Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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------------------------------------------------ here you go , some video , audio that show your politicians speaking about their anti gun plans . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise ---see your 'feinstein' speak in the video Faun .
All you did was echo what said ... There are probably a couple of fringe on the left who want that but they don’t set the agenda for the vast majority.

Sadly, you really are a Useful Idiot. You don't fully understand what the Communist/Democrat Agenda is. It isn't about banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. It's about a complete ban and confiscation. Communists/Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.
------------------------------------------------- and they PROVE my point Faun .

Sure ... if your point was 3 politicians out of nearly 600 Congressmen and governors are in favor of it.
Democrats will use Florida shooting and politicize it like the whores they are. Bullshit if you think otherwise.

Yup, they're behaving like rabid carrion pecking at the dead childrens' still-warm flesh. And i think most Americans are disgusted by it. I know i am.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

If a “kid” is going to be used and put on a stage for a political attack, then you are damn right we will fire back against the absurd argument.

Dems like trying to use “human shields” like high school kids and Gold Star families to launch their attacks from. That way they can scream about us being big meanies when we shoot their argument down.

It's a "political attack" for these kids to want AR-15s banned so that their schools are safer? Only in your deranged, evil mind is that a "political attack".

President Bill Clinton signed an Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, that did not prevent the Columbine School Massacre in 1999.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

No, but mass shootings did decline significantly from 1994 - 2004.

Not according to the government.
Not according to the government.

Except of course, when they issue them to their military and agents. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Trump’s solution is to arm 20% of the teachers and give them advanced weapons training. That’s 700,000 teachers, nationwide. Schools don’t have the money for textbooks and supplies for the teachers. Where are they going to get the money for guns and training?

Now some practical concerns:

1. This turn teachers into targets. If I’m a shooter, with an AR15, I’m taking out the teachers first and I’d be looking for them and shooting them on sight.

2. Teacher will be armed with handguns. Perps with AR 15’s with high capacity magazines. Logic and reason say the perp has a huge advantage here. Plus he’s not frightened or worried about missing the target and hitting students.

3. Teachers won’t be able to draw their guns until there’s an active shooter. By which time it’s already too late.
There is also a big issue: the majority of teachers, parents and students do not want teachers to be armed.

First, I doubt if you have any idea what the majority of teachers want. Second, although people went through school, they don't know what is involved in being a teacher...which is part of what's wrong with Legislatures trying to establish rule for schools...they should allow actual educators handle that. And finally I believe that people like you only want to consider a narrow range of options because you only have one true agenda and that is to take away the rights of others to force them to live as you choose.
I have a very good idea what teachers want. I taught for 30 years. I taught during years when we had to do lockdown drills. I have talked to and dealt with more teachers, parents and students than you can even imagine. Once when teaching a community college night class, I was the object of one disgruntled student's plan to kill me; he brought a gun to school to do that, but was discovered before he did anything. I know the danger. My being armed or another teacher being armed would not have been the solution.You are the one who doesn't know what teachers want. You have no idea what the school environment is like.

If I were working in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit. If I had kids in such a school, I'd remove them. The vast majority of teachers and parents would do the same. The vast majority of schools do not want teachers carrying guns to school.

I have only one goal: to try to keep our kids safe.

LMAO! Your assumptions are just as wrong as your worldview. You "taught". I teach. Don't presume to speak for current teachers because you are out of touch.

Did you know that the Sheriff of St. Louis county offered firearms training for teachers and there was so much interest that he had to limit the program to 300 teachers? Go peddle your malarkey somewhere else. I know better.

If you have to train and arm teachers to keep children safe when they go to school, you have failed utterly as a society.

Until we deal effectively with the mentally ill among us and stop ignoring them and letting them sleep on the streets and argue with street signs, and instead blame an inanimate object that has no will, I agree we are utterly failing as a society.
Out of the millions and millions of firearms in the United States owned by law-abiding citizens what percentage are used in violent crime?

What purpose is an Assault Rifle with a large capacity magazine other than to slaughter people?

The only reason period to have any gun is to kill an animal or human. Yes, one may protect themself but protecting may end up in a killing. There is no other reason unless someone who has manhood problems uses it to make them more man like in the case of a few on this board.

If some thug assaulting you gets killed because you have a gun, why is that a problem? Self defense is all the reason needed.

It's like you're saying the only reason to have a car is to get from point A to point B.

Yeah? So what?

AR-15s are not meant for self-defense, dumb ass. Do you know what "assault rifle" means?

"Assault rifle" is bullshit name the left gave to them. Real assault rifles are fully automatic, like machine guns. AR-15s are ideal for self defense. They have been used many times for self defense. A classic example are the Korean grocers who defended their businesses during the LA riots.

