Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube

Just today Putin has been called "classy" and his moves have been called "brilliant".

The only thing you're condemning, of course, is Obama.

That is not being for Putin.
That's saying Putin is playing this administration for the weak fools that they are.

Calling the invader of a sovereign country "classy" isn't being "for" someone? Do tell. Ten years ago you guys called it, "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

It seems certain Americans (Dixie Chicks) in the entertainment industry are taking the low and popular road by disrespecting the Elected Leader of our United States on foreign soil. "I am embarrassed that our President comes from Texas" - the quote attributed to the Chicks lead singer has angered many in our country. Her comment provides aid and comfort to a man who has killed countless Middle Easterners including the Kurds who reside within the Borders of Iraq... It amazes this American how the wrong has become right, how evil has become good, how the murderer is now portrayed as the poor victim. ...

Dixie Chicks: anti-American? | Music |

The lady who leads the DC didn't even make a commentary on the other guy, just said that she was embarrassed that Bush came from Texas (he actually was from CT).

Amazing how the song is different when the President is of a different____________.
Rationalization of the conservative position is an interesting feat of intellectual gymnastics.

I wish Putin was our president instead of Obama
I wish ANYBODY was our president instead of Obama.

The Founding Fathers would have agreed with Putin, the head of state of Russia, instead of Obama.

WTF is happening to OUR country? It is time for the adults to put the kids back in the playroom and take charge again.

Putin's Eerily Persuasive Message to Barack Obama | Independent Journal Review

On one hand, he's against everything Conservatives say they are for until....Obama enters the picture then it's "I'd like for him to rule our nation".
you idiots whine that Republicans have been "obstructing" obama from Day One; but Repubs were the MINORITY of BOTH chambers of Congress for all of Obama's first two years; while at the same time whining that the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of Bush's last 2 years and all of obama's first 2 years was helpless because their majority wasnt big ENOUGH


idiots and hypocrites
it's hhilarious; left-wingers crying all over these boards about how the Right "hates" obama.

these are the same unhinged, angry let-wing nutjobs that spewed and still spew hatred at Bush, Cheney, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, ann coulter........................and virtually every right-winger, on a daily basis

LWNJs; your "chickens came home to roost"

idiots and hypocrites

You're kind of all over the place here..

In any case there were no elected Democrats questioning whether Bush was born here, calling him a liar in the halls of congress, using ongoing diplomatic consulate attacks as political talking points during an election, any references to his national origin or religion, any question of his legitimacy or a plethora of other unprecedented garbage elected Republican officials have engaged in.

Legislatively? Bush was pretty successful. There was in no way the same sort of obstruction from Democrats that the Republicans have engaged in here..or even during the Clinton administration. Bush wasn't impeached either. And no elected Democratic official, past or present was going on about how an adversary was a better leader. You guys like to constantly point out he had support for his wars from Democrats. You don't see that from Republicans. At all.

There's no equivalence here. You and your elected officials hate the United States government. And prove it daily.

Mommy Mommy!! the mean ol Republican minority is bullying me and my community organizer!!
it's hhilarious; left-wingers crying all over these boards about how the Right "hates" obama.

these are the same unhinged, angry let-wing nutjobs that spewed and still spew hatred at Bush, Cheney, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, ann coulter........................and virtually every right-winger, on a daily basis

LWNJs; your "chickens came home to roost"

idiots and hypocrites

You're kind of all over the place here..

In any case there were no elected Democrats questioning whether Bush was born here, calling him a liar in the halls of congress, using ongoing diplomatic consulate attacks as political talking points during an election, any references to his national origin or religion, any question of his legitimacy or a plethora of other unprecedented garbage elected Republican officials have engaged in.

Legislatively? Bush was pretty successful. There was in no way the same sort of obstruction from Democrats that the Republicans have engaged in here..or even during the Clinton administration. Bush wasn't impeached either. And no elected Democratic official, past or present was going on about how an adversary was a better leader. You guys like to constantly point out he had support for his wars from Democrats. You don't see that from Republicans. At all.

