Conservative derp: "where's the proof!?"

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You sir, are aptly named.

Conservatives have not one single policy accomplishment, not one single legislative accomplishment, not one single foreign policy action they can point to in the last 37 years with any pride. So instead, they seek to tear down others to their own level of stupidity because you're a bunch of fucking snowflakes!

Seriously, I've never seen whiners quite like those in the GOP; helpless, incapable, impotent whiners.

I need to start a poll: Who creates the stupidest threads? fbj or The Derp.
Derp, you really need a bit more in your OP then one line. What investigation? What proof? Come one...add a bit more...

Does he? Is there any topic that non-conservatives want investigated and for which "where's the proof" is not among the retorts conservatives give in stating their refusal to devote resources to performing the investigation?

The process/approach called the "scientific method" is applicable to literally anything one needs/wants to discover. The methodology of the scientific method does not obtain the proof in advance of collecting information, yet that's exactly what's demanded by conservatives who ask "where's the proof" as a basis for there being an investigation.

You sir, are aptly named.

Conservatives have not one single policy accomplishment, not one single legislative accomplishment, not one single foreign policy action they can point to in the last 37 years with any pride. So instead, they seek to tear down others to their own level of stupidity because you're a bunch of fucking snowflakes!

Seriously, I've never seen whiners quite like those in the GOP; helpless, incapable, impotent whiners.

You're a very pleasant person Derp. I bet you're a hoot at parties!
You sir, are aptly named.

Conservatives have not one single policy accomplishment, not one single legislative accomplishment, not one single foreign policy action they can point to in the last 37 years with any pride. So instead, they seek to tear down others to their own level of stupidity because you're a bunch of fucking snowflakes!

Seriously, I've never seen whiners quite like those in the GOP; helpless, incapable, impotent whiners.

I need to start a poll: Who creates the stupidest threads? fbj or The Derp.

That would Derp, then G-Spot. Both just loads of civility.
I need to start a poll: Who creates the stupidest threads? fbj or The Derp.

So instead of forming some kind of defense, you choose to flame the board.

I'll save you the time...stupidest threads are subjective, but you are objectively a douchebag.
The process/approach called the "scientific method" is applicable to literally anything one needs/wants to discover. The methodology of the scientific method does not obtain the proof in advance of collecting information, yet that's exactly what's demanded by conservatives who ask "where's the proof" as a basis for there being an investigation.

They know this, of course. They are just pretending they don't because they cannot come to terms with the reality that everything they believe and support is a crock of shit. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...
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You're a very pleasant person Derp. I bet you're a hoot at parties!

Are you kidding? I'm the life of the party! I don't need to go on message boards to make me feel better about the fact that what I believe in is a stinking pile of shit. That's what you guys do.
Earth to Derp. Comey is the patsy.

Ah...didn't understand your post, percy. Not sure that Comey is the patsy in relation to Trump's Russia ties. It's shaping up to look like Flynn, Page and/or Manafort are going to be the patsies. I happen to think all three of those snakes have already turned evidence to the investigators. These are not honorable guys by a longshot. If even one of them gets a whiff of prison time, you can bet they're going to take as many people as they can down with them. That's just the nature of these guys and the ideology to which they have subscribed.
Ummm...what do you think the point of an investigation is, dumbasses?
The point is to search for evidence & truth based on accusations. Many investigations occur & no evidence is produced and then the investigation ends.

Happy to help. Now send me that 20 Frank gave you for this BASIC education lesson.
The point is to search for evidence & truth based on accusations. Many investigations occur & no evidence is produced and then the investigation ends.

And many more investigations occur and plenty of evidence is produced and the investigation moves to prosecution. The Federal Grand Jury already issued subpoenas for Flynn's business records. Grand Juries don't just issue subpoenas because they feel like it, or because of baseless accusations. They issue subpoenas when there is evidence of wrongdoing. No Grand Jury subpoena = no evidence.

Happy to help. Now send me that 20 Frank gave you for this BASIC education lesson.

Maybe you should take that $20 and buy yourself a clue.
The point is to search for evidence & truth based on accusations. Many investigations occur & no evidence is produced and then the investigation ends.

And many more investigations occur and plenty of evidence is produced and the investigation moves to prosecution. The Federal Grand Jury already issued subpoenas for Flynn's business records. Grand Juries don't just issue subpoenas because they feel like it.

Happy to help. Now send me that 20 Frank gave you for this BASIC education lesson.

Maybe you should take that $20 and buy yourself a clue.
You are basing your opinion on assumptions of guilt. Mine is grounded in facts.
You need more than a clue
You are basing your opinion on assumptions of guilt. Mine is grounded in facts.You need more than a clue

Yours isn't grounded in facts because the facts say the Federal Grand Jury issued subpoenas for Flynn's business records. Grand Juries only issue subpoenas when there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt. In this case, we can judge these guys as guilty because of their repeated lies and contradictions and brazen willingness to exercise both. Firing the head of the FBI, recusing the AG, recusing the House Intel Chair...these are not actions of innocent people. If they have nothing to hide, why are they acting like it, and why did the Grand Jury issue subpoenas? So there's some reality for you. You cannot handle it, clearly. Hence why your posts get dumber and dumber.
You need more than a clue

You need to jettison this denial you have. Any other person, you Conservatives would have been screaming for their heads on a pike. Now, you're not. So why is that? The reason is obvious; Trump embodies everything you believe, so if it turns out he's a big, fat fraud, it makes you a big, fat fraud as well. And I simply think you absolutely lack the personal responsibility to hold yourself accountable for your fuckups. And that's why you have morons spamming boards on Trump's behalf (or maybe Russia's, who knows?) desperately trying to not call a spade a spade.
You are basing your opinion on assumptions of guilt. Mine is grounded in facts.You need more than a clue

Yours isn't grounded in facts because the facts say the Federal Grand Jury issued subpoenas for Flynn's business records. Grand Juries only issue subpoenas when there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt. In this case, we can judge these guys as guilty because of their repeated lies and contradictions and brazen willingness to exercise both. Firing the head of the FBI, recusing the AG, recusing the House Intel Chair...these are not actions of innocent people. If they have nothing to hide, why are they acting like it, and why did the Grand Jury issue subpoenas? So there's some reality for you. You cannot handle it, clearly. Hence why your posts get dumber and dumber.
Now you're talking out of your ass.

Beyond a reasonable doubt is not required for a grand jury. Secondly a subpoena is not a sign of guilt it is a request enforced by law for the purposes of gathering evidence.

You need to turn off CSI because it's making you dumber than you already are.
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