Conservative at Cain event calls Dems 'party of KKK'

And Bass is the New KKK. :D Color Blind and Stupid. :D Throwing Independent Thinkers under the Bus, one at a time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Original Rebel without a Clue. The Angry Mob must Feed. The only truth you know.

You call that house Negro an independent thinker? The NBRA and Project 21 Negroes have been saying the same damn thing so what was so independent and original about that?

I think you are just jealous of his accomplishments. Don't beat yourself up over it though, he just was better at overcoming Stereotypes, rather than surrendering to the mold. He probably just had better advisers than you, and saw past Black and White. Pres, or VP, he will do allot for Race Mending, Bass. He has my support.

the right likes people like herman cain and clarence thomas for the same reason certain types of people love pro-terrorist jews.

it gives them something/someone to hang their hat on to justify their wrongminded views.
Christ, liberals are such gullible lil' idiots!:cuckoo:

you mean like neocons and tea baggers.

The only ball lickers I see are on the left Jillie bean... the teabagger refference is sick and below you.

I am a Tea Party member, and its offensive as Hell to me coming from you, someone I respect
. :eusa_eh:

I have used history to prove my point and you guys are just throwing shit to see who or what it sticks to.

Disappointing to say the least.
You call that house Negro an independent thinker? The NBRA and Project 21 Negroes have been saying the same damn thing so what was so independent and original about that?

I think you are just jealous of his accomplishments. Don't beat yourself up over it though, he just was better at overcoming Stereotypes, rather than surrendering to the mold. He probably just had better advisers than you, and saw past Black and White. Pres, or VP, he will do allot for Race Mending, Bass. He has my support.

the right likes people like herman cain and clarence thomas for the same reason certain types of people love pro-terrorist jews.

it gives them something/someone to hang their hat on to justify their wrongminded views.

you're in the right party jack ass.
Christ, liberals are such gullible lil' idiots!:cuckoo:

you mean like neocons and tea baggers.

Tea party, a Grass roots movement that peacefully assembles, uses the proper legal channels for permits for protests and properly follows the rule of law and the Constitutional Political election system to air their grievances and try to effect change. Most claim to be Republicans.

OWS, a "grass roots" movement with PAID organizers from the Democratic fold. That resorts to anarchy, violence and illegal activity. That threatens people and attacks police. That ILLEGALLY occupies public property with out permits or the rule of Law. That pollutes and destroys the Public parks they have taken over.

Yup I see your point. You guys are so desperate you would resort to anarchy to keep your power.
Christ, liberals are such gullible lil' idiots!:cuckoo:

you mean like neocons and tea baggers.

The only ball lickers I see are on the left Jillie bean... the teabagger refference is sick and below you.

I am a Tea Party member, and its offensive as Hell to me coming from you, someone I respect
. :eusa_eh:

I have used history to prove my point and you guys are just throwing shit to see who or what it sticks to.

Disappointing to say the least.

She drank the Obama koolaid in 2008 and has been a liar, far left apologist ever since.
In the 1930s Franklin Delano Roosevelt,a Dem, appointed Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) a Klan member, to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the 1950s, the Klan members against whom the civil rights movement struggled were Democrats. The notorious police commissioner Bull Connor, who attacked African-Americans with dogs and clubs and fire hoses, was both a Klan member and the Democratic Party’s National Committeeman for Alabama.

Its history, and you racists cant change that.... you can try to revise it, but it is HISTORY!

Go look at my posts.... I proved her wrong.

I know.

Which is why I am asking Jillian to support her calling of her view "Right" without any proof...

no he didn't.

boy... when you go full tilt troll, you go full tilt troll, don't you?

Oh yes he did and you admitted it. Then you went off on an unproven tangent. That's where you are right now.

historically, you are nominally correct. but those southern dems who were kkk'rs ran to the republican party after the enactment of the civil rights act. and then the repubs sealed that deal with their little southern strategy.

try proving *that* wrong.

Why, you didn't prove it right. You just said it. The Infidel supported his premise. You just want us to believe yours by extension.

And I'm in a troll mode for pointing this out?


Links and background proofs please? You said it, now support it imo.
you mean like neocons and tea baggers.

The only ball lickers I see are on the left Jillie bean... the teabagger refference is sick and below you.

I am a Tea Party member, and its offensive as Hell to me coming from you, someone I respect
. :eusa_eh:

I have used history to prove my point and you guys are just throwing shit to see who or what it sticks to.

Disappointing to say the least.

She drank the Obama koolaid in 2008 and has been a liar, far left apologist ever since.

I cant say that about her.... she, at times, is very fairminded.... just not in this thread.

Guess she has to tow the democrat party line and talking points rule the day here.

You call that house Negro an independent thinker? The NBRA and Project 21 Negroes have been saying the same damn thing so what was so independent and original about that?

I think you are just jealous of his accomplishments. Don't beat yourself up over it though, he just was better at overcoming Stereotypes, rather than surrendering to the mold. He probably just had better advisers than you, and saw past Black and White. Pres, or VP, he will do allot for Race Mending, Bass. He has my support.

the right likes people like herman cain and clarence thomas for the same reason certain types of people love pro-terrorist jews.

it gives them something/someone to hang their hat on to justify their wrongminded views.

I like Cain, Thomas, Netanyahu. I think they are each good at what they do. :)
Christ, liberals are such gullible lil' idiots!:cuckoo:

you mean like neocons and tea baggers.
What do you have against gay men who lick each others balls, you know, "tea baggers'', Jillian?

And, why do jews continue to support a political party who is filled with the likes of the following, and support a president who continually shows his disdain for Israel?
[ame=]Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]
That asshat in the last video would've gotten his ass whipped if he spoke like that in front of me to that Jewish man.... and YES, I would proudly have gone to jail for it!

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