Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Nonsense. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It's not a member of the European Union. We do NOT have a bilateral treaty with Ukraine. AND Ukraine is NOT in our national interests. And if all that were not enough, we don't have adequate forces in a staging area anywhere near where it would be necessary to sustain an operation and protect a secure supply line.

Militarily, Putin had no reason or need to worry about the US. Economically, it's a different story if the US AND Europe are willing to mount some kind of punishing sanctions. But it's a two way street since Russia provides oil and natural gas to Europe.

There's a lot Obama could do without send U.S. troops, like sending them some of our surplus military hardware. The Ukrainians could do a lot with 500 A1-Abrahms tanks. The Russians would think twice before taking that on.
ROFL! Do you have the slightest bit of evidence that conservatives treat blacks any different than they treat whites?

You're just another race baiting piece-of-shit libturd.

Liberals are the ones who make life shit for everyone. Obamacare is the perfect example of that.


This board is filled with racists posts.

Yours are included.

How is my post "racist?" I'm dying to know.

You don't like folks of different religions, ethnicities and color.

Do I have to explain that too you?

You think yourself superior. And solely based on your skin color.

You are kind of far beyond racist. You are a Monarchist.

As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News

Oh puhleeze!

Remember this?

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


Is this the same Harry Reid that insists no one has been hurt by the ACA?

Sallow...the Coalition of Geriatric Senators isn't the best place to go to buttress a debate point.
No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Nonsense. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It's not a member of the European Union. We do NOT have a bilateral treaty with Ukraine. AND Ukraine is NOT in our national interests. And if all that were not enough, we don't have adequate forces in a staging area anywhere near where it would be necessary to sustain an operation and protect a secure supply line.

Militarily, Putin had no reason or need to worry about the US. Economically, it's a different story if the US AND Europe are willing to mount some kind of punishing sanctions. But it's a two way street since Russia provides oil and natural gas to Europe.

There's a lot Obama could do without send U.S. troops, like sending them some of our surplus military hardware. The Ukrainians could do a lot with 500 A1-Abrahms tanks. The Russians would think twice before taking that on.

Georgia has US military gear.

Didn't help.

Georgian Armed Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


Is this the same Harry Reid that insists no one has been hurt by the ACA?

Sallow...the Coalition of Geriatric Senators isn't the best place to go to buttress a debate point.

No one has been hurt by the ACA.

Let me give you an example of people hurt by a conservative in charge of health decisions.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News

Three Americans died because of Jan Brewer.

Conservative outrage?


This board is filled with racists posts.

Yours are included.

How is my post "racist?" I'm dying to know.

You don't like folks of different religions, ethnicities and color.

Really? Where have I said that?

Do I have to explain that too you?

Provide some evidence of it, shitstain. You can't just whip it out of your ass.

You think yourself superior. And solely based on your skin color.

ROFL! I love these fantasies of yours. Hey, if liberal delusions served as evidence, then you have a case. However, most people expect some kind of objective evidence before they swallow an obvious pile of horseshit like that.

You are kind of far beyond racist. You are a Monarchist.


How is monarchism "far beyond" racism? Are the British all racists? Furthermore, I'm an anarchist, not a monarchist. I've simply noted that we were better off under the monarchy than we are now under democracy.

Gosh, what a nimrod.
Water boarding wasn't the only form of torture used by the American Military and Special Ops. They killed a Iraqi Military Officer in Iraq by suffocating him with a sleeping bag.

U.S. Officer Convicted in Death of Iraqi General : NPR

Killed a cab driver at Bagram Airport by hanging him from the ceiling and beating him to death.

Bagram torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And had a real party at Abu Gharib.

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you "not remembering" Americans were tortured doesn't mean it didn't happen:

As was the case with Jose Padillia:

And John Walker Lindh:

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My point stands. The US Constitution holds that rights be extended to prisoners captured by US forces.

So when confronted with President Obama's use and support of drone strikes, as well as no spoken opposition to the use of drones as a tool in the United States by this administration, you look to continue to question the Constitutionality of the CIA's use of torture while turning a blind eye to the slippery slope of drones? Spoken like a true liberal - making biased accusations of conservatives use of the Constitution, while offering no accountability or making excuses of those under your own liberal party. I'd expected nothing less coming from you, Sallow.

I don't have a problem with drone strikes on known terrorists.

