Conservative pundit: Trump leak much worse than reported

How do you feel about trumps accomplishments so far???
Boris Tyrefski Russian citizen ------He's doing a wonderful job great great job 8 more years 8 more years
Turns out its a good thing rump refuses briefings.

Just think ow much worse this would be if he actually knew anything.

Also, remember when it was rumored that intel wasn't going to tell him shit?

Boy, where they right!

They were screaming that foreign governments could have hacked Hilary and chanted lock her up. Now Trump just gave the classified info freely and it's not a big deal to them as long as they can invoke other people's name to deflect.

It's shameful and really without reason. The only thing they seem to support is laughing at people who thinks giving Russians our secrets is not a good idea.

Which it isn't but they seem to plow through by laughing harder.
Yet they are of course, NOT PROOF

Except when they validate something you believe in, right?

What's hilarious is you saying I've used a blog as proof.
Go ahead, go find an instance of me doing that. I'll wait...

LOL, sure....just wait here until I get back.

Grampa Murked U does't use blogs -- he gets his facts straight out of thin air.

He's "you know, like a smart person".

So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::

Shame on Trump for being so stupid.
shame on the dems for being beaten so badly by someone so stupid...
YEP shame on us ice but shame on those who gave us this idiot There were others on that stage who wouldn't have acted like this jerk
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::

Shame on Trump for being so stupid.
shame on the dems for being beaten so badly by someone so stupid...
YEP shame on us ice but shame on those who gave us this idiot There were others on that stage who wouldn't have acted like this jerk
well when you have a crap sandwich or a turd burger before you for lunch, it's gonna be a long lunch.
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::
he didn't know where it came from

Just like Chicken Little, it fell out of the sky and landed on his head.


Could you imagine if Obama had done this?
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::
he didn't know where it came from

Just like Chicken Little, it fell out of the sky and landed on his head.


Could you imagine if Obama had done this?

you mean like leaking the names of agents in the field?
yea, that would suck, man.
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::
So the best possible light Trump surrogates can spin it is, " The president of the United States is stupid.' Makes sense since the only other possible explanation is he's compromised. And still the best congress or the house republicans can say is ' no problem". Were does party end and country begins?
From what I see on TV republicans are showing a little anger at this trump fu It's a start
Almost every week something new comes out that has me thinking "this is to much, they can't possibly give him a pass', and every week I see Republicans going
" nah", not holding my breath.

And its never his fault.

I'm dreading this international golfing vacation he's going on.

The combination of his ignorance and big mouth could do a LOT of damage.
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::
So the best possible light Trump surrogates can spin it is, " The president of the United States is stupid.' Makes sense since the only other possible explanation is he's compromised. And still the best congress or the house republicans can say is ' no problem". Were does party end and country begins?
From what I see on TV republicans are showing a little anger at this trump fu It's a start
Almost every week something new comes out that has me thinking "this is to much, they can't possibly give him a pass', and every week I see Republicans going
" nah", not holding my breath.

And its never his fault.

I'm dreading this international golfing vacation he's going on.

The combination of his ignorance and big mouth could do a LOT of damage.
He's a accident on it's way to happen
So the moron is bluting out info that he didn't know where it came from didn't know it was classified or not

McMaster says Trump hadn't been briefed on the source or method of the information.

The Latest: Spicer unauthorized leaks 'frankly dangerous' ::
he didn't know where it came from

Just like Chicken Little, it fell out of the sky and landed on his head.


Could you imagine if Obama had done this?

you mean like leaking the names of agents in the field?
yea, that would suck, man.

You assholes never care about the crime.

All you care about is who commits them.

From long before the election, dump did more, did worse, all through his life, than any politician that we know of.

You knew what he was and you know it now. YOU voted for him. That makes this mess YOUR fault and the fault of every other asshole who knew exactly what they were doing.

dump lies and then refuses to take responsibility for what he does and says. Just like you. Quit hiding behind others.

Honey, that was another fake news story. It was before his inauguration, just as Obama had done. And he actually received the info.



After the 2008 Democratic convention, Obama asked for and received one briefing, which covered terrorism and related topics, but not covert operations. GOP nominee Sen. John McCain also had a briefing.

After the election, President-elect Obama was to start receiving more sensitive intelligence information, but there was a mix-up. Intelligence briefers were ready to brief him in Chicago, starting with a few overview sessions. But Obama was under the impression that all his advisers would be briefed.

The intelligence officers said they wouldn’t give it to anybody without the necessary security clearances. Obama ended up accepting one solo briefing, but said that until the clearances were arranged, he would just read the President’s Daily Brief instead of getting a briefing. Eventually it was agreed that after Obama’s inauguration the advisers would be looped in after they were appointed to positions that made them eligible to see it anyway.


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