There's no equivalence here. You and your elected officials hate the United States government. And prove it daily.


mommy mommy!! i'm running out of excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE!

it really is that simple
it's hhilarious; left-wingers crying all over these boards about how the Right "hates" obama.

these are the same unhinged, angry let-wing nutjobs that spewed and still spew hatred at Bush, Cheney, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, ann coulter........................and virtually every right-winger, on a daily basis

LWNJs; your "chickens came home to roost"

idiots and hypocrites

You're kind of all over the place here..

In any case there were no elected Democrats questioning whether Bush was born here, calling him a liar in the halls of congress, using ongoing diplomatic consulate attacks as political talking points during an election, any references to his national origin or religion, any question of his legitimacy or a plethora of other unprecedented garbage elected Republican officials have engaged in.

Legislatively? Bush was pretty successful. There was in no way the same sort of obstruction from Democrats that the Republicans have engaged in here..or even during the Clinton administration. Bush wasn't impeached either. And no elected Democratic official, past or present was going on about how an adversary was a better leader. You guys like to constantly point out he had support for his wars from Democrats. You don't see that from Republicans. At all.

There's no equivalence here. You and your elected officials hate the United States government. And prove it daily.

it think some one might be confused; it was the President's wife that said she was proud to be an American "for the first time in her adult life" when her husband got elected.. so i think some LWNJs MAY BE CONFUSING THEIR OWN AMERICA-HATING selves and hatred for the government, with right -wingers

idiots and hypocrites

it really is that simple
heard ringing from the pulpit of a certain Chicago church:


SORRY LWNJ; but i think it is many on the Left that hate the government.

idiots and hypocrites
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

[ame=]Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Just today Putin has been called "classy" and his moves have been called "brilliant".

The only thing you're condemning, of course, is Obama.

the Left said it was the ultimate display of patriotism to criticize the government when Bush was President; now they consider it an act of treason

the idiotic, race-obsessed, politically-correct Left is hilarious

idiots and hypocrites
Putin is neither classy nor brilliant. you might have heard one person say that; and want to paint a whole group of people with it.

but you LWNJs are the first to whine that you were taken out of "context" when you spout obvious hatred

idiots and hypocrites
you idiots whine that Republicans have been "obstructing" obama from Day One; but Repubs were the MINORITY of BOTH chambers of Congress for all of Obama's first two years; while at the same time whining that the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of Bush's last 2 years and all of obama's first 2 years was helpless because their majority wasnt big ENOUGH


idiots and hypocrites

More lies.

the Left said it was the ultimate display of patriotism to criticize the government when Bush was President; now they consider it an act of treason

the idiotic, race-obsessed, politically-correct Left is hilarious

idiots and hypocrites

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
you idiots whine that Republicans have been "obstructing" obama from Day One; but Repubs were the MINORITY of BOTH chambers of Congress for all of Obama's first two years; while at the same time whining that the DEMOCRAT MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of Bush's last 2 years and all of obama's first 2 years was helpless because their majority wasnt big ENOUGH


idiots and hypocrites

More lies.


what part isnt true?
You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube

Just today Putin has been called "classy" and his moves have been called "brilliant".

The only thing you're condemning, of course, is Obama.

it's hhilarious; left-wingers crying all over these boards about how the Right "hates" obama.

these are the same unhinged, angry let-wing nutjobs that spewed and still spew hatred at Bush, Cheney, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, ann coulter........................and virtually every right-winger, on a daily basis

LWNJs; your "chickens came home to roost"

idiots and hypocrites

You're kind of all over the place here..

In any case there were no elected Democrats questioning whether Bush was born here, calling him a liar in the halls of congress, using ongoing diplomatic consulate attacks as political talking points during an election, any references to his national origin or religion, any question of his legitimacy or a plethora of other unprecedented garbage elected Republican officials have engaged in.

Legislatively? Bush was pretty successful. There was in no way the same sort of obstruction from Democrats that the Republicans have engaged in here..or even during the Clinton administration. Bush wasn't impeached either. And no elected Democratic official, past or present was going on about how an adversary was a better leader. You guys like to constantly point out he had support for his wars from Democrats. You don't see that from Republicans. At all.

There's no equivalence here. You and your elected officials hate the United States government. And prove it daily.

it think some one might be confused; it was the President's wife that said she was proud to be an American "for the first time in her adult life" when her husband got elected.. so i think some LWNJs MAY BE CONFUSING THEIR OWN AMERICA-HATING selves and hatred for the government, with right -wingers

idiots and hypocrites

it really is that simple

Wait, what?

