Conservative Pastor: Women Should Not Have Right To Vote

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in a sermon that quickly went viral.

Some choice bits:

"Women have taken over."

"There are some logical women out there, can make sound decisions, but most cannot."

"Women cannot have no power. It's not in them to handle power in the right way. They don't know what to do with it."

"Another big mistake is to put women in powerful positions. These businesses and jobs. Because they can't handle stress. They can't handle anything. If you walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away."

"I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. It was a big mistake."

"There are more women out there voting than men now, and these women are voting in the wrong people. They are voting in people who are evil, who agrees with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction."

See for yourself.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson How Liberal Women Are Building a Shameless Society - YouTube

Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.
If only you could inspire bucs90 to do the same.
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in a sermon that quickly went viral.

Some choice bits:

"Women have taken over."

"There are some logical women out there, can make sound decisions, but most cannot."

"Women cannot have no power. It's not in them to handle power in the right way. They don't know what to do with it."

"Another big mistake is to put women in powerful positions. These businesses and jobs. Because they can't handle stress. They can't handle anything. If you walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away."

"I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. It was a big mistake."

"There are more women out there voting than men now, and these women are voting in the wrong people. They are voting in people who are evil, who agrees with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction."

See for yourself.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson How Liberal Women Are Building a Shameless Society - YouTube

Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in a sermon that quickly went viral.

Some choice bits:

"Women have taken over."

"There are some logical women out there, can make sound decisions, but most cannot."

"Women cannot have no power. It's not in them to handle power in the right way. They don't know what to do with it."

"Another big mistake is to put women in powerful positions. These businesses and jobs. Because they can't handle stress. They can't handle anything. If you walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away."

"I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. It was a big mistake."

"There are more women out there voting than men now, and these women are voting in the wrong people. They are voting in people who are evil, who agrees with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction."

See for yourself.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson How Liberal Women Are Building a Shameless Society - YouTube

Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.
Here's a hypothetical to keep you up at night: Supposing that Mr. Peterson's comments were true, and somebody succeeded in proving it to you, would you support revoking women's right to vote?

What say you all?

This is a hypothetical, and a critical thinking exercise. I'm not interested in whether or not you accept the premise. The point is: hypothetically accepting the premise to be true, what would your reaction be? If you're not capable of formulating responses in the hypothetical, please don't bother responding to the question.
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in a sermon that quickly went viral.

Some choice bits:

"Women have taken over."

"There are some logical women out there, can make sound decisions, but most cannot."

"Women cannot have no power. It's not in them to handle power in the right way. They don't know what to do with it."

"Another big mistake is to put women in powerful positions. These businesses and jobs. Because they can't handle stress. They can't handle anything. If you walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away."

"I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. It was a big mistake."

"There are more women out there voting than men now, and these women are voting in the wrong people. They are voting in people who are evil, who agrees with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction."

See for yourself.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson How Liberal Women Are Building a Shameless Society - YouTube

Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man, dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in a sermon that quickly went viral.

Some choice bits:

"Women have taken over."

"There are some logical women out there, can make sound decisions, but most cannot."

"Women cannot have no power. It's not in them to handle power in the right way. They don't know what to do with it."

"Another big mistake is to put women in powerful positions. These businesses and jobs. Because they can't handle stress. They can't handle anything. If you walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away."

"I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. It was a big mistake."

"There are more women out there voting than men now, and these women are voting in the wrong people. They are voting in people who are evil, who agrees with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction."

See for yourself.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson How Liberal Women Are Building a Shameless Society - YouTube

Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.
Women shouldn't be able to vote. Unfortunately neither should men, so it doesn't take us anywhere.

Funny how you never post these threads about whacked out leftists, you being a Republican and all. LOL. Yeah
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

Wouldn't it be more effective for you to explain things in terms that make Republicans think you know what they are talking about, but you've seen a better solution? How is hitting them with what every leftist Democrat says not just going to make them think you're a leftist Democrat and turn off to you?

Does anyone dispute that there are crazy people out there in every single field. There are plenty or crazy pastors and this one certainly is not the worst I have heard.

Did you have a point with this thread OP?
It's up to the leftists to clean up their own house. I'm here to clean up ours.

Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

It never fails to evoke a belly laugh from me that whenever I debunk manufactured bullshit, people like you call the truth "liberal talking points". :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Does anyone dispute that there are crazy people out there in every single field. There are plenty or crazy pastors and this one certainly is not the worst I have heard.

Did you have a point with this thread OP?
I'm just showing the love for Reverend Peterson and sharing his views! Do you think there is something wrong with him?
Yes, I see your point, calling Republicans racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich is certainly going to improve the party

Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

It never fails to evoke a belly laugh from me that whenever I debunk manufactured bullshit, people like you call the truth "liberal talking points". :laugh::laugh::laugh:

When I see you do that I'll consider it. What I do see repeatedly are you in threads written by Democrats calling Republicans racists and you agreeing with them
RUBE: Obama izza alien from Mars!

G5000: Link?

RUBE: Liberal!
Please quote where I said Republicans are racists and sexists who love corporations and the rich.

I am on record many, many times saying how much I oppose the Left's "tax the rich more" bullshit.

Nice try, dipshit. Stop listening to the voices in your head who are manufacturing bullshit.

I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

It never fails to evoke a belly laugh from me that whenever I debunk manufactured bullshit, people like you call the truth "liberal talking points". :laugh::laugh::laugh:

When I see you do that I'll consider it. What I do see repeatedly are you in threads written by Democrats calling Republicans racists and you agreeing with them

If there is a specific person who is a racist, I'll certainly join in in pointing him out. But you will never, ever, ever find me calling all Republicans racists.