I was here for 9/11, I see what they can do.

And I'd much rather have a surgical drone strike, than a full on invasion.

At least water boarding a captured known terrorist in an interrogation you can extract useful information that can save American lives, can't say as much when they're dead from a drone strike.

Yet you will cite the Constitution with regard to the use of torture to extract information from terrorists overseas, even though the Constitution really only applies towards those within the boarders of the United States - not foreigners captured in foreign lands. That is where you get confused. The Constitution would apply in a case, such as an administration which would actually allow the use of drone technology on our own citizens IN the United States. Do you understand the difference?
And what did you call us when we criticized Bush? For legitimate reasons?

what legitimate reaasons?

name me 5 "Bush" policies Dems DIDNT follow, fund, extend, vote FOR...................ETC

even long after Bush was gone and Dems became the Majority Party

Back then the country ran on compromise and unity. Back then we believed the President, even when he lied.

Today...not so much. Oh. There was a "majority party" for a whole 72 days.

Are you calling President Clinton a liar for stating the same regarding Iraq? Had President Bush lied, the UN inspectors would have done their job, Saddam would have not resisted weapons inspectors, and Saddam would have found no reason to successfully bribe the United Nations during the oil for food sanctions on Iraq. Yet all those sanctions against Saddam were never lifted now were they? Those are a lot of facts to make excuses for and tiptoe your way out of, have fun trying to maneuver your way through that minefield of information.
Media Matters for America
The so-called 'America's Mayor' goes all in for Putin:

On Fox, Giuliani Praises Putin: He's "What You Call A Leader," In Contrast To Obama
Appearing on Fox, Giuliani goes full Pat Buchanan. No one goes full Pat Buchanan.

You can see how Hitler got so far...
you idiots whine that Republicans have been "obstructing" obama from Day One; but Repubs were the MINORITY of BOTH chambers of Congress for all of Obama's first two years; while at the same time whining that the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of Bush's last 2 years and all of obama's first 2 years was helpless because their majority wasnt big ENOUGH


idiots and hypocrites

They will try to claim Republicans were obstructing Obama and the Democrats until you bring up Obamacare, the stimulus bill, government funding of Solyndra, etc. Each came with overwhelming Republican opposition, yet they still managed to pass and make it to Obama's desk for his signature.

I think you're confusing cheering with Obama's inability to handle a crisis by leading with his mouth over his head, like he had done prior to the beer summit. He used his ego with the media spotlight to try and act tough with Syria, before realizing he had painted himself into a corner with that "red line" while trying to weasel his way back out. Now many are believing the same will happen in his stand against Putin. Again that isn't cheering, rather that's simple expectation of knowing your own President enough to see his history as Commentator-in-Chief.

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Why would it be up to Obama to stop him? He has proven time and time again that he is not spineless, you racists just ignore the facts.
The Obama administration is reacting to the situation in the Ukraine almost exactly as the Bush 43 administration reacted to the situation in Georgia in late 2008. Georgia, also a former vassal of the former USSR, was also invaded by Putin's Russia, but FOX news yawned at that one.

In fact, here is what über-Conservative pundit and Clown-delüx Krauthammer said in an OP-ED in the WAPO on August 14, 2008:

Charles Krauthammer - How to Stop Putin

What is to be done? Let's be real. There's nothing to be done militarily. What we can do is alter Putin's cost-benefit calculations.

We are not without resources. There are a range of measures to be deployed if Russia does not live up to its cease-fire commitments:

1. Suspend the NATO-Russia Council established in 2002 to help bring Russia closer to the West. Make clear that dissolution will follow suspension. The council gives Russia a seat at the NATO table. Message: Invading neighboring democracies forfeits the seat.

2. Bar Russian entry to the World Trade Organization.

3. Dissolve the G-8. Putin's dictatorship long made Russia's presence in this group of industrial democracies a farce, but no one wanted to upset the bear by expelling it. No need to. The seven democracies simply withdraw. (And if Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, who has been sympathetic to Putin's Georgia adventure, wants to stay, he can have an annual G-2 dinner with Putin.) Then immediately announce the reconstitution of the original G-7.

4. Announce a U.S.-European boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi. To do otherwise would be obscene. Sochi is 15 miles from Abkhazia, the other Georgian province just invaded by Russia. The Games will become a riveting contest between the Russian, Belarusan and Jamaican bobsled teams.

