Conservative lie about Soros and mediamatters

You people who defend Soros are the same people he's counting on to keep your heads so far up your asses you can't see how he's putting the screws to America.


Of course, we haven't even mentioned Soros' connection with the Nazis, yet. Funnily, Fail&Go seems to have a massive issue with someone who reenacts wearing a Waffen SS uniform but does not have a problem at all with a man who actually was involved with the Nazis during WWII. It would be funny - if it wasn't so fucking pathetic. Fail&Go's double standard is showing - how embarrassing.

Soros' only facking connection to Nazis was being forced to handout deportation notices as a 14 year old kid, Soros' father was a facking Jew for Christ's sake, another epic fail on your part dumbass.

Keep telling yourself that, little man. You think religion or blood is important to someone like Soros? How fucking stupid are you?

You keep whining about how I'm getting my ass BBQed, and yet, there is absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy. You're deluded. I'm absolutely accurate with what I say about Soros. Not one thing you have provided proves otherwise. Your problem is that you're not smart enough to understand it.
Why do whack jobs like O'Reilly and far right asswipes from Foxnews still insist George Soros is collaborating with mediamatters on some liberal conspiracy agenda against conservatives? He just recently made his first donation to media matters, lol.

lol, it is so obvious the fact you want to ignore it is pretty sad really.
Why do whack jobs like O'Reilly and far right asswipes from Foxnews still insist George Soros is collaborating with mediamatters on some liberal conspiracy agenda against conservatives? He just recently made his first donation to media matters, lol.

lol, it is so obvious the fact you want to ignore it is pretty sad really.

Having any rational discussion with failgo is even more ridiculous than arguing with a 2 year old. Seriously.

Of course, we haven't even mentioned Soros' connection with the Nazis, yet. Funnily, Fail&Go seems to have a massive issue with someone who reenacts wearing a Waffen SS uniform but does not have a problem at all with a man who actually was involved with the Nazis during WWII. It would be funny - if it wasn't so fucking pathetic. Fail&Go's double standard is showing - how embarrassing.

Soros' only facking connection to Nazis was being forced to handout deportation notices as a 14 year old kid, Soros' father was a facking Jew for Christ's sake, another epic fail on your part dumbass.

When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros' father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews, he decided to split his family up. He bought them forged papers and he bribed a government official to take 14-year-old George Soros in and swear that he was his Christian godson. But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews.

Soros Helped The Nazis During Holocaust | Sweetness & Light

He learned the power of money early, and that honesty and standing up for yourself were weaknesses.

Oh it gets fucking better;

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that's–that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

Mr. SOROS: Not–not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't–you don't see the connection. But it was–it created no–no problem at all.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

Mr. SOROS: No.

Tell me again why you look up to the vile fuck?
Of course, we haven't even mentioned Soros' connection with the Nazis, yet. Funnily, Fail&Go seems to have a massive issue with someone who reenacts wearing a Waffen SS uniform but does not have a problem at all with a man who actually was involved with the Nazis during WWII. It would be funny - if it wasn't so fucking pathetic. Fail&Go's double standard is showing - how embarrassing.

Soros' only facking connection to Nazis was being forced to handout deportation notices as a 14 year old kid, Soros' father was a facking Jew for Christ's sake, another epic fail on your part dumbass.

Keep telling yourself that, little man. You think religion or blood is important to someone like Soros? How fucking stupid are you?

You keep whining about how I'm getting my ass BBQed, and yet, there is absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy. You're deluded. I'm absolutely accurate with what I say about Soros. Not one thing you have provided proves otherwise. Your problem is that you're not smart enough to understand it.

CG, Soros wasn't a Nazi and could you go into detail how a 14 year old kid "helped" the Nazis? Soros isn't really his real last name, its Schwarz and his parents changed their names to avoid persecution. Truth be told, Soros has never praised nor honored Nazis, I think you're deliberately overstating his "connection" to Nazis out of your hate and partisan hackery.
Just to reiterate...........

