Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

Are they wrong? It's an aweful situation. But this poor kid is only alive because of a ventilator. The poor parents are blinded wh grief .

I hate to be cold, but how many resources are being used for this baby that doesn't have a chance ?
There is a chance.
People said the same thing about this boy a few years ago. I forget his name or what was wrong with him but he was supposed to die years ago. He is still alive.
We arent perfect. We are constantly learning new things. Its to be expected.
Even if, that shit shouldnt matter. That judge or judges shouldnt determine what happens to that kid.

What about his doctors? Should they get a say?

Of course they get a say. Their say its to give the parents an informed spectrum of options and allow them to make the best choice for their child and family.

Every doctor takes an oath to do no harm. Withholding treatment violates that oath.

Treatments are specific actions that have a chance of helping. "Treatment" is NOT throwing anything and everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

A chance of working, no it doesn't according to specialist who work with this stuff everyday, day in and day out. They have thousands of children there with genetic conditions, I'm sure they know what they are doing.
A DOCTOR promising to provide treatment to Charlie Gard has said he can help treat the baby’s condition after examining him in hospital.
Via the express
Why doesn't this couple adopt a child, one who is hungry, why because they are selfish people. You want a baby and can't have one, adopt , do not get in vitro. Look in the mirror next time you are anti the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Look in the mirror next time you think we should nuke Iran and NK.

Omfg, it's their child, leave it to a moonbat to come up with "our child is damaged, let's kill it and adopt a healthy one".

im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
so weird that you don't see that the parents are fighting the government to keep their child alive.

wait, no it's not, this is the shit you were hoping for.

murder by vote.

fucking leftists are just so evil.

Lefty Death Panels.

BTW, they exist in Obamacare...already.

Lets get some proof they exist in the ACA?? Got any links to prove it, or examples. Anything, or just a talking point.

  • Do you believe in Evolution?
  • Do you believe in Global Warming?
  • Do you believe The Planet is Overpopulated?
  • Do you believe in On Demand Abortion?
Now you can believe in Death Panels too! It is just more of the same as the first four bulleted items are.

All five items above deal with death, birth control, sterilization, survival of the fittest, law of the jungle, and reducing the population of Earth through natural and artificial means.


Obamacare death panels should be ended

By Peter J. Ferrara - - Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Buried deep within Obamacare is a provision that takes away health care from you and your doctors, by taking away payment for critical health care that may be needed to save your life. It is called The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

The board will be independent of you, your doctors, your hospitals, Medicare, Congress, the judiciary, the democratic process, ultimately even the Constitution itself. As the Cato Institute tried to warn us five years ago, IPAB is “independent in the worst sense of the word: independent of Congress, independent of the president, independent of the judiciary, and independent of the will of the people.”

IPAB is to be composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But the board and its powers are so dangerous that even President Obama never made any appointments.

DEATH PANELS are a fact just like Liberals Lie is a fact.

Last edited:
Denial of Potentially Life-Saving Cancer Treatment Reversed

And there are many more such cases.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
so weird that you don't see that the parents are fighting the government to keep their child alive.

wait, no it's not, this is the shit you were hoping for.

murder by vote.

fucking leftists are just so evil.

Lefty Death Panels.

BTW, they exist in Obamacare...already.

Lets get some proof they exist in the ACA?? Got any links to prove it, or examples. Anything, or just a talking point.

  • Do you believe in Evolution?
  • Do you believe in Global Warming?
  • Do you believe The Planet is Overpopulated?
  • Do you believe in On Demand Abortion?
Now you can believe in Death Panels too! It is just more of the same as the first four bulleted items are.

All five items above deal with death, birth control, sterilization, survival of the fittest, law of the jungle, and reducing the population of Earth through natural and artificial means.


