Conservatives and Liberals: A little more civility please

Hardcore partisan ideologues always claim a "mandate", regardless of how close the vote actually is.

It's just an excuse to shove as much of their agenda down our throats as they possibly can.

Then, when they over-interpret their "mandate" and go too far, they get voted out.

Ideologues don't learn, they just keep blindly & narcissistically pushing in their direction no matter what.
You mean like the Trump landslide mandate?
Hardcore partisan ideologues always claim a "mandate", regardless of how close the vote actually is.

It's just an excuse to shove as much of their agenda down our throats as they possibly can.

Then, when they over-interpret their "mandate" and go too far, they get voted out.

Ideologues don't learn, they just keep blindly & narcissistically pushing in their direction no matter what.

Very true.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
So,,you really think Jill Stein can win?
Well the display of 'good manners' ended after election night. Didn't you hear? Trump totally won the popular vote and he didn't scapegoat brown people at all for his over 2 million vote loss.

Civility, sure. Who doesn't want that? However this place is poison and it's never going to happen at USMB.
You mean the Trump landslide?

There's no such thing. He won the election on a technicality, just like Bush the first time.
Yes...technically, a landslide.....

And we are going to shove our mandate right up your liberal ass.....

Of course, to you guys running the country is about some fetish revenge fantasy you have. What a way to govern.
MAGA is not even in your fascist democrat lexicon.....

It's a bumper sticker at best. You can't govern on slogans and revenge alone or at all.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:

I applaud your sentiment, but it won't happen.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
You can't really judge the reactions of actual American voters by what is said here, or what is said on the cable news networks.
Everyone I know is managing just fine to co-exist in the "real world." Where do you live? Are you actually experiencing hysterics and f-bomb throwing anywhere except here and in the sensationalized news?
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?

Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?

Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.
Hardcore partisan ideologues always claim a "mandate", regardless of how close the vote actually is. It's just an excuse to shove as much of their agenda down our throats as they possibly can. Then, when they over-interpret their "mandate" and go too far, they get voted out. Ideologues don't learn, they just keep blindly & narcissistically pushing in their direction no matter what.
You mean like the Trump landslide mandate?
And, there ya go.

Right on cue. Again.
Hardcore partisan ideologues always claim a "mandate", regardless of how close the vote actually is.

It's just an excuse to shove as much of their agenda down our throats as they possibly can.

Then, when they over-interpret their "mandate" and go too far, they get voted out.

Ideologues don't learn, they just keep blindly & narcissistically pushing in their direction no matter what.

Trump won convincingly.
I think the mandate part comes into play when you look at the political landscape overall.
Dems have received a political ass whipping across the board.
corporations get full control of this nation we safe truly done. Someone has to call out their shenanigans.
You're full of shit. Political parties are not conservative or liberal, people are. And you only see insults from the right? Go fuck yourself. There, another insult for ya!

I don't think anyone familiar with your posts expected anything else from you.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?

Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.

There is no lie. They stated they do not believe the results of any recount are going to change the election. That doesn't mean that if a recount takes place they aren't going to want to ensure votes are counted accurately.

Hell, Trump wins and he can't even be satisfied with the results.
I meant once corporations take full control its all over. Full blown plutocracy. We are close now. Class warfare is just warming up. I believe it is going to increase greatly.
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?

Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.

There is no lie. They stated they do not believe the results of any recount are going to change the election. That doesn't mean that if a recount takes place they aren't going to want to ensure votes are counted accurately.

Hell, Trump wins and he can't even be satisfied with the results.

We saw over the past 8 years how many americans cannot lose with any grace or dignity, now we know they cannot even win and be good sports about it. This is a very unhealthy society, and it's getting worse and will probably continue to.
Hardcore partisan ideologues always claim a "mandate", regardless of how close the vote actually is. It's just an excuse to shove as much of their agenda down our throats as they possibly can. Then, when they over-interpret their "mandate" and go too far, they get voted out. Ideologues don't learn, they just keep blindly & narcissistically pushing in their direction no matter what.
You mean like the Trump landslide mandate?
And, right on cue. Again.

This is how they see him.

I meant once corporations take full control its all over. Full blown plutocracy. We are close now. Class warfare is just warming up. I believe it is going to increase greatly.

The class warfare had ben going on for about half a century now, that's how and why the economic system got rerigged at the behest of the substantial people.
But Hillary lied. She's now supporting a recount her own campaign says is no based on any evidence that errors or wrongdoing in any way altered the election result.

Supporting a recount and not accepting the results of an election are two different things. The recount is a part of any election process.

They've even stated they don't think a recount will change the results but because grifter Jill Stein got involved they don't have much of a choice but to at least appear to give a shit.
All the states have provisions for state led recounts if there is evidence of significant error or wrongdoing, but Clinton is supporting a recount while acknowledging the results are valid? Why would she do that unless it is just another Clinton lie suggesting there is something wrong with the vote when she knows it isn't true?

Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.

There is no lie. They stated they do not believe the results of any recount are going to change the election. That doesn't mean that if a recount takes place they aren't going to want to ensure votes are counted accurately.

Hell, Trump wins and he can't even be satisfied with the results.
You apparently don't understand how stupid that sounds. She doesn't trust state officials to count the votes accurately so she wants state officials she doesn't trust to count the votes again?

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