Conservative/liberal...a Question...maybe An Answer


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is something I came up with to see how people think....

You are having people over for dinner but you need some bread. One of the guests tells you that he will go, and he will get the best bread they make, for less than the regular give him a twenty dollar bill and ask him to hurry...

The dinner is over, the guests have left and an hour later the guy shows up...drinking a liter of pop and munching on a big bag of candy....

You ask him what happened....he says on the way to the store he met some he offered to buy them some munchies and did the process he forgot to get the bread...and actually the twenty you gave him wasn't enough money to cover all the food he he ran a tab in your name for another 20 dollars...

So....he spent your 20 dollars, he didn't buy the bread, and he incurred 20 more dollars in debt in your name...

Now, he looks at you and says...hey...if you give me another 20, I'll go back and get the bread this time, and I'll need another 20 to pay off your tab....

This is where the Conservative/liberal question comes you:

A) give him 20 dollars for the bread, and 20 dollars for the think that his intentions are good and he really means to get the bread this time...

(note...if you pick A, you will be a good person...everyone will tell you you care about others, because you are willing to let this guy go back and get the bread, you also care about other people since you will now have bread for the next time you have guests...)

B) you tell him no, you aren't giving him anymore money since he can't be fact you are going to get the bread yourself...

(note...if you pick B, you will be considered a bad obviously hate this guy, and you obviously don't want future dinner guests to have bread...other wise you would let him get the also want future dinner guests to die because you don't want them to have the nutrition afforded by the bread...)

Correct Answer....

B) if you chose have chosen the answer that makes ******* sense, even though the world around you is nuts and believes that giving this guy the money will actually achieve something...namely getting the bread to your are the good person, and should be proud...a lot of hate will come your way for having not so common sense....please vote in November...we need your vote....

I came up with this because I was always befuddled when I talked to liberals...they say that you are a mean person if you don't believe in paying huge taxes to the government...don't you want to help poor people...

I would always point out...the money never makes it where it is intended to go...the politicians take your tax money, spend it on themselves, to buy votes, and increase their power...which they then use to keep raising taxes...

When you say...but they don't spend the money to help people...they, you don't want to help the poor, you right wing nut...

On another occasion I discussed politics with this girl in college...she had just spent several minutes telling me how bad Bush 1 was, how evil he was and how you couldn't trust the government....

I then pointed out that she also wanted this same government she hated and didn't trust to control her retirement (social security), her healthcare (she wanted British socialized medicine) and the government to set salary and all sorts of other controls....

When I pointed it out she said....but the government takes care of people...
Suppose he takes the $20 and instead of buying bread he invades a bunch of countries and declares you an unpatriotic soldier hater. Do you:

A.) Admit you were wrong and give him as much money as he wants so he doesn't drag your name through the mud

B.) Tell him to fuck off and accept gigantic victories in the next two Presidential elections
Suppose he takes the $20 and instead of buying bread he invades a bunch of countries and declares you an unpatriotic soldier hater. Do you:

Hmmm...I reread my post...I don't remember writing that...and it doesn't seem to have been in the actual post...:doubt:
Did you have a permit for the party?

I try to not put stock in the opinions of morons that call people mean.
Suppose he takes the $20 and instead of buying bread he invades a bunch of countries and declares you an unpatriotic soldier hater. Do you:

Hmmm...I reread my post...I don't remember writing that...and it doesn't seem to have been in the actual post...:doubt:

Blackflag seems to have a habit of not wanting to answer uncomfortable questions so instead of moving onto the next thread he leaves a comment that tries to refocus the topic on a different point. This is the 3rd time I've seen him do this.
When I pointed it out she said....but the government takes care of people...

They do. Look at these government workers checking the oral health of this crowd and spraying mouthwash at them to help them with their gingivitis.

it actually captures the problem with of them any way...

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