Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

John Kerry spent the weekend bad-mouthing the Russians and then wonders why they didn't show up at his meeting in Kiev yesterday.

Huh, people don't like being lied about.

Go figure.

Democrats have been doing that about Republicans for years and they don't seem to mind.

Course the Republicans can't launch ICBMs at your cities ether.

What lies?
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring.
ROTFLMAO ! Thanks, that was great! Started my morning off with a good chuckle.
The Obama administration is reacting to the situation in the Ukraine almost exactly as the Bush 43 administration reacted to the situation in Georgia in late 2008. Georgia, also a former vassal of the former USSR, was also invaded by Putin's Russia, but FOX news yawned at that one.

In fact, here is what über-Conservative pundit and Clown-delüx Krauthammer said in an OP-ED in the WAPO on August 14, 2008:

Charles Krauthammer - How to Stop Putin

What is to be done? Let's be real. There's nothing to be done militarily. What we can do is alter Putin's cost-benefit calculations.

We are not without resources. There are a range of measures to be deployed if Russia does not live up to its cease-fire commitments:

1. Suspend the NATO-Russia Council established in 2002 to help bring Russia closer to the West. Make clear that dissolution will follow suspension. The council gives Russia a seat at the NATO table. Message: Invading neighboring democracies forfeits the seat.

2. Bar Russian entry to the World Trade Organization.

3. Dissolve the G-8. Putin's dictatorship long made Russia's presence in this group of industrial democracies a farce, but no one wanted to upset the bear by expelling it. No need to. The seven democracies simply withdraw. (And if Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, who has been sympathetic to Putin's Georgia adventure, wants to stay, he can have an annual G-2 dinner with Putin.) Then immediately announce the reconstitution of the original G-7.

4. Announce a U.S.-European boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi. To do otherwise would be obscene. Sochi is 15 miles from Abkhazia, the other Georgian province just invaded by Russia. The Games will become a riveting contest between the Russian, Belarusan and Jamaican bobsled teams.

Fox news was all "well, Bush can't do anything, it's Russia, you know".

Now, 5 1/2 years later, FOX is wailing like a bear who just stepped on his own dick about how weak Obama is. Hell, even the Queen-Harridan of the GOP, Sarah Palin (Quitter-AK) mocked Obama for his jeans (yes, his fucking jeans) that he wore for the one photo that was shot whilst he was on the phone with Bush's "I can see into his soul" Putin.

Once again, just RWNJ bellyaching. That's all they have left.

The Right didn't give a fuck about Georgia back in 2008 and they don't give a fuck about the Ukraine now. All they want to do is to find a way to stick any kind of sharp object they can into Obama's eye.

This is how far the Right has sunk. It has broken every protocol and tradition of bipartisan decency this time, mocking our President like this during a time of crisis.

Hey, y'all remember when DEMS were calling Bush "weak" and "indecisive" right after 911? Right. It never happened. DEMS have more decency than this.


This is blazingly apparent to everyone paying attention.

The right of course, lives in a bubble.

They forget how silly Krauthammer really is and that this is a guy who went on FOX to praise a speech he wrote for George W. Bush.

They forget there is a wealth of video and press that puts on display exactly what moves they made when they were in charge.

It's beyond absurd.
The right wing here would probably join the russian army if the fight was against Obama, but Putin probably wouldn't trust traitors.
The Obama administration is reacting to the situation in the Ukraine almost exactly as the Bush 43 administration reacted to the situation in Georgia in late 2008. Georgia, also a former vassal of the former USSR, was also invaded by Putin's Russia, but FOX news yawned at that one.

Ukraine is not Georgia. 2014 is not 2008.
Libs have trouble distinguishing similar things.'s you guys that have that trouble.
The Obama administration is reacting to the situation in the Ukraine almost exactly as the Bush 43 administration reacted to the situation in Georgia in late 2008. Georgia, also a former vassal of the former USSR, was also invaded by Putin's Russia, but FOX news yawned at that one.

Ukraine is not Georgia. 2014 is not 2008.
Libs have trouble distinguishing similar things.'s you guys that have that trouble.

