Conservatives are Blinded to the Obvious by Party Devotion

Conservatives are Blinded to the Obvious by Party Devotion

NO, they're not.

They like it that way.

They want it to continue and get worse.

See,you're not an Independent. I told you i would give you a chance and judge by your posts. And my judgement is that you have been disingenuous with the board in claiming you're an Independent. You have now proven you're just another partisan zealot. It's ironic considering this post of yours is accusing the other side of doing that. You're not an Independent. I think you owe the board an apology for misrepresenting yourself.

No more so than you do for being as he described vs a Libertarian.
See,you're not an Independent. I told you i would give you a chance and judge by your posts. And my judgement is that you have been disingenuous with the board in claiming you're an Independent. You have now proven you're just another partisan zealot. It's ironic considering this post of yours is accusing the other side of doing that. You're not an Independent. I think you owe the board an apology for misrepresenting yourself.

I don't understand, how has he proven himself to be partisan?
See,you're not an Independent. I told you i would give you a chance and judge by your posts. And my judgement is that you have been disingenuous with the board in claiming you're an Independent. You have now proven you're just another partisan zealot. It's ironic considering this post of yours is accusing the other side of doing that. You're not an Independent. I think you owe the board an apology for misrepresenting yourself.

I don't understand, how has he proven himself to be partisan?

LOL! Well you obviously don't understand how it works! Let me explain:
Let's suppose you repeatedly say Obama is a failure as a president but that it was a good thing that he took out bin Laden. You're a Liberal.
Or say you make it clear that ObamaCare sucks but giving money away to Big Oil during record profit years is stupid. You're a Liberal.
Maybe you own a gun and think that's fine but don't believe Uzi's should be brought to kindergarten. You're a Liberal.
In other words, if you disagree with ANYTHING the whackjobs from the brain-washing room have to say.... You're a Liberal! :lol:
This is why you will hear the seriously mind-controlled claim that "99% of people claiming to be Independent, a secret agent Liberals!"
There is no tolerance of free thought. Such liberty is not to be condoned! You must let The Machine form your opinions for you!
If you want to know the b1tch from Cali's opinions on ANYTHING, just ask me! I watch FOX (in addition to CNN and MSNBC) so I can tell you everything she will say before she does so. Same with our other ConservaWhackjob friend, the APaulcolyte.
Of course, Cali never actually addresses issues or topics (that would be asking a bit much, given the intellect involved) so it's not like there's anything of substance to dispute anyway. Fun for entertainment though...
We have exported jobs, while importing workers. The math never adds up.

That's why we had sub 5% unemployment under Bush when all the jobs were supposedly exported? The US is a net importer of jobs outsourced elsewhere.
Be prepared to be called terrible names by those who can't or won't face the truth.

What's the truth?
Numerous anonymous sources with checker past of financial/legal/employment troubles claimng sex harassment charges but can't be verified, only drawn bloviated opinions by a tabloid media outlet.
See,you're not an Independent. I told you i would give you a chance and judge by your posts. And my judgement is that you have been disingenuous with the board in claiming you're an Independent. You have now proven you're just another partisan zealot. It's ironic considering this post of yours is accusing the other side of doing that. You're not an Independent. I think you owe the board an apology for misrepresenting yourself.

I don't understand, how has he proven himself to be partisan?

LOL! Well you obviously don't understand how it works! Let me explain:
Let's suppose you repeatedly say Obama is a failure as a president but that it was a good thing that he took out bin Laden. You're a Liberal.
Or say you make it clear that ObamaCare sucks but giving money away to Big Oil during record profit years is stupid. You're a Liberal.
Maybe you own a gun and think that's fine but don't believe Uzi's should be brought to kindergarten. You're a Liberal.
In other words, if you disagree with ANYTHING the whackjobs from the brain-washing room have to say.... You're a Liberal! :lol:
This is why you will hear the seriously mind-controlled claim that "99% of people claiming to be Independent, a secret agent Liberals!"
There is no tolerance of free thought. Such liberty is not to be condoned! You must let The Machine form your opinions for you!
If you want to know the b1tch from Cali's opinions on ANYTHING, just ask me! I watch FOX (in addition to CNN and MSNBC) so I can tell you everything she will say before she does so. Same with our other ConservaWhackjob friend, the APaulcolyte.
Of course, Cali never actually addresses issues or topics (that would be asking a bit much, given the intellect involved) so it's not like there's anything of substance to dispute anyway. Fun for entertainment though...

Oh, OK, let me play.

I believe that there should be no free rides, anyone that can work should be looking for work, but if they can't find work and they are drawing on public largesse, they should be contributing to society in some way.
I also believe that one measure of a society is the way that they treat their most disadvantaged.....
Millionaires-in-Chief - Clinton's money (1) - Money Magazine

Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009) was a United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. Serving almost 47 years, he was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died and is the fourth-longest-serving senator in United States history.

