Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

So you're advocating the murder of Baby Charlie...?

Turning off machines is not murder . He can't survive on his own . Its sad but that's reality .

Oh, the f'n irony of right wingers getting on their high horse when at the same time they want to eliminate health coverage for millions of Americans.

It is when you have a potential treatment and forbid them from using it

Lets make a million ventilators and put all brain dead kids on them, so we can use them for science.

What do you have against learning more about treating this disease and letting doctors and family help this child live? Do you hate him and his family that much?

He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.

guinea pig comes with the territory of experimental treatments. At least its a shot. If it fails then he dies anyway.
So you're in favor of food stamps for the poor? You believe we should help the elderly? Children and babies? Veterans? Handicapped?
I was wondering when the disingenuous emotional 'blackmail' / ploy BS would be used.

When called out for attempting to force their opinion of how medical treatment should be denied based on their 'expert' opinion and dictate who should live and who should die, suddenly they switch the conversation around, trying to make it seem like it is not THEY who are cold and heartless but that it is others instead.

Ok...let's go there....If snowflakes have their will Baby Charlie will never have the opportunity to one day become a US citizen (if he chooses), never be able to apply for Food Stamps, never become elderly...because they have deemed that he should be denied any opportunity to survive.

They do know more than doctors, after all. And this is not just imposing their opinion / will on others because it is more like FACT...because they are all so much more intelligent than others.
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

Leftists just view it as a late stage abortion and want to sell the parts - sad really.

Righties wouldn't have covered the kid to begin with . If you want to throw stones.

Righties would step forward and pay the expenses for this child out of their own pocket.

Lefties would reach into the righties' pockets when they weren't looking, take all of their cash and give half to the family for the child's medical care and keep the other half for administrative fees.
guinea pig comes with the territory of experimental treatments. At least its a shot. If it fails then he dies anyway.

If I have a rare fatal disease and have NO chance of survival if I do nothing ... or I can agree to series of treatments that could potentially result in my surviving ... and if these treatments are being offered to me.... even if I am stuck with needles, tubes inserted, etc...if I want the chance to survive it is MY choice, not some liberal who thinks I should just die and be done with it.

If I have a child who is dying and there is even a remote chance that something could be done to save him, the choice of whether to try to do so or not is NOT anyone else's but 'mine' - the parents'. How dare anyone else / snowflakes seek to deny a parent's choice in the matter, especially if it is not costing a dime for the liberal/other person who wants to deny that right to a parent.
Turning off machines is not murder . He can't survive on his own . Its sad but that's reality .

Oh, the f'n irony of right wingers getting on their high horse when at the same time they want to eliminate health coverage for millions of Americans.

It is when you have a potential treatment and forbid them from using it

Lets make a million ventilators and put all brain dead kids on them, so we can use them for science.

What do you have against learning more about treating this disease and letting doctors and family help this child live? Do you hate him and his family that much?

He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.

guinea pig comes with the territory of experimental treatments. At least its a shot. If it fails then he dies anyway.

Apparently some don't like science if it helps a child & future children live. Only if it gets them political power
This is socialized medicine. The parents CAN pay, and WILL pay. The money has been donated. Nothing is burdened on the tax payers. But, liberals don't want the Gard's to spend that money on their son. They want it spent on someone else. Someone THEY deem would benefit more from someone else's money.

The problem isn't with Charlie Gard. The problem is really with the researchers and medical developers that come up with the experimental treatment in the first place. If ONLY they woujldn't waste their time (and all that money) looking for treatment and cures for rare diseases. Just think of the money available for the third world needy.

Now that the wrong has been done, and some team came up with an experimental treatment it is necessary to have someone with the disease to treat, just so, you know, to see how close they are to it working. Charlie Gard is going to die. But maybe what is learned from his treatment could help the next Charlie Gard. Now, if that's where your problem is, they the Gard baby has nothing to do with it. You don't want the line of inquiry in the first place.

No this is not socialized medicine. So you want baby Charlie to be a guinea pig. Price doesn't even want pre screening for cancer or stem cell research so there you go.

Honey you're an order of fries short of a happy meal. It is Socialized Medicine, please tell me you are not as stupid as you sound.

Nothing to do with socialized medicine. Nothing.

