Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?


No. Libs have trouble distinguishing two similar but unlike things. It is the basis for most disagreements in these posts. And points to mental disorders, which account for many of their views.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

[ame=]Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Just today Putin has been called "classy" and his moves have been called "brilliant".

The only thing you're condemning, of course, is Obama.
Actually..that's not even the case.

They gave the President the Authorization to Use Military Force.

Bush could have given the UN time to finish their work.

He did not.

Additionally, as it's been pointed out so many times before, the President controls the Intel.

And he used a major terrorist attack to float the agenda of the PNAC.

Bush could not, and did not, go into Iraq on his own, he did not have that authority or the funding to make it happen.

Both parties in congress voted to authorize and fund that stupid action that cost many american lives and billions of dollars for nothing, Afghanistan will show the same result. We should have learned when we lost 58,000 americans and billions in viet nam for NOTHING, but we didn't learn a thing from it. pathetic.

He certainly did! It was his decision, and his alone.

Can you provide proof that such an attack on Saddam was done through executive order? You do know the difference between executive order and going through Congress don't you? Your next response ought to determine the answer to that last question.

"Come on, Vlad! Let's race for control of the Ukraine! Fast and Furious Part 9, sucker!!"
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

You've gone bonkers.

Conservatives aren't cheering this. We're saying we told you so.

Can't you tell the difference?

[ame=]Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube[/ame]

Just today Putin has been called "classy" and his moves have been called "brilliant".

The only thing you're condemning, of course, is Obama.

That is not being for Putin.
That's saying Putin is playing this administration for the weak fools that they are.
Oh, Sallow will bring up the Patriot Act and calling conservatives "pro-torture" on measures used against "Muslim extremists" to extract information used to keep the United States safe from further terrorist attacks ( as I have been unable to find any cases where water boarding was used on American citizens ). Yet Obama has decided to up the ante by turning to drones, as a measure to kill off our threats overseas. Drones that have, by the way, met no resistance from this administration as an added tool to be used against our own citizens. Then Sallow wants to lecture conservatives about Constitutionality?

Water boarding wasn't the only form of torture used by the American Military and Special Ops. They killed a Iraqi Military Officer in Iraq by suffocating him with a sleeping bag.

U.S. Officer Convicted in Death of Iraqi General : NPR

Killed a cab driver at Bagram Airport by hanging him from the ceiling and beating him to death.

Bagram torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And had a real party at Abu Gharib.

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you "not remembering" Americans were tortured doesn't mean it didn't happen:

As was the case with Jose Padillia:

And John Walker Lindh:

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My point stands. The US Constitution holds that rights be extended to prisoners captured by US forces.

So when confronted with President Obama's use and support of drone strikes, as well as no spoken opposition to the use of drones as a tool in the United States by this administration, you look to continue to question the Constitutionality of the CIA's use of torture while turning a blind eye to the slippery slope of drones? Spoken like a true liberal - making biased accusations of conservatives use of the Constitution, while offering no accountability or making excuses of those under your own liberal party. I'd expected nothing less coming from you, Sallow.

I don't have a problem with drone strikes on known terrorists.

I was here for 9/11, I see what they can do.

And I'd much rather have a surgical drone strike, than a full on invasion.
ShaklesOfBigGov;8718887 To sum it up in a short answer: Anytime an individual said:
And what did you call us when we criticized Bush? For legitimate reasons?
ShaklesOfBigGov;8718887 To sum it up in a short answer: Anytime an individual said:
And what did you call us when we criticized Bush? For legitimate reasons?

what legitimate reaasons?

name me 5 "Bush" policies Dems DIDNT follow, fund, extend, vote FOR...................ETC

even long after Bush was gone and Dems became the Majority Party
Where is the proof?
Who is saying they love Putin?

Try reading every other post on this forum started by you guys.

It's a Pootin lovefest!
You mistake respect for love.
Then again you probably mistake men for women, judging by your homoerotic avatar.

Look up the word "sarcasm", dimwit.

This is what you guys love about Pootin the Dearest?

Here's 78 pages of Pootin the Dearest human rights violations in the past two years or so...

Laws of Attrition | Human Rights Watch

So guys love, sorry respect, Pootin the Dearest because he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom, all righteous virtues of today's right.

But he ain't that ****** Kenyan Nazi so it's all right....
Where is the proof?
Who is saying they love Putin?

Try reading every other post on this forum started by you guys.

It's a Pootin lovefest!

No it isn't.
It about President Obama and Kerry being weak on Russia
They need to crack down on economic sanctions toward Russia.

Obviously they can't. The United States can have unilateral sanctions, but we don't have a lot of trade with Russia. The EU does and they won't go along with US sanctions. Americans have business interests in Russia, but if we impose sanctions or interfere with those interests our own markets will tank.
left-wing lemmings think there can be no legitimate criticism of obama; unless it is that he isnt far ENOUGH to the Left

idiots and hypocrites
Try reading every other post on this forum started by you guys.

It's a Pootin lovefest!
You mistake respect for love.
Then again you probably mistake men for women, judging by your homoerotic avatar.

Look up the word "sarcasm", dimwit.

This is what you guys love about Pootin the Dearest?

Here's 78 pages of Pootin the Dearest human rights violations in the past two years or so...

Laws of Attrition | Human Rights Watch

So guys love, sorry respect, