Conservatism Riddled With Scams

Really good video, exposing how conservative hucksters scam their followers and true believers.

I think some Righties will be surprised and pretty pissed off at some of this.

Conservatism Riddled With Scams

Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show
The bubble of truth is unpenetrable. Unlike you idiots on the left, your lies are shallow.
Dick Morris' scam is that when you donate to his conservative action group, it all goes to renting his massive 460,000 junk list of names from the 1990s and his current email list.

Here it is:


Newsmax Exclusive E-mail E-mail List
E-mail Alerts for registered readers of Dick Morris’ popular web site. These opt-in subscribers receive free e-mails with regular news analysis and reports from Dick Morris and his co-author Eileen McGann. A Fox News analyst, Dick Morris is considered one of the nation’s leading political strategists. Time magazine dubbed him “the most influential private citizen in America”. Advertisers to the e-mail list receive high open rates and great response. e-mail readers want the latest scoop from Washington. Dick Morris, a trusted source, provides it.

Quantity and Rental Rates
Total List Quantity: 460,000
Price per Thousand: $35.00 (full list exclusive)
Price per Thousand: $10.00 (full list sponsorship)
Minimum Order: full list

Now, see that, wingnuts? MINIMUM ORDER: FULL LIST! At $35 per thousand. You do the math. :lol:

So when you donate to his group, you are donating toward NewsMax renting his entire list, which just goes into Dick Morris' pocket!

That's just Dick Morris. Rachel goes on to lay out Mike Huckabee's scam, Newt Gingrich's scam and Karl Rove's scam, along with Dick Armey's/Freedomworks scam.

SUCKERS!!!! :lol:
I don't trust either party, but I do trust in the fact that liberalism is some sick shit!
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

In Thomas Frank's latest book, "Pity the Billionaire:The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right," Frank documents how many RW groups saw the emergence of the so-called Tea Party movement as the perfect opportunity to cash in on the gullibility of anyone who was angry at the economic fallout from the Great Recession. And maybe the most amazing thing about it was how the RW managed to package the deal as a necessary assault ON gov't regulation because gov't was somehow preventing a purer form of capitalism from saving us from the downturn. In other words, they actually blamed TOO MUCH regulation for the recession. In their eyes, both average people and business were victims of gov't over regulation of the finance industry.
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

In Thomas Frank's latest book, "Pity the Billionaire:The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right," Frank documents how many RW groups saw the emergence of the so-called Tea Party movement as the perfect opportunity to cash in on the gullibility of anyone who was angry at the economic fallout from the Great Recession. And maybe the most amazing thing about it was how the RW managed to package the deal as a necessary assault ON gov't regulation because gov't was somehow preventing a purer form of capitalism from saving us from the downturn. In other words, they actually blamed TOO MUCH regulation for the recession. In their eyes, both average people and business were victims of gov't over regulation of the finance industry.
Notice how the wingnut respondents in this thread all take it personally that Dick Morris, Huckameenajad, Newtie, and Ham Rove are being exposed as scam artists?

There is NOTHING in the OP that attacks conservatism in any way, shape or form. It's an attack on the leading personalities, but they see them as intertwined with their ideology.

Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

In Thomas Frank's latest book, "Pity the Billionaire:The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right," Frank documents how many RW groups saw the emergence of the so-called Tea Party movement as the perfect opportunity to cash in on the gullibility of anyone who was angry at the economic fallout from the Great Recession. And maybe the most amazing thing about it was how the RW managed to package the deal as a necessary assault ON gov't regulation because gov't was somehow preventing a purer form of capitalism from saving us from the downturn. In other words, they actually blamed TOO MUCH regulation for the recession. In their eyes, both average people and business were victims of gov't over regulation of the finance industry.
Notice how the wingnut respondents in this thread all take it personally that Dick Morris, Huckameenajad, Newtie, and Ham Rove are being exposed as scam artists?

There is NOTHING in the OP that attacks conservatism in any way, shape or form. It's an attack on the leading personalities, but they see them as intertwined with their ideology.


I don't pay any attention to Morris because he is and always has been an opportunist who 'embraces' whoever pays. Besides, he is so often dead wrong as to be laughable. Newt's been cashing in for years, and there's ample evidence to make a convincing argument that he doesn't believe much, if not most, of what he says. He's just ringing his dinner bell. Rove's got a lot of 'splainin to do' considering how much money he collected and spent (supposedly spent) in the last election while managing to get such poor results.

But it's the Tea Party Groups that Frank spends his time talking about. Some are well-funded, and some are grass roots start ups, but they've all discovered how truly lucrative it can be to spin fictional stories about real world events in order to extract money from people who don't let the facts get in the way of their ideological beliefs.
And this is when Liberals won!


Do you see how they have a chronic need to complain and be bitter and frustrated?
And this is when Liberals won!


Do you see how they have a chronic need to complain and be bitter and frustrated?

They can't stand it that there is still a large opposition. They keep hoping that they can agitate one huge purge. I hope that libs stop being such cowards and get on with it.
Mike Huckabee said:
"You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and a whole lot of ways in which I think he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.
And this is when Liberals won!


Do you see how they have a chronic need to complain and be bitter and frustrated?

They can't stand it that there is still a large opposition. They keep hoping that they can agitate one huge purge. I hope that libs stop being such cowards and get on with it.

The problem is that the nutter right is making a large opposition a small opposition with shit like this.
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

Of course and if someone from the right posted a video from Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck showing how liberalism is a scam you and the other lefties would react how?
Those on the right don't have to dig too deep to find scams, lies, and gross hypocrisy from those on the left, they wallow in it.

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