Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
Most decent rational folks are actually only attacking Communists/Democrats. They're attacking them for exploiting dead children and survivors, to advance their Anti-Constitution Agenda. It's as shameful as it gets. Can't stoop any lower. Period, end of story.

No. Rational, decent people support stronger gun laws. The only reason that Repugs in Congress don't support stronger gun laws is that they are terrified of the terrorist organization known as the NRA.

Or they're making a nice income flipping guns on the side.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school

Yet, the mass shooters all choose the same weapon. I wonder why.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school

Yet, the mass shooters all choose the same weapon. I wonder why.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136
He says he attended Douglas highschool. You have any evidence he is lying?

Why was he in Cali doing the same thing?
Who said he was doing the “same thing” in California? You? Post evidence he was a student in California last summer...


It seems he never went to Douglas highschool.

Are you ready to eat your words yet, moron?
Why is the forum still waiting for you to eat your words? When are you going to apologize to the forum for being a dumbfuck who fell for fake news yet again??

The person who started the bullshit of David Hogg being in the 2015 Redondo Shores HS yearbook didn't think to turn off their geolocator. It reveals that @LagBeachAntifa9, who id brand new to Twitter, is posting from Krasnoyarsk, Russia, not from California, as they claim.


Their tweet is still there...

Laguna Beach Antifa (@LagBeachAntifa9) | Twitter

What a loser you are, eh? Spreading false rumors about a kid you don’t even know.

These idiots scoff at the idea that Russians fooled anyone while they diligently regurgitate every meme and narrative the Russians put out there.

Truly stupid.
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.
Why aren’t they in school?? What the fuck is wrong with you? You have any idea how traumatic this was for many of those students? Some of them will never go to school again.

Just how fucking sick and deplorable are you to be attacking kids who were victims of this horrific school shooting??

Apparently it's not so traumatic that they are unable to get on a bus and go to the state capital to harass the governor. They had plenty of posters and boxes, supposedly filled with gun control bills that were defeated. That all took a lot of work and organizing.

If they aren't too traumatized to do that, then they aren't too traumatized to go to school.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles also kill a lot of people.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles also kill a lot of people.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
We have too many noob trolls on this board and the creativity has dropped as a result.

As to your op. The right wants to focus on ACTUAL PROTECTION for our children. The left is seemingly distracted by the shiny object in the room and incapable of any discussion beyond that shiny object.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles also kill a lot of people.
Look at post #485
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles also kill a lot of people.

People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles are pussies

If you want to hunt down a bunch of screaming children, nothing beats a good ole American AR-15 with a large capacity magazine. If you want additional fun....add a bump stock and watch them scatter
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?

What purpose is an Assault Rifle with a large capacity magazine other than to slaughter people?
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles also kill a lot of people.

People with pistols and ordinary hunting rifles are pussies

If you want to hunt down a bunch of screaming children, nothing beats a good ole American AR-15 with a large capacity magazine. If you want additional fun....add a bump stock and watch them scatter
...or a string. Lol
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?

What purpose is an Assault Rifle with a large capacity magazine other than to slaughter people?
Prairie dogs, they carry the Black Plague...
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?

What purpose is an Assault Rifle with a large capacity magazine other than to slaughter people?
You've probably had this explained to you at least 1000 times already.
It has become an all too common tactic for Conservatives

Blame the victim

If a student survives an them liars
If a woman claims sexual her a liar and attack her morals
Na, People kill people firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people.
Most people learn that in grade school
People with guns kill people
People with Assault Rifles kill lots of people
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?

What purpose is an Assault Rifle with a large capacity magazine other than to slaughter people?
You've probably had this explained to you at least 1000 times already.
He can’t help it he’s a Democrat on psychotropic drugs
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