"Assault rifle" is bullshit name the left gave to them.

Then put that " bullshit name" out of your mind and take it to mean a military weapon.
Trump’s solution is to arm 20% of the teachers and give them advanced weapons training. That’s 700,000 teachers, nationwide. Schools don’t have the money for textbooks and supplies for the teachers. Where are they going to get the money for guns and training?

Now some practical concerns:

1. This turn teachers into targets. If I’m a shooter, with an AR15, I’m taking out the teachers first and I’d be looking for them and shooting them on sight.

2. Teacher will be armed with handguns. Perps with AR 15’s with high capacity magazines. Logic and reason say the perp has a huge advantage here. Plus he’s not frightened or worried about missing the target and hitting students.

3. Teachers won’t be able to draw their guns until there’s an active shooter. By which time it’s already too late.
There is also a big issue: the majority of teachers, parents and students do not want teachers to be armed.

First, I doubt if you have any idea what the majority of teachers want. Second, although people went through school, they don't know what is involved in being a teacher...which is part of what's wrong with Legislatures trying to establish rule for schools...they should allow actual educators handle that. And finally I believe that people like you only want to consider a narrow range of options because you only have one true agenda and that is to take away the rights of others to force them to live as you choose.
I have a very good idea what teachers want. I taught for 30 years. I taught during years when we had to do lockdown drills. I have talked to and dealt with more teachers, parents and students than you can even imagine. Once when teaching a community college night class, I was the object of one disgruntled student's plan to kill me; he brought a gun to school to do that, but was discovered before he did anything. I know the danger. My being armed or another teacher being armed would not have been the solution.You are the one who doesn't know what teachers want. You have no idea what the school environment is like.

If I were working in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit. If I had kids in such a school, I'd remove them. The vast majority of teachers and parents would do the same. The vast majority of schools do not want teachers carrying guns to school.

I have only one goal: to try to keep our kids safe.

LMAO! Your assumptions are just as wrong as your worldview. You "taught". I teach. Don't presume to speak for current teachers because you are out of touch.

Did you know that the Sheriff of St. Louis county offered firearms training for teachers and there was so much interest that he had to limit the program to 300 teachers? Go peddle your malarkey somewhere else. I know better.

I guess you're right the sheriff of St Louis county speaks for teacher's everywhere. I can't argue that ole great one. So now gfy.

LOL! Look Rambo, you can take your war stories and stop wasting our time. I never said the Sheriff of St. Louis County speaks for teachers. I said he offered the program and there was more interest in it from teachers than he expected. I'm sure you can find someone to explain what that means. Now, go take your failed argument and waste someone else's time.

There is no such agenda to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Rightwingnuts are merely knee-jerk reactionary freaks. There are probably a couple of fringe on the left who want that but they don’t set the agenda for the vast majority.
------------------------------------------------ here you go , some video , audio that show your politicians speaking about their anti gun plans . --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise ---see your 'feinstein' speak in the video Faun .
All you did was echo what said ... There are probably a couple of fringe on the left who want that but they don’t set the agenda for the vast majority.

Sadly, you really are a Useful Idiot. You don't fully understand what the Communist/Democrat Agenda is. It isn't about banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. It's about a complete ban and confiscation. Communists/Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.

Yeah, I would like to know that myself. Who are these terrible Democrats that speak about abolishing the 2nd Amendment? Judging by the comments from the mentally ill Repugs on this board, there should be quite a few.

They're much too devious for that. They're not gonna openly push for an outright ban and confiscation of firearms. Communists/Democrats are very patient. They implement their Agenda in increments. Each new gun law passed, is deemed by them to be another step towards their ultimate goal. And we know what their ultimate goal is.

Disarming the Citizenry is major part of the Agenda. Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. You can see it on places like Amazon Prime. Check it out. It might just cause you to question your loyalty to the Communists.
Trump’s solution is to arm 20% of the teachers and give them advanced weapons training. That’s 700,000 teachers, nationwide. Schools don’t have the money for textbooks and supplies for the teachers. Where are they going to get the money for guns and training?

Now some practical concerns:

1. This turn teachers into targets. If I’m a shooter, with an AR15, I’m taking out the teachers first and I’d be looking for them and shooting them on sight.

2. Teacher will be armed with handguns. Perps with AR 15’s with high capacity magazines. Logic and reason say the perp has a huge advantage here. Plus he’s not frightened or worried about missing the target and hitting students.