Now you are jumping to another topic.

Geez louise..I hope you aren't like this in real life.

In any case..the full comment was..

Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.
Michelle Obama - Wikiquote

So you got the quote wrong.

And given the despicable and disgusting treatment of black Americans in this country for over 150 years..

I'd say it was appropriate.
You mistake respect for love.
Then again you probably mistake men for women, judging by your homoerotic avatar.

Look up the word "sarcasm", dimwit.

This is what you guys love about Pootin the Dearest?

Here's 78 pages of Pootin the Dearest human rights violations in the past two years or so...

Laws of Attrition | Human Rights Watch

So guys love, sorry respect, Pootin the Dearest because he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom, all righteous virtues of today's right.

But he ain't that ****** Kenyan Nazi so it's all right....

he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom,

You must mean obama.

Here, emboldened in red for all to see is the prime example of what this op is about. This traitor extrapolates whe evils of Putin and attemps to project them onto the president of the USA. That, my friend is an example of "cheering" Putin at the expense of president Obama.

When you "genuises" vitiate the president so publically on these boards, the KGB is taking note and are likely tooling their strategies around what they learn from the general populace through such channels. They will use any chance to exploit the divide between the American white male taliban and progressive loyalists. You are the gift that keeps on giving!
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

[ame=]Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Just one more example of how Romney was spot on during the debates and Obama was completely wrong. I know it pains you progressives to admit it but this is simply one more example of Barack Obama not having the experience or intellect to do the job he holds.

Saying Putin did a brilliant tactical move is not being for Putin.

It means that Putin is playing a game of chess, while this administration is playing tiddlywinks.
The administration needs to play a better game of chess.

Do any on the left even know what it means to have a geopolitical foe?
That is what Russia is.
Obama and Kerry think that they are our friends and they aren't.
You're kind of all over the place here..

In any case there were no elected Democrats questioning whether Bush was born here, calling him a liar in the halls of congress, using ongoing diplomatic consulate attacks as political talking points during an election, any references to his national origin or religion, any question of his legitimacy or a plethora of other unprecedented garbage elected Republican officials have engaged in.

Legislatively? Bush was pretty successful. There was in no way the same sort of obstruction from Democrats that the Republicans have engaged in here..or even during the Clinton administration. Bush wasn't impeached either. And no elected Democratic official, past or present was going on about how an adversary was a better leader. You guys like to constantly point out he had support for his wars from Democrats. You don't see that from Republicans. At all.

There's no equivalence here. You and your elected officials hate the United States government. And prove it daily.

it think some one might be confused; it was the President's wife that said she was proud to be an American "for the first time in her adult life" when her husband got elected.. so i think some LWNJs MAY BE CONFUSING THEIR OWN AMERICA-HATING selves and hatred for the government, with right -wingers

idiots and hypocrites

it really is that simple

Wait, what?

Now you are jumping to another topic.

Geez louise..I hope you aren't like this in real life.

In any case..the full comment was..

Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.
Michelle Obama - Wikiquote

So you got the quote wrong.

And given the despicable and disgusting treatment of black Americans in this country for over 150 years..

I'd say it was appropriate.

i got the context right; she's proud of her country for the first time.. what a joke you are. isnt it context you LWNJs always whine about?

Saying Putin did a brilliant tactical move is not being for Putin.

It means that Putin is playing a game of chess, while this administration is playing tiddlywinks.
The administration needs to play a better game of chess.

Do any on the left even know what it means to have a geopolitical foe?
That is what Russia is.
Obama and Kerry think that they are our friends and they aren't.

Brilliant tactical move. Russia goes after one of it's old Soviet possesions, a small weak nation compared to Russia. Being a bully is not the same as being brilliant.

The administration is doing just fine. Ukraine and the situation there does not pose a threat to American security. It is a European problem and the administration is keeping it in the correct perspective. Obama is not going to use American treasure and blood for this situation. Letting RU crap on it's economy, piss off the world and lower leaders reputation as a statesman is not brilliant. The only people admiring him are a segment of the Russian poplulation and conservatives in the USA. Now that the RU economy is going into the ditch the percentage of American conservatives vs. the percentage of Russians who admire Putin will put the American conservatives up in the polls.

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