Those groups are groups that represent the interests of about 20% of the country..........many of them, uber k00k.

Thats all O'Reilly wants to point out to regular Americans out there.............and 95% of these organizations are considered fringe.........
Just to reiterate...........

Those groups are groups that represent the interests of about 20% of the country..........many of them, uber k00k.

Thats all O'Reilly wants to point out to regular Americans out there.............and 95% of these organizations are considered fringe.........

Like ACORN. ;)
Soros' only facking connection to Nazis was being forced to handout deportation notices as a 14 year old kid, Soros' father was a facking Jew for Christ's sake, another epic fail on your part dumbass.

Keep telling yourself that, little man. You think religion or blood is important to someone like Soros? How fucking stupid are you?

You keep whining about how I'm getting my ass BBQed, and yet, there is absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy. You're deluded. I'm absolutely accurate with what I say about Soros. Not one thing you have provided proves otherwise. Your problem is that you're not smart enough to understand it.

CG, Soros wasn't a Nazi and could you go into detail how a 14 year old kid "helped" the Nazis? Soros isn't really his real last name, its Schwarz and his parents changed their names to avoid persecution. Truth be told, Soros has never praised nor honored Nazis, I think you're deliberately overstating his "connection" to Nazis out of your hate and partisan hackery.

I know what his last name is. I know lots about Soros. I suspect I know more about him than you do. I spent a long time researching Soros - and I did more than read his fucking Wiki page.

I am not surprised that the rabid left have no problem with him, but, frankly.... I expected better of you and Fail&Go. After all, Soros rather famously wrote "the main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." You both claim to defend or have defended this country. And you support a man who wants to destroy our nation. Fuck you.

This man has destroyed the economies of country after country.... and now he is funding one of our political parties. You might think he's doing it for the little people, Charlie, but I'm not that stupid.

He hates the Jews. He may share their bloodline but he is the enemy of the Jewish people. He was 14 when he helped the Nazis and I have always told right wingers on this board not to attack him for that.... Because I'll always give a 14 year old the benefit of the doubt.... BUT.... Read the man's fucking book - read what he himself said about that time. He was asked if he felt bad having to take the property of his fellow Jews and stand by and watch as they were taken off to Concentration Camps... He said 'no'.

Call yourself a Christian? That's a joke, Charlie. The man didn't support the Nazis, but he didn't fucking care about the Jews either.
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Keep telling yourself that, little man. You think religion or blood is important to someone like Soros? How fucking stupid are you?

You keep whining about how I'm getting my ass BBQed, and yet, there is absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy. You're deluded. I'm absolutely accurate with what I say about Soros. Not one thing you have provided proves otherwise. Your problem is that you're not smart enough to understand it.

CG, Soros wasn't a Nazi and could you go into detail how a 14 year old kid "helped" the Nazis? Soros isn't really his real last name, its Schwarz and his parents changed their names to avoid persecution. Truth be told, Soros has never praised nor honored Nazis, I think you're deliberately overstating his "connection" to Nazis out of your hate and partisan hackery.

I know what his last name is. I know lots about Soros. I suspect I know more about him than you do. I spent a long time researching Soros - and I did more than read his fucking Wiki page.

I am not surprised that the rabid left have no problem with him, but, frankly.... I expected better of you and Fail&Go. After all, Soros rather famously wrote "the main obstacle to a stable and just word order is the United States." You both claim to defend or have defended this country. And you support a man who wants to destroy our nation. Fuck you.

This man has destroyed the economies of country after country.... and now he is funding one of our political parties. You might think he's doing it for the little people, Charlie, but I'm not that stupid.

He hates the Jews. He may share their bloodline but he is the enemy of the Jewish people. He was 14 when he helped the Nazis and I have always told right wingers on this board not to attack him for that.... Because I'll always give a 14 year old the benefit of the doubt.... BUT.... Read the man's fucking book - read what he himself said about that time. He was asked if he felt bad having to take the property of his fellow Jews and stand by and watch as they were taken off to Concentration Camps... He said 'no'.

