Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

You did not support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein?

Slow on the uptake, aren't you? No, I didn't, and you've seen me say that a hundred times. Now on the other hand, Democrats did. Which is what I mock you idiots for. The beauty of not being you is that I don't have to be a hypocrite to win political points. I also have long term memory. Saddam sucked, but he wasn't our problem.

Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.
Slow on the uptake, aren't you? No, I didn't, and you've seen me say that a hundred times. Now on the other hand, Democrats did. Which is what I mock you idiots for. The beauty of not being you is that I don't have to be a hypocrite to win political points. I also have long term memory. Saddam sucked, but he wasn't our problem.

Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.

Whatever, but there's no denying the gopers who cheered on W sang a different tune when Obama suggesting bombing assad.
Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.

Whatever, but there's no denying the gopers who cheered on W sang a different tune when Obama suggesting bombing assad.

Again, libertarians have consistently been against both using the military to fight other people's wars for them. Again, Democrats haven't. You actually did get us into Iraq and lied that you were lied to when you found it politically expedient. Then you suddenly supported aggression again under Obama. Libertarians are not the ones who are liars pulling all this crap endlessly switching sides and rewriting history about what we supported for pure selfish interest, you are.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Sunday the crisis in Ukraine presents another situation in which President Obama is getting out-maneuvered on the global stage by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles.”

“It’s not even close,” Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Too bad you were born human, you would have made a wonderful Lemming.
Every day obama proves how utterly incompetent he is. At this point letting Putin know that we recognize such idiocy and not everyone would be the same clueless bumpkin.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Too bad you were born human, you would have made a wonderful Lemming.

As a active member of the Armed Services, Intelligence Community, or Congress one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief during crisis. They just don't. It wasn't even an attack on policy. It was a personal attack. WTF

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Sunday the crisis in Ukraine presents another situation in which President Obama is getting out-maneuvered on the global stage by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles.”

“It’s not even close,” Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Sunday the crisis in Ukraine presents another situation in which President Obama is getting out-maneuvered on the global stage by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles.”

“It’s not even close,” Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News

Oh puhleeze!

Remember this?

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Sunday the crisis in Ukraine presents another situation in which President Obama is getting out-maneuvered on the global stage by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles.”

“It’s not even close,” Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News

Oh puhleeze!

Remember this?

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]

First he stated that on April 20, 2007 and second you prove my point. After everything that had happened up until that point, all the intelligence revelations, all the American lives lost, the Iraqi lives lost, the billions of dollars Reid did not attack Bush, he specifically stated that he did not know what Bush thought and that he was speaking for himself "personally". You want to compare that to what Rep. Rogers did? Please do. While you may not understand the difference I "personally" believe most people do. One more thing, Republicans jumped all over Reid. I don't hear a single Democrat attacking Rep. Rogers as much as they should. I guess that just one more time shows the difference between Democrats and Republicans. The Republican party can't decide who they are mainly because they can't look at themselves in the mirror.
i got the context right; she's proud of her country for the first time.. what a joke you are. isnt it context you LWNJs always whine about?

Are you saying that slavery and Jim Crow weren't disgusting and despicable?



yawn; another left-wing nutjob; another asinine false dichotomy.
do you form your opinions on only what is wrong or was wrong?

i doubt it. so why is it ok if michelle does it? was there nothing for her to be proud of about this country before obama got elected?

ur a joke


My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Sunday the crisis in Ukraine presents another situation in which President Obama is getting out-maneuvered on the global stage by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles.”

“It’s not even close,” Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News

Oh puhleeze!

Remember this?

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?

As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Too bad you were born human, you would have made a wonderful Lemming.

As a active member of the Armed Services, Intelligence Community, or Congress one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief during crisis. They just don't. It wasn't even an attack on policy. It was a personal attack. WTF
It wasn't a personal attack? I don't think so. You attacked a US rep for his opinion and for him not falling in line with the presidents agenda. That's their job. A US Rep is not part of the armed forces and is actually put into office to keep an idiot like obie in check before he can totally fuck something up on an international scale.

You as an active member should be more appreciative for the voices on the other side. It may just save you from going to all out war with Russia in two years because someone spoke up and didn't bow to the idiot in chief.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring. Rep. Rogers himself states how significant the crisis is. I would love to see him in front of a Congressional hearing. Anyone with even the smallest concept of national security knows that one does not openly criticize the Commander in Chief in time of national crisis. This is why we must defeat as many Republicans as we can possibility can this fall. They have lost any regard whatsoever for national interests and national security. Trying to grab a little personal gain at the expense of national security? Disgusting. One really has to question where his priorities really lie.

