Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

Damn you’re stupid. Michael Brown attacked a cop and tried to steal his gun. And he never had his hands up dumbfuck. Per eyewitnesses. Most of whom were black.

Actually, most of the eyewitnesses said he had his hands up.

Georgie boy Floyd had enough Fentanyl in his system to drop more than one man. He was dead already. The medical examiners said drug overdose.

Nope. They ruled it a homicide.

Breonna Taylor was harboring known drug dealers. Bad things tend to happen when you do that. Keep eating the bullshit, your Dem leaders just laugh as you repeat the talking points.

The drug dealer they were looking for didn't live there, and they already had him in custody.

Certainly no reason to go kicking down the door at 1 AM and shooting up the place.

I love shoving your face in your bullshit. Discovery would have buried Kraperlimpdick. He REFUSED two contract offers (Baltimore and Denver) Meaning you don’t get to cry collusion. The NFL settled (and for a LOT less than Kraperlimpdick wanted) because the idiot woulda have just kept appealing and it would have cost more to carry on the court cases than they paid the crybaby.

Point was, THEY did settle, probably because they would have found collusion.

Kaepernick had a contract with the 49ers set to pay him $12 million. John Elway’s Broncos needed a quarterback and were willing to trade for Kaepernick, but they didn’t want to pay him $12 million. John said he’d go through with the trade if he only had to pay Kaepernick $7 million. The 49ers didn’t want to subsidize the Broncos and Kaep didn’t want to take a $5 million pay cut.

It made zero sense for him to take the contract at the time.
....her getting fired is EXACTLY what she was talking about!!

yeah, she got fired for saying racist and stupid shit.

because when you are making a Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family, you don't want the Racist Chick on there.
While I don't share his beliefs, Tim Tebow was vilified by the left for kneeling in silent prayer. No more disruptive than anything Kaepernick did, the act was considered intolerant and outright disgusting by the shit-stained left.

Tebow knelt in an act of silent, personal prayer. Kapernick knelt in an act of public defiance. The left looked at Tebow as some sort zealot and at Kaepernick as some sort of hero. Kapernick is no hero and Tebow is no zealot, yet only the act of one of them is acceptable to the dumbfucks who inhabit the left...
I am not going to presume to generalize to facilitate ideological demonization of any faction, but I'm guessing that there are many Americans who support the right to such personal expression - Kaepernick to publicly draw attention to police brutality, and Tebow as a public demonstration of his religious convictions.

No doubt, there are many who would defend both pre-game genuflections as free speech, as well as those who would say that free speech should not be allowed in the sacrosanct realm of football.
The biggest example of right wing cancel culture were the red scares and Joe McCarthy.
And McCarthy was proven right all along.

Was he? He ruined a lot of people's lives over guilt by association before his accusations got so crazy - The Army was Communist- that even his own party had to slap him down.

That was when Republicans still had integrity, though.
....her getting fired is EXACTLY what she was talking about!!

yeah, she got fired for saying racist and stupid shit.

because when you are making a Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family, you don't want the Racist Chick on there.
She got fired because sissies got offended. There was nothing racist about it.
So we've seen a few threads on these boards about how Gina Carano was fired by Disney after she repeatedly posted racist, conspiratorial and transphobic memes on Twitter, and someone decided that she wasn't the best person to have on your Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family. Yes, after spending 4 BILLION to buy the rights to Star Wars, they didn't want some third tier actor dragging them into controversy they didn't need.

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Fun Space Adventure... Calling them "Younglings" so you don't have to say, "Killed Children"

Anyway, the Right Wing has gone apoplectic over this. How dare we punish this poor woman for merely expressing her opinion.

Of course, these were the same people who insisted that the NFL Fire Colin Kaepernick because he took a knee protesting police misconduct and killing of black people.

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Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.

Then there were the Dixie Chicks. Remember them? They were a country band that expressed the opinion that our war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist was probably a bad idea. (Actually, only one of them did, but they all paid for it.

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Eventually, they were proven right. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find a Right Winger today who would argue the Iraq War was a good idea.

Then there was the grandmother of all "Cancel Culture", Jane Fonda. You remember Jane? She was the one who said our undeclared war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. Even humanized the people we were mercilessly bombing by visiting them.