Trouble explaining that just because two things appear similar does not mean they are identical.
Thanks for letting me clear that up, suitcase.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring.
ROTFLMAO ! Thanks, that was great! Started my morning off with a good chuckle.

omg, these same people were out marching in the streets carrying signs of Bush as Hitler while we had our military men and women fighting in Iraq

And now they're whining over someone criticizing some frikken politician like he's a God or something in the Obama regime

how sick
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what legitimate reaasons?

name me 5 "Bush" policies Dems DIDNT follow, fund, extend, vote FOR...................ETC

even long after Bush was gone and Dems became the Majority Party

Back then the country ran on compromise and unity. Back then we believed the President, even when he lied.

Today...not so much. Oh. There was a "majority party" for a whole 72 days.

Are you calling President Clinton a liar for stating the same regarding Iraq? Had President Bush lied, the UN inspectors would have done their job, Saddam would have not resisted weapons inspectors, and Saddam would have found no reason to successfully bribe the United Nations during the oil for food sanctions on Iraq. Yet all those sanctions against Saddam were never lifted now were they? Those are a lot of facts to make excuses for and tiptoe your way out of, have fun trying to maneuver your way through that minefield of information.

Clinton never invaded Iraq.
As much as I dislike the posters on this board cheering Putin there is someone who trumps that, Representative Rogers. That a sitting U.S. Representative would go on a Sunday talk show and openly and blatantly criticize the President while a major international incident is occurring.
ROTFLMAO ! Thanks, that was great! Started my morning off with a good chuckle.

omg, these same people were out marching in the streets carrying signs of Bush as Hitler while we had our military men and women fighting in Iraq

And now they're whining over someone criticizing some frikken politician like he's a God or something in the Obama regime

how sick

Here's the thing.

None of those folks were elected officials.
Back then the country ran on compromise and unity. Back then we believed the President, even when he lied.

Today...not so much. Oh. There was a "majority party" for a whole 72 days.

Are you calling President Clinton a liar for stating the same regarding Iraq? Had President Bush lied, the UN inspectors would have done their job, Saddam would have not resisted weapons inspectors, and Saddam would have found no reason to successfully bribe the United Nations during the oil for food sanctions on Iraq. Yet all those sanctions against Saddam were never lifted now were they? Those are a lot of facts to make excuses for and tiptoe your way out of, have fun trying to maneuver your way through that minefield of information.

Clinton never invaded Iraq.

No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11
BTW, somebody nominated Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Are you calling President Clinton a liar for stating the same regarding Iraq? Had President Bush lied, the UN inspectors would have done their job, Saddam would have not resisted weapons inspectors, and Saddam would have found no reason to successfully bribe the United Nations during the oil for food sanctions on Iraq. Yet all those sanctions against Saddam were never lifted now were they? Those are a lot of facts to make excuses for and tiptoe your way out of, have fun trying to maneuver your way through that minefield of information.

Clinton never invaded Iraq.

No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.
Clinton never invaded Iraq.

No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.


The GOP stopped Clinton from taking Bin Laden into custody?

Dude, you're living a lie.

Grow the fuck up.

I swear you sound just like Truthdoesn'tmatter
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Clinton refused 3 offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter; Clinton also refused to support the last group that was able to fight the Taliban; the Northern Alliance, which formed and took power in Afghanistan on Clinton's watch

true story
No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.


The GOP stopped Clinton from taking Bin Laden into custody?

Dude, you're living a lie.

Grow the fuck up.

I swear you sound just like Truthdoesn'tmatter

Bush had magical powers he made Clinton and the Dems believe that Saddam had wmds

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
Bush is Satan. Of course he can control events, possess one's soul and make them take the blame all the while filling the bowels of Hades with his incidious laughter.
Clinton refused 3 offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter; Clinton also refused to support the last group that was able to fight the Taliban; the Northern Alliance, which formed and took power in Afghanistan on Clinton's watch

true story

...and that was Bush's fault

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.


The GOP stopped Clinton from taking Bin Laden into custody?

Dude, you're living a lie.

Grow the fuck up.

I swear you sound just like Truthdoesn'tmatter

The GOP stopped Clinton from sending in Special Forces to kill Bin Laden. Seriously.

You're the one living the lie.

Additionally they shut down the government and impeached him.

They called the missile attack on the Bin Laden hidey hole "The Tail Wagging the Dog" and had a chuckle about it.

Clinton never had an opportunity to take Bin Laden into Custody.

That's a lie you folks keep repeating over and over again, expecting everyone to just give up.

That's not happening because reality doesn't back your rose colored view of the world.

It's really to late to tell you to "Grow the fuck up".

All I can hope is that you don't have access to sharp objects or at least remain in your remote hovel in the woods.
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