Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

wow, did you all know this?

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine
Obama traveled to Ukraine with Sen. Dick Lugar in 2005 just seven months after he became a senator, touring surplus weapons stockpiles
Most of the small arms and ammunition were left over when Soviets withdrew from Eastern bloc nations, and later dumped in Ukraine
The two senators secured U.S. funding to help destroy the weapons instead of leaving them intact

Ukraine exported more than 700,000 small arms in 2004-2007, including 101,000 each to Libya and the UK, and 260,000 to the U.S.
But most of the ammunition stockpiles – crucial for keeping a standing army battle-ready – were destroyed
Ukraine is in a staring match with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has designs on recapturing portions of the former Soviet nation

Read more: Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine | Mail Online
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Clinton refused 3 offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter; Clinton also refused to support the last group that was able to fight the Taliban; the Northern Alliance, which formed and took power in Afghanistan on Clinton's watch

true story

Bullshit. Clinton Administration and Terrorists
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

[ame=]Bill Clinton's Chris Wallace Interview - YouTube[/ame]

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?
xu asked 2 years ago

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden? - Yahoo Answers

No one talks about because it's bullshit.

And Bush "inherited" a pretty stable economy and a government surplus.

He could have used the surplus to pay down the debt and could have taken Clinton's advice and hunted down Bin Laden.

He did neither.

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?
xu asked 2 years ago

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden? - Yahoo Answers

No one talks about because it's bullshit.

And Bush "inherited" a pretty stable economy and a government surplus.

He could have used the surplus to pay down the debt and could have taken Clinton's advice and hunted down Bin Laden.

He did neither.

You just like feeding people lies and misinformation...Bush was in office NINE MONTHS before 9/11...hardly time for him to seat his're just sad like the rest of Democrat trolls on this board that figures you tell a lie often enough people might believe it
sorry but people shouldn't take you serious
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You just like feeding people lies and misinformation...Bush was in office NINE MONTHS before 9/11...hardly time for him to seat his're just sad like the rest of Democrat trolls on this board that figures you tell a lie often enough people might believe it
sorry but people shouldn't take you serious
Also, the dot com bubble busted in Clinton's last year of office. A great economy? Nope. And I don't recall him or Republicans sniveling about it.
Wait, what?

Now you are jumping to another topic.

Geez louise..I hope you aren't like this in real life.

In any case..the full comment was..

So you got the quote wrong.

And given the despicable and disgusting treatment of black Americans in this country for over 150 years..

I'd say it was appropriate.

i got the context right; she's proud of her country for the first time.. what a joke you are. isnt it context you LWNJs always whine about?

Are you saying that slavery and Jim Crow weren't disgusting and despicable?



She made no reference to how far African Americans have come. If that was on the mind of Michelle Obama, there would have been nothing wrong and nothing to stop her (as a politician proud of her heritage and seeing such a historic moment come to light) from making such a obvious reference statement in her quote. That being said, the presidential election should never be about empathy towards an individual's race, but simply based on qualified and unqualified for the position - period. For a nation to truly be colorblind, an individual's physical appearance should NEVER be taken into consideration and never become the deciding factor over an candidates earned credentials.
Anybody see LyinRyan this morning?

He did his usual "this admin is weak" lie and then said we should do exactly what President Obama is doing and says we should do.

It's not a lie.

We wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't at least universally assumed by the rest of the world.

Problem is, you on the left have been helping delegitimize US policy, telling everyone in the world how much we suck, so if we believe it so does the rest of the world.

You people got us into this mess, now you want to ignore it.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

speaking of embarrassments, what a bladder of psychotic blather.....really, even for you this is, well...ignorant as will get out.

I was wondering how the taking points would shake out to cover for the fact that the complete lack of coherence of a Obama foreign policy ( even the editorial staff of the Wash Post calls it like it is; President Obama?s foreign policy is based on fantasy - The Washington Post ) has crumbled our soft power and working on crumbling the United States hard power to the point where Putin (and wait they'll be more ) will do exactly what Joe Biden said they would do, test him.

I'll just name 2 tests- First there was Obama hostility to Bush or McCain stepping up to Putin over Georgia in 2008, you think Putin didn't remember that? then the self inflicted idiocy of the Red line and Syria.,...? we are...tested and failed. It is what it is.

The talking points now? :lol: useful idiots abound, semantical jiujitsu to change the focus of story only works with a healthy measurable portion of truth to the claim, you'd have been better off just blaming Bush:eusa_whistle:
Anybody see LyinRyan this morning?

He did his usual "this admin is weak" lie and then said we should do exactly what President Obama is doing and says we should do.

It's not a lie.

We wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't at least universally assumed by the rest of the world.

Problem is, you on the left have been helping delegitimize US policy, telling everyone in the world how much we suck, so if we believe it so does the rest of the world.

You people got us into this mess, now you want to ignore it.

the truth...we better pray for our safety under this administration.
things in the world are exploding as we speak, thanks to Obama and his comrades in arms
What's bad for Obama is good for America.
Another Right-Wing Putin-lover.


Why are conservatives trying to deny that they have a lot of ruthless dictator fans amongst them?
What's bad for Obama is good for America.
Another Right-Wing Putin-lover.


Why are conservatives trying to deny that they have a lot of ruthless dictator fans amongst them?

so frikken what
one person doesn't speak for CONSERVATIVES

you pathetic little lefties can't accept your Dear Leader is failure in the eyes of the people here at home and abroad...

no problem, hell for six years everything was STILL Bush's fault for that community organizer you put in office to run our country

you all should go out and play in a sandbox and let adults take over things
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Anybody see LyinRyan this morning?

