Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.


The GOP stopped Clinton from taking Bin Laden into custody?

Dude, you're living a lie.

Grow the fuck up.

I swear you sound just like Truthdoesn'tmatter

The GOP stopped Clinton from sending in Special Forces to kill Bin Laden. Seriously.

You're the one living the lie.

Additionally they shut down the government and impeached him.

They called the missile attack on the Bin Laden hidey hole "The Tail Wagging the Dog" and had a chuckle about it.

Clinton never had an opportunity to take Bin Laden into Custody.

That's a lie you folks keep repeating over and over again, expecting everyone to just give up.

That's not happening because reality doesn't back you rose colored view of the world.

It's really to late to tell you to "Grow the fuck up".

All I can hope is that you don't have access to sharp objects or at least remain in your remote hovel in the woods.

Don't why you have to live in some made up reality over your dear Masters in the Democrat party..but it's sad to watch
if it's that important go ahead and live in it.
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[ame=]Democrats before Iraq War started.... - YouTube[/ame]
The Obamabots on this thread are proving to be shameful lying hypocrites. They know they cheered for anyone who hated America during Bush's time in office. They desperately hoped for defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obviously they'll lie and deny that now, but they know what i'm saying is true. Right now they're just expressing convenient selective memory.

If you hated America during Bush's time, you were definitely a friend to Communist Dem assholes. They hated their BOOOSH Boogeyman with a shameful irrational passion. In fact, some of the Posters who used to express so much love for America's enemies, are still here. I won't name names, but we know who they are. Here's a hint, a couple of em are on this thread right now.
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Bush is Satan. Of course he can control events, possess one's soul and make them take the blame all the while filling the bowels of Hades with his incidious laughter.

But he's the dumbest president we've ever had. Keep those two things in mind.
Did you even bother to watch the video?

Giuliani, gleefully, said that Putin had a decision to invade Ukraine in 15 minutes.

First off, what functioning Democracy makes that sort of decision so quickly?

Second off, Putin had already invaded. Giuliani leaves that part out.

Third off, Putin dissolved the government in 2007. He's also been killing Journalists, Lawyers and Political dissenters, something Rudy left out too.

Of course I watched the video I am not a liberal that just repeats talking points from Medica Matters.

He did not say what you and MM implies he just was talking about leaders act. I don't completely agree with him but that does not mean he is routing for Putin. Besides he doesn't speak for Republicans or Conservatives.

First of all, this "situation" has been coming for quite some time. Responses should have been prepared week ago. That is what we pay the CIA and the NSA and all the advisors of Obama to do. There are economic sanctions that could be in place today.

As for moving quickly, Bush did go through the channels before the Iraq war unlike Clinton did in his bombing of Kosovo. So I am assuming you like how Bush handled Iraq over how Clinton did Serbia?

All the other things you point out are not the discussion topic in the video. He is not praising anything Putin is doing he is pointing out that Obama is not doing anything.

I will admit that I don't agree with Rudy making the comparison it was stupid because it is something to get blown way out of proportion and did. I will also say that Obama is in a no win situation unless he acts precisely right and still he will take heat. Damn if he does and damned if he doesn't. But ain't that the same for all presidents? What if Bush had not acted in Iraq and the terrorism that Iraq did sponsor killed many more Americans? Damn if he did and damned if he didn't.

The point stands. Putin is a dictator. He doesn't have to work the same levers Obama has too. Making a comparison was ridiculous and in bad form.

He's not the only one who does this. Rand Paul compared the back and forth between Obama and Putin to a tennis game, and gave the point to Putin.

FOX has been practically cheering the guy on..

It's pretty incredible. I've never seen this sort of thing before.

I agree that it was a bad comparison, should not have done it but it was a slam on Obama not cheering on Putin, in my opinion cause I can't and don't want to be in the head of Rudy.

In your opinion, if this were compared to a tennis match who got the last point? I would say Putin but that does not mean I want him to win or he will win. There are things Obama can do which may change the tide. But right now Putin is sticking it directly to America. He is shoving the reset button where I know I don't want it. My question is why? What have we done to Russia to deserve this? Why is the Ukraine and or Crimea a concern to the US, other then we signed agreements for mutual protection.

Here is FoxNews web site which apparently you visit often. But in case you didn't book mark it here is a link: Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos Could you please link me directly to the article or commentary that is rooting for Putin. I don't watch FoxNews or visit their site like apparently you do so I need to see something that proves what you are saying.

As I said with Iraq, the Democrats had no problem using the sacrifice of our brave volunteers as their political fodder. Now the worm has turned and the left don't like it.

Any way if anyone really wishes to discuss what could be done and what has been done here is an article that spells out what could be done. I say could because I have a hard time taking advice from the MSM.

8 Steps Obama Must Take to Punish Russia - Marco Rubio - POLITICO Magazine
I just thought of a better comparison. Neville Chamberlin and Hillary Clinton with her reset button. Apparently with her "cute" reference to the button she was really resetting the cold war. What we have today is the result of having people with no prior qualifications or experience running the country. We are getting what we deserve, sadly.
The Dear Leader and Putin actually have a lot in common. They're both Communist Dictator fuckasses. Don't cheer for either one.
Which side are the good guys in this battle, citizens?