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around the United States | Fox News

Oh puhleeze!

Remember this?

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.
Are you saying that slavery and Jim Crow weren't disgusting and despicable?



yawn; another left-wing nutjob; another asinine false dichotomy.
do you form your opinions on only what is wrong or was wrong?

i doubt it. so why is it ok if michelle does it? was there nothing for her to be proud of about this country before obama got elected?

ur a joke


My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.

Back here in reality land you are the problem. You treat skin color as the absolute in who gets what and how they should be judged. We on the other hand don't care about skin color we care about results.

The only people we dislike are fakes, frauds and those that can't do the job. When one of those failures just happens to be black because you put them in office doesn't change our mind. You want race to trump achievement, in all cases. We would like to see some decent results instead.
Are you saying that slavery and Jim Crow weren't disgusting and despicable?



yawn; another left-wing nutjob; another asinine false dichotomy.
do you form your opinions on only what is wrong or was wrong?

i doubt it. so why is it ok if michelle does it? was there nothing for her to be proud of about this country before obama got elected?

ur a joke


My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.

ROFL! Do you have the slightest bit of evidence that conservatives treat blacks any different than they treat whites?

You're just another race baiting piece-of-shit libturd.

Liberals are the ones who make life shit for everyone. Obamacare is the perfect example of that.

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Well it was.

You seem to forget this.

Bush's strategy was failing and badly. Iraq was in turmoil and the US Military was basically in control of very little, while over seeing a very bloody sectarian war.

That's why the PNAC were booted and the A-Team was sent in.

And you do realize that Putin invaded Georgia was Bush was President..right?

Were you folks calling Bush a spineless putz?


By the Democrat sided with Putin.
yawn; another left-wing nutjob; another asinine false dichotomy.
do you form your opinions on only what is wrong or was wrong?

i doubt it. so why is it ok if michelle does it? was there nothing for her to be proud of about this country before obama got elected?

ur a joke


My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.

ROFL! Do you have the slightest bit of evidence that conservatives treat blacks any different than they treat whites?

You're just another race baiting piece-of-shit libturd.

Liberals are the ones who make life shit for everyone. Obamacare is the perfect example of that.


This board is filled with racists posts.

Yours are included.

You do understand, that up until Robert Gates, Jim Baker and David Petraeus came on the scene..and rescued the Bush administration..the war WAS lost?


No, I don't recognize that. You do recognize that Putin invaded Crimea only because he knows Obama is a spineless putz that he can walk allover, don't you? However, the issue is your hypocrisy concerning backbiting politicians. It appears only Democrats are allowed to do that.

Nonsense. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It's not a member of the European Union. We do NOT have a bilateral treaty with Ukraine. AND Ukraine is NOT in our national interests. And if all that were not enough, we don't have adequate forces in a staging area anywhere near where it would be necessary to sustain an operation and protect a secure supply line.

Militarily, Putin had no reason or need to worry about the US. Economically, it's a different story if the US AND Europe are willing to mount some kind of punishing sanctions. But it's a two way street since Russia provides oil and natural gas to Europe.

My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.

ROFL! Do you have the slightest bit of evidence that conservatives treat blacks any different than they treat whites?

You're just another race baiting piece-of-shit libturd.

Liberals are the ones who make life shit for everyone. Obamacare is the perfect example of that.


This board is filled with racists posts.

Yours are included.

How is my post "racist?" I'm dying to know.
yawn; another left-wing nutjob; another asinine false dichotomy.
do you form your opinions on only what is wrong or was wrong?

i doubt it. so why is it ok if michelle does it? was there nothing for her to be proud of about this country before obama got elected?

ur a joke


My simple minded friend.

Depending on your skin color in this country.

You are treated different.

Liberals don't do it.

Conservatives do.

And there are a lot of you folks around.

You've generally made life shit for people you don't like.

And that's why perspectives are different.

Back here in reality land you are the problem. You treat skin color as the absolute in who gets what and how they should be judged. We on the other hand don't care about skin color we care about results.

The only people we dislike are fakes, frauds and those that can't do the job. When one of those failures just happens to be black because you put them in office doesn't change our mind. You want race to trump achievement, in all cases. We would like to see some decent results instead.


I could care less what color you are.

You folks?


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