Theodore Fulton "Ted" Stevens, Sr. (November 18, 1923 – August 9, 2010)[1][2][3] was a United States Senator from Alaska, serving from December 24, 1968, until January 3, 2009, and thus the longest-serving Republican senator in history.

JUst more proof that murkinz are idiots.
Mah daddy dun voted fur him an me granpappy too.
U.S. Senate: Reference Home > Statistics & Lists > Longest Serving Senators

I have strong ties to both of these states along with comprehensive knowledge of both senators. Comparing the two Ted's is akin to comparing apples to oranges.
Do yourself a favor and perform some fact checking into the accomplishments and law breaking each of these men did during their careers.
See,you're not an Independent. I told you i would give you a chance and judge by your posts. And my judgement is that you have been disingenuous with the board in claiming you're an Independent. You have now proven you're just another partisan zealot. It's ironic considering this post of yours is accusing the other side of doing that. You're not an Independent. I think you owe the board an apology for misrepresenting yourself.

I don't understand, how has he proven himself to be partisan?

LOL! Well you obviously don't understand how it works! Let me explain:
Let's suppose you repeatedly say Obama is a failure as a president but that it was a good thing that he took out bin Laden. You're a Liberal.
Or say you make it clear that ObamaCare sucks but giving money away to Big Oil during record profit years is stupid. You're a Liberal.
Maybe you own a gun and think that's fine but don't believe Uzi's should be brought to kindergarten. You're a Liberal.
In other words, if you disagree with ANYTHING the whackjobs from the brain-washing room have to say.... You're a Liberal! :lol:
This is why you will hear the seriously mind-controlled claim that "99% of people claiming to be Independent, a secret agent Liberals!"
There is no tolerance of free thought. Such liberty is not to be condoned! You must let The Machine form your opinions for you!
If you want to know the b1tch from Cali's opinions on ANYTHING, just ask me! I watch FOX (in addition to CNN and MSNBC) so I can tell you everything she will say before she does so. Same with our other ConservaWhackjob friend, the APaulcolyte.
Of course, Cali never actually addresses issues or topics (that would be asking a bit much, given the intellect involved) so it's not like there's anything of substance to dispute anyway. Fun for entertainment though...

Did you actually answer any of the points I made here?

Didn't think so. Your complete inability to deal with reality is what makes you partisan. If you actually had free thought you would realize your position is based on lies.
For years, wages in the USA (and other Western countries) have been systematically frozen or even lowered by shipping domestic work to poverty states and driving up unemployment domestically. The major Multi-National corporations have driven wages down and if left to their own devices, will continue to do so until our average lifestyle becomes comparable to that found in China (where over 200,000,000 people live on less than a dollar a day).

Wow, did you get that one wrong.

Wages in the US have actually climbed since we started "shipping jobs overseas."

National Average Wage Index

Well, I suppose if complex ideas such as inflation etc... are beyond your understanding, then yes, wages have gone up. Of course, I can't buy a new Ford Mustang for $5,000, can you?

Is the rest of your post as factually inaccurate as your first paragraph?

Here in America, our government passed laws that actually offer financial advantages and tax breaks for opening plants overseas and outsourcing even white collar work. Yet Conservatives actually DEFEND these policies and say they are necessary for American companies to remain competitive. This is complete bull but they are so brain-washed by the Right Wing media machine, they can't see the obvious. In the 70's and even into the 80's, you rarely saw homeless people except in the poorest of neighborhoods. Now they're everywhere. While major corporations, billionaires and the Military Industrial Complex have benefitted in every possible way, the lifestyle of virtually everyone else has declined. Now, we are so accustomed to seeing poor homeless people in EVERY city, we're desensitised to it.

Which laws were those? Do you have an actual list, or are we supposed to believe it simply because you call yourself IndependntLogic?

Section 199. Allows companies to deduct the full cost of closing a plant, the cost of training people to help shipt he jobs overseas and allows an accleration of depreciation of all assets of the facility. There are more but that's a start.

Point of fact, that depends on how you define wealth. While most of the world's money is under the control of large financial institutions, the same is not true of the world's wealth.

Not being an economist I have no actual way to call bullshit on your estimate on the price of cars. I can, however, point out that the US currently manufactures more cars than we did before we started "shipping jobs overseas."

Well, you're almost right. More American cars are manufactured and labeled with the badges of American companies but a much smaller percentage of our population performs the work than did in say, 1985.

Just as an aside, 88.5% of consumer spending is spent on good manufactured in the US.