The government run health care is literally forcing the family to not seek out this treatment and its not about socialized medicine?

That is right, its not about socialized medicine. I find it funny T wants to help a child from the UK and wants to stop Medicaid payments here, oh the irony. Hey the elites want anything done to live longer.

I got that impression that Donald Trump is willing to PRIVATELY FUND the treatment for this child who
is afflicted with an hereditary illness related to Mitochondrial function which some docs believe they can TREAT. I did not get the impression that he expects Medicaid to pay for it ------anyone?. The hereditary
FATAL sicknesses that destroy the nervous systems of newborns are particularly tragic. There are many
such cases. The people working to find ways to treat them are heroes. Somehow they are being
castigated by the shit-for-brains jerks on this thread
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR

Take the vent off and he will be brain dead. He has severe brain damage.
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR

Take the vent off and he will be brain dead. He has severe brain damage.

Who to trust. You. Or the doctors and specialists who say otherwise. Tough choice
No this is not socialized medicine. So you want baby Charlie to be a guinea pig. Price doesn't even want pre screening for cancer or stem cell research so there you go.

Honey you're an order of fries short of a happy meal. It is Socialized Medicine, please tell me you are not as stupid as you sound.

Nothing to do with socialized medicine. Nothing.

The government run health care is literally forcing the family to not seek out this treatment and its not about socialized medicine?

That is right, its not about socialized medicine. I find it funny T wants to help a child from the UK and wants to stop Medicaid payments here, oh the irony. Hey the elites want anything done to live longer.

I got that impression that Donald Trump is willing to PRIVATELY FUND the treatment for this child who
is afflicted with an hereditary illness related to Mitochondrial function which some docs believe they can TREAT. I did not get the impression that he expects Medicaid to pay for it ------anyone?. The hereditary
FATAL sicknesses that destroy the nervous systems of newborns are particularly tragic. There are many
such cases. The people working to find ways to treat them are heroes. Somehow they are being
castigated by the shit-for-brains jerks on this thread

Oh so Trump is going to pay for this child's care, by all means send him over, (kidding) He is taking money from his campaign to finance his sons attorney fees. I think T just said that for a photo op or tweet op.
If doctors want to try to save Charlie 'for free' and the parents want to give their baby every opportunity to save their child, who the f* are liberals (or anyone else) to say they should not be allowed to try to do so.

That's an example of 'government' being so far up your ass that when they burp it comes out of YOUR mouth...

why would you keep something alive that has no quality of life? we treat our pets better than people.

and rightwingnuts certainly do.

Is that not for the parents to decide and not you or the doctors who cannot help him?
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR

Take the vent off and he will be brain dead. He has severe brain damage.

that a patient cannot breathe on his own is NOT EVIDENCE of "brain death"------you need
remediation. Do you go around the hospital unplugging ventilators for the glory of your
catechism whore? The NICU is calling you
He is going to be a guinea pig. He is not going to be alive, as he is not now. Machines are keeping him alive and will for as long as you want.
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR

Take the vent off and he will be brain dead. He has severe brain damage.

Who to trust. You. Or the doctors and specialists who say otherwise. Tough choice

Well lets see how long you can go without O2.
Honey you're an order of fries short of a happy meal. It is Socialized Medicine, please tell me you are not as stupid as you sound.

Nothing to do with socialized medicine. Nothing.

The government run health care is literally forcing the family to not seek out this treatment and its not about socialized medicine?

That is right, its not about socialized medicine. I find it funny T wants to help a child from the UK and wants to stop Medicaid payments here, oh the irony. Hey the elites want anything done to live longer.

I got that impression that Donald Trump is willing to PRIVATELY FUND the treatment for this child who
is afflicted with an hereditary illness related to Mitochondrial function which some docs believe they can TREAT. I did not get the impression that he expects Medicaid to pay for it ------anyone?. The hereditary
FATAL sicknesses that destroy the nervous systems of newborns are particularly tragic. There are many
such cases. The people working to find ways to treat them are heroes. Somehow they are being
castigated by the shit-for-brains jerks on this thread

Oh so Trump is going to pay for this child's care, by all means send him over, (kidding) He is taking money from his campaign to finance his sons attorney fees. I think T just said that for a photo op or tweet op.

seems logical to me that the campaign funds would be for mishaps of the campaign by persons
who worked for the campaign. What is your problem?
That is your opinion, but snowflakes always think they are smarter than everyone else, even smarter than doctors. And based on that self-bloated opinion you want to deny a child the right to a chance to live. And Democrats declared Republicans' view of health care was 'Go ahead and die'....