He did his usual "this admin is weak" lie and then said we should do exactly what President Obama is doing and says we should do.

It's not a lie.

We wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't at least universally assumed by the rest of the world.

Problem is, you on the left have been helping delegitimize US policy, telling everyone in the world how much we suck, so if we believe it so does the rest of the world.

You people got us into this mess, now you want to ignore it.

the truth...we better pray for our safety under this administration.
things in the world are exploding as we speak, thanks to Obama and his comrades in arms

You can pray if you want. Good chance God won't know what you are talking about or at least be scratching his or her head about why folks like you think the securtiy of the world is at stake over a former chunk of Russia that got given to Ukraine and is now being taken back by Russia.
Slow on the uptake, aren't you? No, I didn't, and you've seen me say that a hundred times. Now on the other hand, Democrats did. Which is what I mock you idiots for. The beauty of not being you is that I don't have to be a hypocrite to win political points. I also have long term memory. Saddam sucked, but he wasn't our problem.

Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.

I know exactly what a Neo-Con is. And those who occupied the past administration all claimed to be fiscal conservatives, also.

Obama inherited Bush's security apparatus, constructed by Bush. He cannot, for instance, ignore Bush's giant Federal creation, Dept. Homeland Security.

Speaking of which, who in the teabagger Congress has tried to eliminate that Federal bureaucracy, since they are all such fiscal conservatives?
lol, who didn't see this coming^^^^^^

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh is what's Obama's problem....
It's not a lie.

We wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't at least universally assumed by the rest of the world.

Problem is, you on the left have been helping delegitimize US policy, telling everyone in the world how much we suck, so if we believe it so does the rest of the world.

You people got us into this mess, now you want to ignore it.

the truth...we better pray for our safety under this administration.
things in the world are exploding as we speak, thanks to Obama and his comrades in arms

You can pray if you want. Good chance God won't know what you are talking about or at least be scratching his or her head about why folks like you think the securtiy of the world is at stake over a former chunk of Russia that got given to Ukraine and is now being taken back by Russia.

God understands a great deal of things you don't even consider.
It's not a lie.

We wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't at least universally assumed by the rest of the world.

Problem is, you on the left have been helping delegitimize US policy, telling everyone in the world how much we suck, so if we believe it so does the rest of the world.

You people got us into this mess, now you want to ignore it.

the truth...we better pray for our safety under this administration.
things in the world are exploding as we speak, thanks to Obama and his comrades in arms

You can pray if you want. Good chance God won't know what you are talking about or at least be scratching his or her head about why folks like you think the securtiy of the world is at stake over a former chunk of Russia that got given to Ukraine and is now being taken back by Russia.

i doubt anybody thought a beef over the assination of an Austrian archduke by a serbian nationalist would trigger WWI
Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.

I know exactly what a Neo-Con is. And those who occupied the past administration all claimed to be fiscal conservatives, also.

Obama inherited Bush's security apparatus, constructed by Bush. He cannot, for instance, ignore Bush's giant Federal creation, Dept. Homeland Security.

Speaking of which, who in the teabagger Congress has tried to eliminate that Federal bureaucracy, since they are all such fiscal conservatives?

I know what a neo con is too. It's code word for Jeeeeeeeeww!

Easier to call them neocons to hide the antisemitism.
  • Thanks
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the truth...we better pray for our safety under this administration.
things in the world are exploding as we speak, thanks to Obama and his comrades in arms

You can pray if you want. Good chance God won't know what you are talking about or at least be scratching his or her head about why folks like you think the securtiy of the world is at stake over a former chunk of Russia that got given to Ukraine and is now being taken back by Russia.

i doubt anybody thought a beef over the assination of an Austrian archduke by a serbian nationalist would trigger WWI

To be fair, I doubt he has a clue what you are talking about.
Well, sure, it's easy to say it now and claim to have always said it. There is no way to check.

I just find that most of today's Libertarians are yesterday's Neo-Cons.

And the Democratic votes for the resolution to use force in Iraq are completely irrelevant, as Bush already claimed to have that authority under the Afghanistan resolution.

Why do so many of you have such bad memories?

Actually the name for someone who supported the war when it was convenient then lied their way out of it and switched sides when it was expedient isn't libertarian ... it's Democrat ...

And once again, you're an idiot who doesn't know what a "neocon" is. You think "neocon" is someone you don't like. Even if I had once been for the war, I wouldn't have been a neocon because I'm a fiscal conservative. You think neocon is someone you don't like. Actually, a neocon is someone you vote for because our president is one.

I know exactly what a Neo-Con is. And those who occupied the past administration all claimed to be fiscal conservatives, also.

Obama inherited Bush's security apparatus, constructed by Bush. He cannot, for instance, ignore Bush's giant Federal creation, Dept. Homeland Security.

Speaking of which, who in the teabagger Congress has tried to eliminate that Federal bureaucracy, since they are all such fiscal conservatives?


left-wing nutjobs are so boringly predictable in their excuse-making
You can pray if you want. Good chance God won't know what you are talking about or at least be scratching his or her head about why folks like you think the securtiy of the world is at stake over a former chunk of Russia that got given to Ukraine and is now being taken back by Russia.

i doubt anybody thought a beef over the assination of an Austrian archduke by a serbian nationalist would trigger WWI

To be fair, I doubt he has a clue what you are talking about.


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