Obamacare death panels should be ended

By Peter J. Ferrara - - Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Buried deep within Obamacare is a provision that takes away health care from you and your doctors, by taking away payment for critical health care that may be needed to save your life. It is called The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

The board will be independent of you, your doctors, your hospitals, Medicare, Congress, the judiciary, the democratic process, ultimately even the Constitution itself. As the Cato Institute tried to warn us five years ago, IPAB is “independent in the worst sense of the word: independent of Congress, independent of the president, independent of the judiciary, and independent of the will of the people.”

IPAB is to be composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But the board and its powers are so dangerous that even President Obama never made any appointments.

DEATH PANELS are a fact just like Liberals Lie is a fact.

What about his doctors? Should they get a say?
Would you like someone else to decide what happens with your son? I wouldnt. Especially some asshole statist telling me i couldnt take him to the hospital i wanted.

From what I read, it's his doctors that are encouraging stopping treatment. Then the courts told them to keep going, until they could look at the case and decide.
Probably why they want different doctors.
They have raised over a million euros for treatment here. The Vatican hospital said they would take him in.
Both were denied by someone that isnt affected AT ALL.

And that's the problem. The government is making the decision, not the patient

No the doctors, who by the way are highly trained.

The doctors, who work for government, don't have the authority to make that decision. If they did a judge wouldn't have been involved.

The doctors have never had the right to make treatment decisions. That right belongs to the patient or their guardian
Why doesn't this couple adopt a child, one who is hungry, why because they are selfish people. You want a baby and can't have one, adopt , do not get in vitro. Look in the mirror next time you are anti the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Look in the mirror next time you think we should nuke Iran and NK.

What kind of heartless person are you? They have a child. The one you want to die.

Adoption doesn't replace the loss of a child. Children aren't commodities that we can buy or sell if one doesn't work right.

I mean seriously wth?!
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
so weird that you don't see that the parents are fighting the government to keep their child alive.

wait, no it's not, this is the shit you were hoping for.

murder by vote.

fucking leftists are just so evil.

Lefty Death Panels.

BTW, they exist in Obamacare...already.

Lets get some proof they exist in the ACA?? Got any links to prove it, or examples. Anything, or just a talking point.

  • Do you believe in Evolution?
  • Do you believe in Global Warming?
  • Do you believe The Planet is Overpopulated?
  • Do you believe in On Demand Abortion?
Now you can believe in Death Panels too! It is just more of the same as the first four bulleted items are.

All five items above deal with death, birth control, sterilization, survival of the fittest, law of the jungle, and reducing the population of Earth through natural and artificial means.


Obamacare death panels should be ended

By Peter J. Ferrara - - Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Buried deep within Obamacare is a provision that takes away health care from you and your doctors, by taking away payment for critical health care that may be needed to save your life. It is called The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

The board will be independent of you, your doctors, your hospitals, Medicare, Congress, the judiciary, the democratic process, ultimately even the Constitution itself. As the Cato Institute tried to warn us five years ago, IPAB is “independent in the worst sense of the word: independent of Congress, independent of the president, independent of the judiciary, and independent of the will of the people.”

IPAB is to be composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But the board and its powers are so dangerous that even President Obama never made any appointments.

DEATH PANELS are a fact just like Liberals Lie is a fact.

Not even close to death panels and not even in existence. Since Medicare spending has gone down there has been no need to cut doctors income from Medicare, and that is thanks to the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Early dx and treatment is a good thing.
The phantom death panel that won't die
Why doesn't this couple adopt a child, one who is hungry, why because they are selfish people. You want a baby and can't have one, adopt , do not get in vitro. Look in the mirror next time you are anti the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Look in the mirror next time you think we should nuke Iran and NK.

What kind of heartless person are you? They have a child. The one you want to die.

Adoption doesn't replace the loss of a child. Children aren't commodities that we can buy or sell if one doesn't work right.

I mean seriously wth?!

Of course not, but I'm sure it can help, since the said couple can't have more children since both are carriers of the genetic condition.
What do you have against learning more about treating this disease and letting doctors and family help this child live? Do you hate him and his family that much?

