Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

And if that class included jesus?

well, we will never get to know that since it's not allowed

From the opening article you obviously didn't read...

"The particular unit in question at La Plata High School is on the formation of Middle Eastern empires in which students learned the basic concepts of the Islamic faith and how it, along with politics, culture, economics and geography, contributed to the development of the Middle East. Other religions are introduced when they influence or impact a particular historical era or geographic region. For example, when reviewing the Renaissance and Reformation, students study the concepts and role of Christianity. When learning about the development of China and India, students examine Hinduism and Buddhism."
yea, wait until then to mention


But I thought you said "yes and at no time did they mention that they also teach ab out jesus and his historical impact"?

Was it at no time or did they just wait until then to mention?
Is it any wonder why the US does not lead the world in education when parents try to shield their kids from topics in history or the sciences that they are ignorant of?

...Of which they are ignorant.

Just saying...

If you are going to accuse others of being ignorant, it is best if you try not to sound ignorant while doing so...
Could you explain the error in my word choice?
You have a dangling preposition: "that they are ignorant of"

Of is a preposition; you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition. Grammatically, the correct phrasing is 'Of which they are ignorant.'

But I've seen hjmick make grammatical errors too. Everyone makes them. Yours is not a big deal, and I am surprised someone made it one.

True, I am not perfect and I make mistakes like everyone. What I do not do is make mistakes like that when calling other people ignorant or stupid...

For what it's worth, I often make grammatical errors for effect. Not always, but often...
My point was that it is harmful for parents to promote historical revisionism and ignorance of evolutionary biology. Unlike the willful ignorance of these parents who are doing a disservice to our nation's youth, I am open to criticism of my grammar.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

I just have to wonder why Islam is being taught at all in schools if the left believes in separation of church and state. Interesting how that belief of religious influence towards prayer and reference to religion has a way of finding exceptions. Then again, if liberals want to stir up class warfare as well as create a war on women, why should religion be any exception?
I don't think they know it.

Sunni Man and me. I'd love to go to his mosque. You guys got to remember way back when we were killing each other. Then I showed him how Christ loved him and how Christ was his man in the future.

I don't know how its going to go but Christ is his dude to.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

I just have to wonder why Islam is being taught at all in schools if the left believes in separation of church and state. Interesting how that belief of religious influence towards prayer and reference to religion has a way of finding exceptions. Then again, if liberals want to stir up class warfare as well as create a war on women, why should religion be any exception?

Islam is being taught in a World History class. They are not praying or practicing the religion. They are simply learning about the religion that shaped the region they are focusing on now.
Islam is being taught in a World History class. They are not praying or practicing the religion. They are simply learning about the religion that shaped the region they are focusing on now.

How do you know that they're not praying or practicing religion? The events below proceeded from a State-issued curriculum and were affirmed through numerous court appeals and this report is from a liberal San Francisco paper. There's a history of liberals fetishizing Islam in ways that they never accept if it was Christianity. From California:

Thee U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday by evangelical Christian students and their parents who said a Contra Costa County school district engaged in unconstitutional religious indoctrination when it taught students about Islam by having them recite language from prayers.

The court, without comment, left intact a ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco last November in favor of the Byron Union School District in eastern Contra Costa.

The suit challenged the content of a seventh-grade history course at Excelsior Middle School in Byron in the fall of 2001. The teacher, using an instructional guide, told students they would adopt roles as Muslims for three weeks to help them learn what Muslims believe.

She encouraged them to use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan. The final exam asked students for a critique of elements of Muslim culture.

The students and parents who sued argued that the class activities had crossed the line from education into an official endorsement of a religious practice. A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.​
A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.
Islam is being taught in a World History class. They are not praying or practicing the religion. They are simply learning about the religion that shaped the region they are focusing on now.

How do you know that they're not praying or practicing religion? The events below proceeded from a State-issued curriculum and were affirmed through numerous court appeals and this report is from a liberal San Francisco paper. There's a history of liberals fetishizing Islam in ways that they never accept if it was Christianity. From California:

Thee U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday by evangelical Christian students and their parents who said a Contra Costa County school district engaged in unconstitutional religious indoctrination when it taught students about Islam by having them recite language from prayers.

The court, without comment, left intact a ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco last November in favor of the Byron Union School District in eastern Contra Costa.

The suit challenged the content of a seventh-grade history course at Excelsior Middle School in Byron in the fall of 2001. The teacher, using an instructional guide, told students they would adopt roles as Muslims for three weeks to help them learn what Muslims believe.

She encouraged them to use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan. The final exam asked students for a critique of elements of Muslim culture.