Call yourself a Christian? That's a joke, Charlie. The man didn't support the Nazis, but he didn't fucking care about the Jews either.
Soros didn't destroy any other facking countries, in fact his donations to poor countries sometimes exceeded the foreign aid that western countries were giving to poor countries, you are facking hopelessly lost.

You clearly do not know jack shit about Soros. Remaining willfully ignorant when offered information to provide FACTS on which to form an opinion is the epitome of stupidity. The lost cause here, my little moronic friend, is you.

An intelligent, open minded person would have asked me what books they should read to inform their opinion, they might ask for a PM conversation to find out why I know what I know, they might research for themselves - not using google but using real research by some of the best Economists and Economic Historians in the world..... They would not whine about donations and deny facts about what this man has done.


Its funny that every article I read about Black Wednesday in Britian in 1992 doesn"t say jack shit about Soros destroying the British economy, but they all blame the British government's refusal to devalue their currency as the cause so STFU, you told a lie and got your facking ass kicked. Shows just how much facking research you actually did you dumbass woman.

BBC NEWS | Business | Lessons learned on 'Black Wednesday'

Nothing on short selling the British pound?
Why do whack jobs like O'Reilly and far right asswipes from Foxnews still insist George Soros is collaborating with mediamatters on some liberal conspiracy agenda against conservatives? He just recently made his first donation to media matters, lol.

Yeah..... the First donation.

You actually believe that?

I have a feeling you aren't going to like what Glenn Beck is up to this week. But then I doubt you have the courage to watch something when someone talks about things you don't like.

Who gives a flying fack about what Glenn beck is going to do? Why should some blabbering conservative schizophrenic like Beck have my complete attention?

You're whining about Fox exposing George Soros. Glenn is spending the week exposing George Soros. Seems like something that's up your alley.
Why do whack jobs like O'Reilly and far right asswipes from Foxnews still insist George Soros is collaborating with mediamatters on some liberal conspiracy agenda against conservatives? He just recently made his first donation to media matters, lol.

Absolutely any negative statement about the two despicable entities mentioned: Soros and Media Matters is a GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT !

These and organizations like MoveOn.Org, Puffington Post, etc., are beyond contemptible. If not for our Constitution the people involved in these abominations should be shot on sight.

This Swine Shit are not just political opponents......these are ACTIVE TRAITORS TO OUR COUNTRY !!!
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Why do whack jobs like O'Reilly and far right asswipes from Foxnews still insist George Soros is collaborating with mediamatters on some liberal conspiracy agenda against conservatives? He just recently made his first donation to media matters, lol.

because they know people like Steph-Infection will wet their panties? :eusa_shhh:


You are sounding like the bottom of the barrel: Bass the Racist Ass.

Now that I think of it......there isn't that much difference between you fools.
Yeah..... the First donation.

You actually believe that?

I have a feeling you aren't going to like what Glenn Beck is up to this week. But then I doubt you have the courage to watch something when someone talks about things you don't like.

Who gives a flying fack about what Glenn beck is going to do? Why should some blabbering conservative schizophrenic like Beck have my complete attention?

You're whining about Fox exposing George Soros. Glenn is spending the week exposing George Soros. Seems like something that's up your alley.

If Beck is doing a week on Soros, I say 'Good for him'. It's about time someone started hauling that man out into the sunlight so Americans know who is funding the left.
Today on his radio program, Rush Limbaugh reacted to the news of George Soros' $1 million donation to Media Matters thusly: "You want to talk a little foreign money in politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America."

I hesitate to point this out, since Rush Limbaugh is typically so careful with his facts, but George Soros is a U.S. citizen. He can vote and everything.
Today on his radio program, Rush Limbaugh reacted to the news of George Soros' $1 million donation to Media Matters thusly: "You want to talk a little foreign money in politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America."

I hesitate to point this out, since Rush Limbaugh is typically so careful with his facts, but George Soros is a U.S. citizen. He can vote and everything.

Yes, he is. "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." George Soros. Some 'American' he is.

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