Conservative derp: "where's the proof!?"

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Beyond a reasonable doubt is not required for a grand jury. Secondly a subpoena is not a sign of guilt it is a request enforced by law for the purposes of gathering evidence..

So that begs the obvious questions; (1) why didn't Flynn just turn over his business records at the beginning? (2) Why did it take a Grand Jury to subpoena them? (3) And what about these business records is so intriguing that the Grand Jury wants to see them?

You know what? I'll save you the time:

(1) He didn't turn his business records over because he thought he could pull a fast one on everyone. (2) He refused to voluntarily turn them over because (3) those records show that he is compromised, that Trump knew he was compromised, that Pence knew he was compromised, that Sessions, Priebus, Ryan, McConnell, Bannon, etc. all knew he was compromised because they had to have run their own BC on him. And if they didn't? Well, I'm not sure gross negligence is a credible defense when you're POTUS.
Beyond a reasonable doubt is not required for a grand jury. Secondly a subpoena is not a sign of guilt it is a request enforced by law for the purposes of gathering evidence..

So that begs the obvious questions; why didn't Flynn just turn over his business records at the beginning? Why did it take a Grand Jury to subpoena them? And what about these business records is so intriguing that the Grand Jury wants to see them?
How the fuck would I know? I'm not in the speculation business.
The process/approach called the "scientific method" is applicable to literally anything one needs/wants to discover. The methodology of the scientific method does not obtain the proof in advance of collecting information, yet that's exactly what's demanded by conservatives who ask "where's the proof" as a basis for there being an investigation.

They know this, of course. They are just pretending they don't because they cannot come to terms with the reality that everything they believe and support is a crock of shit. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...
They know this, of course. They are just pretending
That is a level of the benefit of the doubt that you broadly accord them and that I do not. I don't think many conservatives understand the scientific method and I'm not convinced they are merely pretending not to understand it.
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