"""Conservatism Raising It`s Head"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, just what we need, more "Conservatives" in the Senate and the House!!! """LOVE IT"""

A "Conservative" Wins The GOP Senate Nomination In Colorado

Posted at 9:55 am on June 29, 2016 by streiff

I know you "Mini Puppets" are Mad, that another Black sees the Light!!! """OH WELL"""

A couple of weeks ago we posted on "Senator Ted Cruz" endorsing Daryl Glenn for US Senate in Colorado. Colorado is considered to be one of the two states that could actually flip to the GOP this cycle... and probably would be a shoo-in had not Cheeto Jesus made it to the top of the ballot. The Colorado primary was held yesterday and Glenn won in a walk::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Darryl Glenn, a "Tea Party" favorite from the conservative stronghold of Colorado Springs, decisively won Colorado's Republican U.S. Senate primary Tuesday and will face incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet in November.

Glenn beat four opponents in a race that focused on national security, jobs and Bennet's support for President Barack Obama's health care overhaul and Iran nuclear weapons deal.

Glenn, an El Paso County commissioner and self-described "Christian Constitutionalist Conservative," was the only candidate voted directly to the primary at the state GOP convention.

He won endorsements from "Texas Sen. Ted Cruz," former "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin" and the "Tea Party" aligned Senate "Conservatives" Fund, which poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into his campaign.:clap::clap::clap:

But his endorsers are impressive::beer:

Others have followed in SCF’s footsteps. Eight days before the primary, "Texas senator Ted Cruz" endorsed Glenn and traveled to Colorado to hold an event with him. At that point, says Cruz pollster Chris Wilson, polls had Glenn “performing very well.” On Sunday, Nebraska senator Ben Sasse jumped on board. "Utah senator Mike Lee" followed on Monday. In the interim, Glenn also racked up endorsements from "Sarah Palin," the blogger and talk-radio host "Erick Erickson," radio host "Mark Levin," Focus on the Family founder "James Dobson," and the "Tea Party Group FreedomWorks.":clap::clap::clap:

Glenn is going to have a very tough battle against entrenched socialist interests but his nomination is a positive sign than "Conservatism Is Still Alive And Kicking" even with Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. :clap:

A Conservative Wins the GOP Senate Nomination In Colorado | RedState


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