He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.

What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.

Are they wrong? It's an aweful situation. But this poor kid is only alive because of a ventilator. The poor parents are blinded wh grief .

I hate to be cold, but how many resources are being used for this baby that doesn't have a chance ?
There is a chance.
People said the same thing about this boy a few years ago. I forget his name or what was wrong with him but he was supposed to die years ago. He is still alive.
We arent perfect. We are constantly learning new things. Its to be expected.
Even if, that shit shouldnt matter. That judge or judges shouldnt determine what happens to that kid.

What about his doctors? Should they get a say?

They do, and did and still do.

Sent from my iPad using
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.

What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

Why does a British couple need American food stamps?
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.

What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

You talk about crap and people you know nothing's why you're viewed as a moron, moron
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
If they have the money, which they do, who cares?
And who in the holy fuck does European courts think they are? I would tell them to shove it up their statist asses.

They do not have enough money for around the clock care for the life of the child.
They have got some. They raised over a million dollars. It would be enough for experimental treatment. Hell, they couldnt even go to the vatican! I think that might have been free. Not sure though.

It's not "treatment".

It would only prolong the time he is forced to "breathe" on a respirator.

No, the vatican would never even consider spending any of their trillions $$$ on a sick baby.

A non-viable fetus? Yes.
A child? Never.

There is nothing that can change how this horribly sad situation ends.

Sent from my iPad using
What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

Why does a British couple need American food stamps?

You phony christians pretend you care about this baby but have voted against health care and even food stamps for the sick, handicapped poor in the US.

I started a thread in healthcare about another little boy who needs help and not one of you miserable hypocrites had anything to say.
What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

You talk about crap and people you know nothing's why you're viewed as a moron, moron


So you're in favor of food stamps for the poor?

You believe we should help the elderly? Children and babies? Veterans? Handicapped?


Sent from my iPad using
You are a doctor now!?!
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
If they have the money, which they do, who cares?
And who in the holy fuck does European courts think they are? I would tell them to shove it up their statist asses.

They do not have enough money for around the clock care for the life of the child.
They have got some. They raised over a million dollars. It would be enough for experimental treatment. Hell, they couldnt even go to the vatican! I think that might have been free. Not sure though.

It's not "treatment".

It would only prolong the time he is forced to "breathe" on a respirator.

No, the vatican would never even consider spending any of their trillions $$$ on a sick baby.

A non-viable fetus? Yes.
A child? Never.

There is nothing that can change how this horribly sad situation ends.

Sent from my iPad using
Get off it. Quit spouting fake talking points. We have never called for the denial of those truly, legitimately in need. And we also have charities to help even more. More than a third of Americans receive some form of welfare.
You can't possibly think they are all in legitimate need.
Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

You talk about crap and people you know nothing's why you're viewed as a moron, moron


So you're in favor of food stamps for the poor?

You believe we should help the elderly? Children and babies? Veterans? Handicapped?


Sent from my iPad using
Last edited:
Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

You talk about crap and people you know nothing's why you're viewed as a moron, moron


So you're in favor of food stamps for the poor?

You believe we should help the elderly? Children and babies? Veterans? Handicapped?


Sent from my iPad using

Yes I am, see another time you have been smacked silly, you befuddled retard . Just sit down and shut up, you're embarrassing yourself
Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

Sent from my iPad using

I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

Sent from my iPad using

Why does a British couple need American food stamps?

You phony christians pretend you care about this baby but have voted against health care and even food stamps for the sick, handicapped poor in the US.

I started a thread in healthcare about another little boy who needs help and not one of you miserable hypocrites had anything to say.

Why don't you want people to support themselves? Work is one of the greatest gifts man has. Free will is another one. When we work hard to produce more than we use and then freely give what the Lord has blessed us with we begin to see the Hand of Providence in our society.

I'd rather live free then depend on politicians to give me back my money

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