Consequences of Obama's Likely Loss on Syria


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Joel B. Pollak
8 Sep 2013

As the vote to authorize a U.S. attack on Syria nears this week, President Barack Obama is preparing to grant six interviews on Monday, and to address the nation on Tuesday. But the opposition is growing in strength and has the upper hand. The debate itself, brought about by Obama's decision first to ignore Congress, then to reverse himself, has already damaged his stature. A "no" vote will have even more far-reaching effects.


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The Consequences of Obama's Likely Loss on Syria

Obama unfortunately has hoisted himself on his own petard.
He won't be happy until he's fucked the world up as much as he's already fucked up America.
If there was a presidential election held right now in America between Putin and obama, Putin would win... in a landslide.
Oblama is doing the right thing. If he had bombed right away the right would bitch about that, now that he is opening dialogue and asking for support, he's wrong. Let's face it, nothing he does is right to the RWer's. They get their panties in wad no matter what. Fickle bitches.
I agree with some of what the article says. Certainly the idea of a chastened obama is way too optimistically off the mark. The damage that obama has done so far has come from a deep desire to punish the country for the wrongs he imagined the country did. This time its personal and he will lash out like a wounded elephant intent on smashing everything in sight. obama will redouble efforts of destruction including further fractional warfare. This loss won't make him easier to deal with. It will make him impossible to deal with.

The real consequences will be how much damage has been done to the democrat brand. Democrats have been running from obama trying to hide under tables. We won't know the extent of punishment Americans will inflict until next year. It is certain to be severe. Unfortunately democrats are finding representative democracy where they must represent constituents to keep their offices more and more unacceptable.
If there was a presidential election held right now in America between Putin and obama, Putin would win... in a landslide.

As between the two of them only President Putin is showing any leadership.

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