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Well, she was proven right. The war was a bad idea. Not that it did her any good, people still denounced her as "Hanoi Jane" and her career was pretty much over by 1980.

Point is, the Right Wing was for Cancel Culture (really, "Consequence Culture") before they were against it.

So let the right wing outrage begin!!!
George floyd wasn't murdered --------he overdosed on drugs. So now your comments also shows that Kapernick was and is a clueless racist moron.
So we've seen a few threads on these boards about how Gina Carano was fired by Disney after she repeatedly posted racist, conspiratorial and transphobic memes on Twitter, and someone decided that she wasn't the best person to have on your Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family. Yes, after spending 4 BILLION to buy the rights to Star Wars, they didn't want some third tier actor dragging them into controversy they didn't need.

View attachment 464341
Fun Space Adventure... Calling them "Younglings" so you don't have to say, "Killed Children"

Anyway, the Right Wing has gone apoplectic over this. How dare we punish this poor woman for merely expressing her opinion.

Of course, these were the same people who insisted that the NFL Fire Colin Kaepernick because he took a knee protesting police misconduct and killing of black people.

View attachment 464342

Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.

Then there were the Dixie Chicks. Remember them? They were a country band that expressed the opinion that our war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist was probably a bad idea. (Actually, only one of them did, but they all paid for it.

View attachment 464343

Eventually, they were proven right. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find a Right Winger today who would argue the Iraq War was a good idea.

Then there was the grandmother of all "Cancel Culture", Jane Fonda. You remember Jane? She was the one who said our undeclared war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. Even humanized the people we were mercilessly bombing by visiting them.

View attachment 464344

Well, she was proven right. The war was a bad idea. Not that it did her any good, people still denounced her as "Hanoi Jane" and her career was pretty much over by 1980.

Point is, the Right Wing was for Cancel Culture (really, "Consequence Culture") before they were against it.

So let the right wing outrage begin!!!
George floyd wasn't murdered --------he overdosed on drugs. So now your comments also shows that Kapernick was and is a clueless racist moron.
Not to mention a third rate quarterback who'll never get a job in any league. NFL, CFL, whatever. Hell, I bet he won't be allowed to coach a 10-under little loop team.
1) you seem to be speculating here...with no evidence...there is actually evidence there was no conspirary as I highlighted TWO teams worked him out, one was making an offer until CK gf made horrible comments

I don't have to speculate. The NFL settled and paid him a shitload of money.

2) yes, I am very upset, that she set on a weapon what was used to kill my fellow countrymen....and partied in their camp, while my fellow countrymen were being tortured nearby. I have no issue with her and others being against the war, but come on that's a bridge to far. I am sorry you can't understand the difference. With that said, I have certainly still watched movies she was in.....well after that event.

"set"? Did you mean "Sat"? do you have problems with verbs you should have learned in the first grade, or are you a Russian Troll?

Point was, sit ins weren't getting the job done. If you should be upset with anyone, it should be the leaders who sent men there knowing damned well the war was unwinnable and the Saigon regime would collapse the minute we stopped propping it up. The ironic thing is that Vietnam is our friend today. We do a lot of business there.

nd when was Jane Fonda every canceled? She suffered no work issues from that picture and trip

Actually, her career was pretty much over by 1985.
1) you have no idea if money was even transferred. They reached an agreement for the grievance letter that the Players Union filed on his behalf. Moreover, as I highlighted two teams were interested, one about to make an offer, he was not "blackballed" .... in fact, after the agreement over the grievance letter settlement, the NFL, in an unprecedented move (likely part of the agreement) arranged for a private combine for him, with all the teams being present. All attended, but thirty mins before the start time, CK pulled out....
2) really? ok white flag noted
3) well considering the event in your pic took place in the early 70s, it would seem it didn't.....if over a decade later her career stalled.....and actually she was making films almost yearly til 1990, then took some time off (which is also about the time she married Ted Tuner) ....before coming back in 2005 Jane Fonda filmography

She was never canceled, even though she committed an horrible act.
You have yet to illustrate one racist example from her. I ll patiently wait for you to do so.
Apparently, this actress has posted quite a number of crackpot instagrams that caused he to be fired. Private enterprise cannot be forced to employ anyone who habitually expresses aberrant views that are detrimental to corporate interests.

A Lucasfilm spokesperson explained, “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

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