PUTIN's criminal cabal of Russian totalitarians , or the neo NAZI Ukrainians that the Americans are supporting?
No but he wanted too, he was also too chicken to apprehend Bin Ladan so instead we got 9/11

He never wanted to invade Iraq.

And Clinton tried to stop Bin Laden. He was blocked by Conservatives. They thought the whole thing was a joke.


The GOP stopped Clinton from taking Bin Laden into custody?

Dude, you're living a lie.

Grow the fuck up.

I swear you sound just like Truthdoesn'tmatter

The left just says whatever comes to mind. And they repeat it incessantly.

But don't ja know that the reason Republicans can't win elections is because they don't need to. They control the government whether they are in power or not. 7 years of democrat rule yet the republicans are driving everything. The democrats are just dupes. I wonder why the republicans let Obama take credit for the pretend killing of OBL.
Clinton refused 3 offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter; Clinton also refused to support the last group that was able to fight the Taliban; the Northern Alliance, which formed and took power in Afghanistan on Clinton's watch

true story

Bullshit. Clinton Administration and Terrorists
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

[ame=]Bill Clinton's Chris Wallace Interview - YouTube[/ame]

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?
xu asked 2 years ago

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden? - Yahoo Answers
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Anybody see LyinRyan this morning?

He did his usual "this admin is weak" lie and then said we should do exactly what President Obama is doing and says we should do.
Clinton refused 3 offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter; Clinton also refused to support the last group that was able to fight the Taliban; the Northern Alliance, which formed and took power in Afghanistan on Clinton's watch

true story

Bullshit. Clinton Administration and Terrorists
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

[ame=]Bill Clinton's Chris Wallace Interview - YouTube[/ame]

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?
xu asked 2 years ago

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden? - Yahoo Answers

From your link:

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
Anybody see LyinRyan this morning?

He did his usual "this admin is weak" lie and then said we should do exactly what President Obama is doing and says we should do.

so? our world doesn't stop because your dear leader is now ruling our country

and almost 60% who disapproves of Obama would probably agree with Ryan

must suck huh?
Let's be real, if you hated America during Bush's time, you were immediately embraced and adored by Dem assholes. The practically openly rooted for us to lose in Iraq and Afghanistan. They used to pretend they cared about our Soldiers. But it was really just about hating their BOOOOOOSH Boogeyman. No one was more bitter and Anti-American than Dem assholes were during Bush's time in office. So who do they think they're kidding? This thread is dishonest hypocritical Bullshite.
Let's be real, if you hated America during Bush's time, you were immediately embraced and adored by Dem assholes. The practically openly rooted for us to lose in Iraq and Afghanistan. They used to pretend they cared about our Soldiers. But it was really just about hating their BOOOOOOSH Boogeyman. No one was more bitter and Anti-American than Dem assholes were during Bush's time in office. So who do they think they're kidding? This thread is dishonest hypocritical Bullshite.

that's the truth, but they are now hoping all of us have lost our memories from those times

it's just really pathetic watching them now

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?
xu asked 2 years ago

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.
How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden? - Yahoo Answers

From your link:

How many times did Clinton have a chance to get bin Laden?

"Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden," the Sunday Times of London reported on January 7, 2002. Two of the offers--from the Sudanese government and Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz--have already been reported. A third more mysterious offer to help came from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, then led by Prince Turki al-Faisal.

The Times also reports that "according to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion" shortly after Sept 11 "that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably 'the biggest mistake of my presidency.' "

So, 911 two expensive wars and the whole economic fiasco were inherited by Bush and he held the country together.

No one ever talks about the mess Clinton handed Bush.

Clinton did not have the legal authority to go after Bin Laden until after the attacks on the Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya on August 7, 1998. Up to that date, there was no indictment or arrest warrent for Bin Ladin. It would have violated international law to take possession of him. In addition, the FBI nor the CIA would ceritify that Bin Laden met the criteria for assination or capture under American law.
The comment made by Clinton about the decision to "..let Bin Laden go.." is as noted, heresay and the context is unsure. Was he talkiing about violating international and American law with a pre August 7, 1998 operation(s), or was he talking about making follow up efforts after the retaliatory cruise missile attacks following the African Embassy attacks?
Clinton did not have the legal authority to go after Bin Laden until after the attacks on the Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya on August 7, 1998. Up to that date, there was no indictment or arrest warrent for Bin Ladin. It would have violated international law to take possession of him. In addition, the FBI nor the CIA would ceritify that Bin Laden met the criteria for assination or capture under American law.
The comment made by Clinton about the decision to "..let Bin Laden go.." is as noted, heresay and the context is unsure. Was he talkiing about violating international and American law with a pre August 7, 1998 operation(s), or was he talking about making follow up efforts after the retaliatory cruise missile attacks following the African Embassy attacks?

Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes
In his stunning 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, a presidential aide and carrier of the “nuclear football,” describes President Clinton’s gross irresponsibility toward national security. Patterson tells how, in the fall of 1998, the watch officer in the White House Situation Room notified the president’s national security adviser, Sandy Berger, that they had located bin Laden and had “a two-hour window to strike.”

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