3. Teachers won’t be able to draw their guns until there’s an active shooter. By which time it’s already too late.
There is also a big issue: the majority of teachers, parents and students do not want teachers to be armed.

First, I doubt if you have any idea what the majority of teachers want. Second, although people went through school, they don't know what is involved in being a teacher...which is part of what's wrong with Legislatures trying to establish rule for schools...they should allow actual educators handle that. And finally I believe that people like you only want to consider a narrow range of options because you only have one true agenda and that is to take away the rights of others to force them to live as you choose.
I have a very good idea what teachers want. I taught for 30 years. I taught during years when we had to do lockdown drills. I have talked to and dealt with more teachers, parents and students than you can even imagine. Once when teaching a community college night class, I was the object of one disgruntled student's plan to kill me; he brought a gun to school to do that, but was discovered before he did anything. I know the danger. My being armed or another teacher being armed would not have been the solution.You are the one who doesn't know what teachers want. You have no idea what the school environment is like.

If I were working in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit. If I had kids in such a school, I'd remove them. The vast majority of teachers and parents would do the same. The vast majority of schools do not want teachers carrying guns to school.

I have only one goal: to try to keep our kids safe.

LMAO! Your assumptions are just as wrong as your worldview. You "taught". I teach. Don't presume to speak for current teachers because you are out of touch.

Did you know that the Sheriff of St. Louis county offered firearms training for teachers and there was so much interest that he had to limit the program to 300 teachers? Go peddle your malarkey somewhere else. I know better.
LMAO I only retired last June. I'm hardly out of touch.

I imagine in some very rightwing areas, people are interested, but overall, across the country, most are not in favor of such a program, not teachers and not parents.

You are the one making assumptions.

I am trying as hard as I can not to call you a liar, but you pretend to speak for MOST teachers while it is obvious you don't. So, go drink some tea or whatever you do to pass time and stop posting your illusions on this board.
For the millionth time: when guns are out of circulation, criminals have a hard time getting a hold of them as mostly they are stolen from private owners. Policing of smuggled weapons can be stepped up, but the example of other countries with strict gun laws shows us that the scenario American gun nuts and the NRA put forth that if guns were not legally available, only criminals would have them is dead wrong. Completely inaccurate.
I bet when people describe you they say you're "a laugh a minute". Lol
Do some research. You will find that countries with strict gun control do not have unusually high rates of crime, particularly not gun related crime. Your problem is that you are so stupid, your don't realize how dreadfully ignorant you are as well.
I don't knowwhat you think your article is supposed to prove. If you think it proves that people withmental illness go on murderous rampages, well duh. However, there are mentally ill people all over the world and always have been. The reason they go on shooting sprees in the US is because they have access to all kinds of weapons. The issue of mass shootings is not mental illness, it is the availability of guns, especially automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

In countries with strict gun control, mentally ill people aren't able to kill dozens of people in just a few minutes because they do not have access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons. And in countries with strict control, gun crime does not escalate when guns go out of circulation.

The reason they go on shooting sprees in the United States is that they are allowed to wander around untreated. They should be hospitalized and getting treatment.

I see. You are SUCH a humanitarian that you want the mentally ill to suffer through their illness and don't want or need them to be treated. You find the idea of them being treated so they won't be a danger to themselves or others to be laughable? I find your attitude and the lies you tell to support it disgusting. I have no interest in reading your pronouncements any more.
There is also a big issue: the majority of teachers, parents and students do not want teachers to be armed.

First, I doubt if you have any idea what the majority of teachers want. Second, although people went through school, they don't know what is involved in being a teacher...which is part of what's wrong with Legislatures trying to establish rule for schools...they should allow actual educators handle that. And finally I believe that people like you only want to consider a narrow range of options because you only have one true agenda and that is to take away the rights of others to force them to live as you choose.
I have a very good idea what teachers want. I taught for 30 years. I taught during years when we had to do lockdown drills. I have talked to and dealt with more teachers, parents and students than you can even imagine. Once when teaching a community college night class, I was the object of one disgruntled student's plan to kill me; he brought a gun to school to do that, but was discovered before he did anything. I know the danger. My being armed or another teacher being armed would not have been the solution.You are the one who doesn't know what teachers want. You have no idea what the school environment is like.

If I were working in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit. If I had kids in such a school, I'd remove them. The vast majority of teachers and parents would do the same. The vast majority of schools do not want teachers carrying guns to school.

I have only one goal: to try to keep our kids safe.

LMAO! Your assumptions are just as wrong as your worldview. You "taught". I teach. Don't presume to speak for current teachers because you are out of touch.