Fox news was all "well, Bush can't do anything, it's Russia, you know".

Now, 5 1/2 years later, FOX is wailing like a bear who just stepped on his own dick about how weak Obama is. Hell, even the Queen-Harridan of the GOP, Sarah Palin (Quitter-AK) mocked Obama for his jeans (yes, his fucking jeans) that he wore for the one photo that was shot whilst he was on the phone with Bush's "I can see into his soul" Putin.

Once again, just RWNJ bellyaching. That's all they have left.

The Right didn't give a fuck about Georgia back in 2008 and they don't give a fuck about the Ukraine now. All they want to do is to find a way to stick any kind of sharp object they can into Obama's eye.

This is how far the Right has sunk. It has broken every protocol and tradition of bipartisan decency this time, mocking our President like this during a time of crisis.

Hey, y'all remember when DEMS were calling Bush "weak" and "indecisive" right after 911? Right. It never happened. DEMS have more decency than this.

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Why would it be up to Obama to stop him? He has proven time and time again that he is not spineless, you racists just ignore the facts.

Why would it be up to Obama to decide the outcome of the uprisings in Libya or Syria or Egypt?
No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Why would it be up to Obama to stop him? He has proven time and time again that he is not spineless, you racists just ignore the facts.

Why would it be up to Obama to decide the outcome of the uprisings in Libya or Syria or Egypt?

It was not up to him.
So when confronted with President Obama's use and support of drone strikes, as well as no spoken opposition to the use of drones as a tool in the United States by this administration, you look to continue to question the Constitutionality of the CIA's use of torture while turning a blind eye to the slippery slope of drones? Spoken like a true liberal - making biased accusations of conservatives use of the Constitution, while offering no accountability or making excuses of those under your own liberal party. I'd expected nothing less coming from you, Sallow.

I don't have a problem with drone strikes on known terrorists.

I was here for 9/11, I see what they can do.

And I'd much rather have a surgical drone strike, than a full on invasion.

At least water boarding a captured known terrorist in an interrogation you can extract useful information that can save American lives, can't say as much when they're dead from a drone strike.

Yet you will cite the Constitution with regard to the use of torture to extract information from terrorists overseas, even though the Constitution really only applies towards those within the boarders of the United States - not foreigners captured in foreign lands. That is where you get confused. The Constitution would apply in a case, such as an administration which would actually allow the use of drone technology on our own citizens IN the United States. Do you understand the difference?

The Constitution is pretty clear on how to act on both persons within our jurisdiction an entities that choose to wage war against the US.

I don't know why you think it's clever to make some assertions to the contrary.

Do you need the clauses sited for you?

Which I doubt will help..because even when spoon fed those, you folks find either something unrelated to the point, or go completely into a very unique understanding on what the words mean.

1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

It doesn't say "borders". It's says "jurisdiction". That's an extremely different thing. And it was deliberate. Most of the founders were Lawyers and were keenly aware that reciprocity between nations begins at home.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

That's a prohibition on torture.

10: To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

11: To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

12: To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

13: To provide and maintain a Navy;

14: To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

17: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And

18: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

That's how this nation prosecutes war.

If that weren't enough? There is the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Geneva Conventions.

The Bush administration really did violate all three protocols.
No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Why would it be up to Obama to stop him? He has proven time and time again that he is not spineless, you racists just ignore the facts.

Why would it be up to Obama to decide the outcome of the uprisings in Libya or Syria or Egypt?

Egypt - The US provides military aid to this country. They are an ally.
Libya - Our ally France asked for help in dealing with Libya's upheaval.
Syria - Violated international protocol against using chemical weapons.

Seriously..stop watching FOX.
The Obama administration is reacting to the situation in the Ukraine almost exactly as the Bush 43 administration reacted to the situation in Georgia in late 2008. Georgia, also a former vassal of the former USSR, was also invaded by Putin's Russia, but FOX news yawned at that one.

Ukraine is not Georgia. 2014 is not 2008.
Libs have trouble distinguishing similar things.
John Kerry spent the weekend bad-mouthing the Russians and then wonders why they didn't show up at his meeting in Kiev yesterday.

Huh, people don't like being lied about.

Go figure.

Democrats have been doing that about Republicans for years and they don't seem to mind.

Course the Republicans can't launch ICBMs at your cities ether.

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