Perhaps because you are constantly grouping people together and painting them with a wide brush, you are projecting that on me.
I call you out on it constantly in those threads, I'm not buying you have no long term memory. You know who else don't have long term memories? Leftists, they can't remember past the post they are writing
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

It never fails to evoke a belly laugh from me that whenever I debunk manufactured bullshit, people like you call the truth "liberal talking points". :laugh::laugh::laugh:

When I see you do that I'll consider it. What I do see repeatedly are you in threads written by Democrats calling Republicans racists and you agreeing with them

If there is a specific person who is a racist, I'll certainly join in in pointing him out. But you will never, ever, ever find me calling all Republicans racists.

Perhaps because you are constantly grouping people together and painting them with a wide brush, you are projecting that on me.

No, I specifically note you constantly grouping Republicans together and painting them with a wide brush.

The problem is that policy wise, both parties suck. But the rhetoric of the left is just gone beyond the pale and they are shutting down any actual policy discussion in this country. They start with their preconceived solutions then just start calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexist, xenophobes and homophobes who worship the rich and corporations. Then there are a bunch of yous out there who are them and say wow, they are so right and you know it because you're a Republican
So you made it up. Check.

Pretending for a second you are actually a Republican not a mindless leftist who thinks it's cool to play one on message boards, I don't get how you think pounding Republicans with liberal talking points is going to show them the error of their ways.

It never fails to evoke a belly laugh from me that whenever I debunk manufactured bullshit, people like you call the truth "liberal talking points". :laugh::laugh::laugh:

When I see you do that I'll consider it. What I do see repeatedly are you in threads written by Democrats calling Republicans racists and you agreeing with them

If there is a specific person who is a racist, I'll certainly join in in pointing him out. But you will never, ever, ever find me calling all Republicans racists.

Perhaps because you are constantly grouping people together and painting them with a wide brush, you are projecting that on me.

No, I specifically note you constantly grouping Republicans together and painting them with a wide brush.

I group the GOP as big spenders and big borrowers and big lovers of big government.

But I have never painted the GOP with the racist brush. You seriously fail on that count.
I group the GOP as big spenders and big borrowers and big lovers of big government

They are

But I have never painted the GOP with the racist brush. You seriously fail on that count.

That's where we've had most of our disagreements, I ask you what the point of that is. If you don't think that, you need to learn to write more effectively
The problem I have with the rubes who think they are conservatives these days is that they are so goddam credulous. Their desire to believe anything bad about the Dems and anything good about the GOP has led to some of the stupidest bullshit I have seen in my lifetime.

If the source has an R after their name, the rubes believe EVERYTHING out of an asshole's mouth. If the source has a D after their name, the rubes attack it even if it is a good idea.

And they never, ever commit to a plan of action or solution to a problem until they hear what Obama has to say, and then they oppose whatever he says, and yet still fail to offer up their own solutions!

A guy is seen on a video turning in some ballots and the dumb fucks guzzled the line that it was a Mexican stuffing the ballot box. I could give examples all the live long day, with the end result that the rubes continue to line up for more piss from sources I have proven over and over and over and over are lying to them.

What the fuck is that? What the fuck special kind of mental retardation keeps going back for more lies from a known lying source?

It is simply astonishing and incredibly frustrating to see you dumb fucks doing that.

And now the Tu Quoque Brigade will come riding in with their, "They do it, too!" reflex artillery that always falls short. I call that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

And don't get me started on tax expenditures. The faux conservatives have been led so far off the conservative reservation they don't even recognize one of the most basic fiscally conservative ideas out there any more.

Call it my own little litmus test to see if I am dealing with an alleged right winger to see if he or she is a retard.
So uh, the only reason I notice why people post threads like this is because they think this kind of behavior is typical of conservatives or Christians. What other reasons would there be other to than to paint conservative Christians in a bad light?

Note: that pastor is a moron.
The problem I have with the rubes who think they are conservatives these days is that they are so g**d*** credulous. Their desire to believe anything bad about the Dems and anything good about the GOP has led to some of the stupidest bullshit I have seen in my lifetime.

Now, imagine how people feel about Democrats. The converse is also true.

If the source has an R after their name, the rubes believe EVERYTHING out of an asshole's mouth. If the source has a D after their name, the rubes attack it even if it is a good idea.

Once again, I'm curious why you aren't launching this type of criticism against Democrats? This behavior is universal, g5, and I only see you pointing out only one side (at least in this thread anyways). Are you so concerned about the conservative party that you resort to downright attacking them? Since when does that win anyone over?

And they never, ever commit to a plan of action or solution to a problem until they hear what Obama has to say, and then they oppose whatever he says, and yet still fail to offer up their own solutions!

Yet, when Democrats pass "solutions" they wind up being disastrous. Or if Republicans pass a "solution" they get blocked or shamed into being rescinded because they disenfranchise someone or another. Nobody has solutions, they are too busy fighting with each other.

And now the Tu Quoque Brigade will come riding in with their, "They do it, too!" reflex artillery that always falls short. I call that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

A tu quoque argument is warranted when most of your criticism is directed at one side. Your language shows it and it always calls into question your conservatism. Yes, they do do it too.

And don't get me started on tax expenditures. The faux conservatives have been led so far off the conservative reservation they don't even recognize one of the most basic fiscally conservative ideas out there any more.

And what might be your definition of "fiscally conservative?"

Call it my own little litmus test to see if I am dealing with an alleged right winger to see if he or she is a retard.

I really doubt you're a right winger either. The frothing at the mouth you do sometimes, you act and speak just like a closet leftist.

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