Did you know that the Sheriff of St. Louis county offered firearms training for teachers and there was so much interest that he had to limit the program to 300 teachers? Go peddle your malarkey somewhere else. I know better.
LMAO I only retired last June. I'm hardly out of touch.

I imagine in some very rightwing areas, people are interested, but overall, across the country, most are not in favor of such a program, not teachers and not parents.

You are the one making assumptions.

I am trying as hard as I can not to call you a liar, but you pretend to speak for MOST teachers while it is obvious you don't. So, go drink some tea or whatever you do to pass time and stop posting your illusions on this board.
You are really an asshole. I hope you are not a teacher. That would be really sad for the kids.
Biggest lesson learned from this awful tragedy?

At all costs, avoid sending your children into the Government School nightmare. Seriously consider all other education alternatives. Don't gamble with your child's life.
If there was no gun for him to go out and buy, there would be no problem. That's the bottom line. That kid owned 10 firearms. He easily purchased the AK 15 with which he killed 17 people in 3 minutes. It is the gun that is the real problem. People all over the world have mental problems: mass shootings like this occur only in America, the country with far more guns per person than any other in the world. It is the access to guns that is the problem.

That is ridiculous. There are THOUSANDS of AR-15s in this nation and thev have been used illegally. The mentally ill must be treated and controlled, not the weapon.
Umm... why not treat and control both?

Because we have a 2nd Amendment, douchebag.
There are limits on the 2nd Amendment. It doesn’t mean you can own any type of weapon known to mankind.
It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.

It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.
Didn't you know?
It's difficult to kill 17 people with a knife or a rope or a bat.
Using an AR is another story altogether.

I don't wish you any bad luck or anything......

But if one cold February night you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night to find your home filled with 17 street thugs all armed with knives....

I sure hope you have one of those fully automatic assault knives....or at least one of your assault bats.

But if one cold February night you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night to find your home filled with 17 street thugs all armed with knives....

I leave the country during the purge.
hey Faun , do you remember these same widdle whining kids that were causing concern because the were eating TIDE PODS a few weeks ago . Well these same scummy kids are now telling Americans that they should change , modify or throw away Americas Second Amendment . Pretty funny , do TIDE PODS taste good Faun ??
Only a piece of shit would call kids who were attacked by a maniac with an AR-15, “whiney” and “scummy.”

Thanks for showing your true colors, pis.

He's just following the leader like in the Pic of Trump on your page. It's cool to be an asshole suddenly in America.

If you want to see some assholes, just check out those students who were insulting insulting Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch right to their faces. They were calling Dana Lowesch a murderer.

Now that is truly ugly.
That is ridiculous. There are THOUSANDS of AR-15s in this nation and thev have been used illegally. The mentally ill must be treated and controlled, not the weapon.
Umm... why not treat and control both?

Because we have a 2nd Amendment, douchebag.
There are limits on the 2nd Amendment. It doesn’t mean you can own any type of weapon known to mankind.
It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.

It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.
Hmmmmm . . . yes.
Umm... why not treat and control both?

Because we have a 2nd Amendment, douchebag.
There are limits on the 2nd Amendment. It doesn’t mean you can own any type of weapon known to mankind.
It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.

It means you can own any type of weapon commonly used by the infantry.
Hmmmmm . . . yes.
Who says?
All you did was echo what said ... There are probably a couple of fringe on the left who want that but they don’t set the agenda for the vast majority.

Sadly, you really are a Useful Idiot. You don't fully understand what the Communist/Democrat Agenda is. It isn't about banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. It's about a complete ban and confiscation. Communists/Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
No offense taken as I consider conservatives to be actual idiots, liars and infantile. So naturally, I neither believe the names they call me nor care as I consider the source.
Sadly, you really are a Useful Idiot. You don't fully understand what the Communist/Democrat Agenda is. It isn't about banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. It's about a complete ban and confiscation. Communists/Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
No offense taken as I consider conservatives to be actual idiots, liars and infantile. So naturally, I neither believe the names they call me nor care as I consider the source.

Don't be one of Lenin's Useful Idiots your whole life. You do still have time to re-think your loyalty to the Communists. God Bless.
i never call names , i figure that telling the truth is the best way to do things . As a matter of fact i was suprised as you yourself do quite a bit of name calling . I make excuses for you though , i figger that you are getting tired , frantic , perturbed and agitated so YOU resort to name calling Faun .
Biggest lesson learned from this awful tragedy?

At all costs, avoid sending your children into the Government School nightmare. Seriously consider all other education alternatives. Don't gamble with your child's life.
Oh? There’s roughly 50 million students attending “government schools.” Another 20 million in higher education.

That’s a gamble?
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