Are you a doctor?

I am a doctor-----machines cannot keep a brain dead person "alive" forever. ------I doubt that
the child is actually brain dead anyway. The criteria for "brain death"-----specifically the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----are very specific. I have seen no report
stating that the baby meets those criteria. All real health care workers are familiar with the
"HARVARD CRITERIA FOR BRAIN DEATH"----- I notice that some of the idiots that post here
talk of the child "suffering"-------der ain't no suffering for a "brain dead child" Intellectually
speaking-----several of the posters on this thread DO meet common standards for "SHIT FOR

Take the vent off and he will be brain dead. He has severe brain damage.

Who to trust. You. Or the doctors and specialists who say otherwise. Tough choice

Well lets see how long you can go without O2.

what for? are you suggesting that people who need O2 supplemental should be executed----or left
gasping in the gutter? ---------do you go about sabotaging the oxygen tanks in that delusional
hospital in which you imagine you work?
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

Leftists just view it as a late stage abortion and want to sell the parts - sad really.

Righties wouldn't have covered the kid to begin with . If you want to throw stones.

Righties would step forward and pay the expenses for this child out of their own pocket.

Lefties would reach into the righties' pockets when they weren't looking, take all of their cash and give half to the family for the child's medical care and keep the other half for administrative fees.
Somebody donated the money for the baby's care. It sure wasn't any leftist. The left wants to paint this as taxpayers supporting this experimental treatment when it is no such thing. Even if, by some magic, there was no money for Charlie Gard's treatment, the funds would still not be available to "da po' ".

It isn't this child's treatment the left objects to. It's the research and development that gave the experimental treatment. That's what costs. The left wants to stop the advancement of medical science. Maybe they can spend the money on global warming instead. The left is known for being anti science anyway.
What would Planned Parenthood do with Charlie?

Left to them he'd have died in the womb and parted out to the highest bidder.

Freaking ghouls

You have said that you would torture a dying British child while denying health care to an American child.

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I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

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Why does a British couple need American food stamps?

Trade for crack?
hereditary sickness related to MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION is a THING. -------the
funding of research in that THING is as warranted as the funding of research in
breast &/or prostate cancer. There are SEVERAL sicknesses involving mitochondrial
dysfunction of varying severity &/or clinical manefestations
Call it 'Death Panels' or 'Health Care Rationing' amounts to the same thing - people who have elevated themselves into a position of power where they decide or they appoint others to decide who gets medical treatment or not, and if so what is the quality / extent of that treatment.

It already exists.

Some of the media is already CALING for it / defending it:
- Why We Must Ration Health Care -

- Whose Lives Should Be Saved? Researchers Ask the Public

You really think the United States has not considered and planned on how to survive and how to deal with a massive, catastrophic a nuclear war? In such a case emergency responders, medical centers, resources, etc will be overwhelmed. Health Care / medical treatment will be rationed.

THIS is not one of those times.

It has ALWAYS been------even when I was a kid------there were criteria for being on
THE LIST for a kidney transplant-------from AGE all the way to intellect
Are they wrong? It's an aweful situation. But this poor kid is only alive because of a ventilator. The poor parents are blinded wh grief .

I hate to be cold, but how many resources are being used for this baby that doesn't have a chance ?
There is a chance.
People said the same thing about this boy a few years ago. I forget his name or what was wrong with him but he was supposed to die years ago. He is still alive.
We arent perfect. We are constantly learning new things. Its to be expected.
Even if, that shit shouldnt matter. That judge or judges shouldnt determine what happens to that kid.

What about his doctors? Should they get a say?

Of course they get a say. Their say its to give the parents an informed spectrum of options and allow them to make the best choice for their child and family.

Every doctor takes an oath to do no harm. Withholding treatment violates that oath.

Treatments are specific actions that have a chance of helping. "Treatment" is NOT throwing anything and everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

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