The students and parents who sued argued that the class activities had crossed the line from education into an official endorsement of a religious practice. A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.​

That school is not the one in question. And the one in question has clearly stated that they also studied other religions when it was appropriate for the period being studied.
A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.

As President Clinton would say, "that depend on the definition of is" - this sure looks like religious exercise to me:

. . . use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan.
You're OK with schools requiring the participation of all students in reciting the Lord's Prayer every morning and giving up something for Lent?
A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.

As President Clinton would say, "that depend on the definition of is" - this sure looks like religious exercise to me:

. . . use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan.
You're OK with schools requiring the participation of all students in reciting the Lord's Prayer every morning and giving up something for Lent?

Is that what they are doing in the school in the OP? Or is that what happened in another school, so you assume it is what happens every where?
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

I just have to wonder why Islam is being taught at all in schools if the left believes in separation of church and state. Interesting how that belief of religious influence towards prayer and reference to religion has a way of finding exceptions. Then again, if liberals want to stir up class warfare as well as create a war on women, why should religion be any exception?

Islam is being taught in a World History class. They are not praying or practicing the religion. They are simply learning about the religion that shaped the region they are focusing on now.

It's at best a contradiction when you include a discussion of the Islamic belief, while school policies occur instructing Christians to turn their shirts inside out for desiring to display theirs. If you are open to the discussion of various beliefs in public schools then you should be open to the discussion and open display of ALL faiths as it' states within the boundaries of the First Amendment. All students allowed the choice to follow their own beliefs according to their conscience, as long as it does not hinder, bring harm to, or belittle another the same exercise or the free choice of no belief at all - now there's a novel idea.
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Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

I just have to wonder why Islam is being taught at all in schools if the left believes in separation of church and state. Interesting how that belief of religious influence towards prayer and reference to religion has a way of finding exceptions. Then again, if liberals want to stir up class warfare as well as create a war on women, why should religion be any exception?

Islam is being taught in a World History class. They are not praying or practicing the religion. They are simply learning about the religion that shaped the region they are focusing on now.

It's at best a contradiction when you include a discussion of the Islamic belief, while school policies occur instructing Christians to turn their shirts inside out for desiring to display theirs. If you are open to the discussion of various beliefs in public schools then you should be open to the discussion and open display of ALL faiths as it' states within the boundaries of the First Amenent.

Instructing students about Islam during the study of the formation of the empires of the middle east is a bit different than holding a prayer meeting in the classroom.
A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.

As President Clinton would say, "that depend on the definition of is" - this sure looks like religious exercise to me:

. . . use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan.
You're OK with schools requiring the participation of all students in reciting the Lord's Prayer every morning and giving up something for Lent?

Is that what they are doing in the school in the OP? Or is that what happened in another school, so you assume it is what happens every where?

You're the fellow who made this statement: "they are not praying or practicing the religion." I asked you how you KNOW this to be the case and I cited an instance of a course of studies, upheld by courts, which did involve praying and practicing religion.

I have a factual basis for my position. What is the factual basis for your claim that that there is no prayer or practice of Islam taking place. How do you KNOW THIS?
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

The class was to concentrate on the "5 pillars of Islam" - that's teaching religion. You can't even MENTION Christianity in school. Besides - there are only TWO things children need to know about Islam - the twin towers.
A federal judge and the appeals court disagreed, saying the class had an instructional purpose and the students had engaged in no actual religious exercises.

As President Clinton would say, "that depend on the definition of is" - this sure looks like religious exercise to me:

. . . use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Quran and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan.
You're OK with schools requiring the participation of all students in reciting the Lord's Prayer every morning and giving up something for Lent?

Is that what they are doing in the school in the OP? Or is that what happened in another school, so you assume it is what happens every where?

You're the fellow who made this statement: "they are not praying or practicing the religion." I asked you how you KNOW this to be the case and I cited an instance of a course of studies, upheld by courts, which did involve praying and practicing religion.

I have a factual basis for my position. What is the factual basis for your claim that that there is no prayer or practice of Islam taking place. How do you KNOW THIS?

from:Conservative dad threatens sh tstorm if daughter s world history class includes Islam

"“This is a world history class,” she explained. “We are not teaching religion. Part of those world history studies involves the economics of a region and part of that is the religion which relates to the economy of that part of the world. In the Middle East, Islam is the only religion and it contributes greatly to the economics of the region.”"

"Charles County Board of Education member Jennifer Abell posted a statement on Facebook explaining that some people are spreading “misinformation” about the No Trespass order.
“The particular unit in question at La Plata High School is on the formation of Middle Eastern empires in which students learned the basic concepts of the Islamic faith and how it, along with politics, culture, economics and geography, contributed to the development of the Middle East,” Abell wrote"

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