezbos thin skin

like when he first ran

and a issue came up that he was unpatriotic about the flag

on his very next "major speech"

the stage was stuffed with so many flags that they had to

move some out of the way for him to get on stage


the teleprompter is another favorite

....with all of the criticisms? Are they all reasonable? Can you give an example or two that are unfair and are clearly politically motivated? Criticisms that they obviously know are bullshit, but they say them anyway for political gain?

Man, have the Obama cult members become more Shrill, vulgar and whiny?

or have the always been like this?

but they sure could dish it when Bush was in office now the shoe is on the other foot, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Mother fucking deflection in every mother fucking thread. Do you ever get bored?

The question is ......are you aware of instances where GOP leaders purposefully mislead the American people by offering criticism of the President that they know is unwarranted?

One person answered yes......but offered only the "Kenyan" bullshit as an example. Surely, this hater of lies can come up with a few more. And surely he can do so without deflecting the question.

I contend that many of you GOP faithful know that many of the criticisms aimed at the President are bullshit ( Steph is too stupid to know ), but condone them they might help you realize your agenda. Some of you even repeat them if it makes a difference.

Deflection? Lets reverse the question. Do you disagree with the criticisms leveled against President Bush?

How does the GOP have anything to do with the OP? You deflect by calling people names, and then you try to skirt a response from me by passively referring to my post. At least I answered the question. YOU have failed to do such in any of your posts. Getting a forthright answer out of you is like trying to pry a fat man from his hamburger. You'd much rather all of the criticism of Obama be unmerited. Life doesn't work that way, bub. Reality has no biases. You on the other You're hopeless, LL!

BTW, are you suggesting he's a Kenyan?

BTW......reversing the question IS THE DEFINITION OF DEFLECTION. Maybe you didn't know that. you think I was suggesting that the President is a Kenyan.....or was that an intentionally stupid question? We you eager for a forthright answer?

Try harder.
....with all of the criticisms? Are they all reasonable? Can you give an example or two that are unfair and are clearly politically motivated? Criticisms that they obviously know are bullshit, but they say them anyway for political gain?


not only the IRS

but the FBI the DEA the DHS the EPA the ...

you will comply
Come on people, WITH everything coming out in the last couple weeks..

There AIN'T NOTHING to criticize the Dear leader over, or it's just all UNFAIR

What a pleasant little assbite you are.

Mother fucking deflection in every mother fucking thread. Do you ever get bored?

The question is ......are you aware of instances where GOP leaders purposefully mislead the American people by offering criticism of the President that they know is unwarranted?

One person answered yes......but offered only the "Kenyan" bullshit as an example. Surely, this hater of lies can come up with a few more. And surely he can do so without deflecting the question.

I contend that many of you GOP faithful know that many of the criticisms aimed at the President are bullshit ( Steph is too stupid to know ), but condone them they might help you realize your agenda. Some of you even repeat them if it makes a difference.

Deflection? Lets reverse the question. Do you disagree with the criticisms leveled against President Bush?

How does the GOP have anything to do with the OP? You deflect by calling people names, and then you try to skirt a response from me by passively referring to my post. At least I answered the question. YOU have failed to do such in any of your posts. Getting a forthright answer out of you is like trying to pry a fat man from his hamburger. You'd much rather all of the criticism of Obama be unmerited. Life doesn't work that way, bub. You're hopeless!

BTW, are you suggesting he's a Kenyan?

I offer forthright answers all the time. You are not paying attention.

Please give me an example of a "bullshit criticism" levied against Bush and I will tell you if I believe it to be true or not.

Ask me a fucking direct question......void of bullshit and innuendo....and you will get a fucking direct answer. Try it.

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