The multinationals want us to believe that American jobs are bad? How do they control out thinking? Do they send rays through our TV?

Hmmm. Perhaps this was too difficult for you. Let me dumb it down. There is a media campaign to convince Americans that the price of goods would skyrocket if we quit shipping jobs to povery states and had it done by Americans. Obviously it works quite well on people like you.

I can actually use a little logic to prove to you that concentrating on American jobs is actually a bad thing, if you can actually follow logic.

If we buying American is good, wouldn't buying local be better? Just imagine the economic boom if everyone in California started buying California? Better yet, What if LA bought LA and San Francisco bought San Francisco? Wouldn't that be great for the economy?

The simple fact is that the economy is no longer agrarian, and is no longer local, adapt or die.

Are you aware that the general quality of life has gone steadily up over the last few decades? How would going back to the 1950s improve out lifestyle? Should we get rid of computers, microwaves, and cell phones simply to make your life more convenient?

Wow. You really drink deep of the Kool-aid. Of course, they prey on the stupid so that would make sense. I never said anything about eliminating any of those things but that is exactly the kind of stupidity that sells commercials for FOX. Which is why you are thoroughly convinced that offering incentives for hiring Americans, that would outweigh those for shipping jobs to poverty states, would be a good thing. Thank you for proving my point.

This propaganda has been going on for quite some time. If you look on political chat boards etc... you will see that for over a year - just as they had been told to think - Conservatives maintained that the economy would be great and unemployment would end, once those evil Liberal influences were eradicated and Major Corporations were once again profitible. Then the reports came out showing that those Saviours of the Working Man - Major Corporations, had been enjoying record breaking profits all that time. Oops. Time for a little more brain-washing. So then they were told that the problem was that those billionaire CEO's were so afraid and intimidated by Obama, the mere thought that he existed and might raise taxes some day, stopped them from hiring Americans. Of course, this won a huge victory for the Conservatives in the 2010 election and so as of then, Obama and the Liberal Democrats couldn't pass a law if they wanted to. So NOW what is the reason things are so bad? The tax rate on corporations is too high. If only they had more money! Oops. The report just came out that, by using all those perfectly legal loopholes, given to them by the government officials they bought and paid for, the average Fortune 500 pays an effective rate of 18.5%. Oops.

Not sure where to begin with this one. How about I start with a simple fact that actually destroys your entire premise, it was liberals who first lobbied to deregulate industries. They actually argued that deregulation would decrease the cost to consumers by increasing competition. That was back before liberals were co opted by big labor and big business, and started reinstating the same regulations they lobbied against.

Tell me something, if the liberal agenda of deregulation worked so well before, something I freely admit, why won't it work now?

There is a difference between regulation, taxation and financial incentivization. Find one of those Liberal Elitists. They'll explain it to you.

It boggles the mind that reasonably intelligent people can't see the obvious. But that's what devotion to a political party or ideology does to a person. Which is why I'm an Independent.

Irony is such a wonderful thing at times.

Yes indeed. So obviously you were just sooo upset I missed your post and needed to stomp your little feeties about it until I did. I'm flattered that you want my attention. That's nice.

So I am a capitalist - certainly more than you will ever be. But a patriotic one. I would like to see legislation to level the playing field a bit.

You may now continue explaining why anything that doesn't help (mostly foreign-owned) corporations at the cost of American jobs is a bad thing. Oh, and then you can continue blaming Obama for unemployment! That will be nice.
Yes indeed. So obviously you were just sooo upset I missed your post and needed to stomp your little feeties about it until I did. I'm flattered that you want my attention. That's nice.

So I am a capitalist - certainly more than you will ever be. But a patriotic one. I would like to see legislation to level the playing field a bit.

You may now continue explaining why anything that doesn't help (mostly foreign-owned) corporations at the cost of American jobs is a bad thing. Oh, and then you can continue blaming Obama for unemployment! That will be nice.

I hate to point out the obvious here, but you didn't do anything. If you ain't got nothing why not just say so?
Be prepared to be called terrible names by those who can't or won't face the truth.

You wouldn't know the truth if it landed on you and shit on your head. You're one of the most dishonest hacks on this board.

aint that something? one thread he claimed he NEVER says ALL Republicans he ALWAYS says another thread on the same day his first post he talks of course about Republicans,not SOME Republicans or Far Right Republicans, just Republicans......did you know Dean is just LEFT of Center?.....true story....
In other words, if you disagree with ANYTHING the whackjobs from the brain-washing room have to say.... You're a Liberal! :lol:
you do realize that there is also a "Brain-washing" room on the Left?.....i got neg repped just the other day from one of them for the crime of disagreeing with sure he considered me a Right whats the difference?....

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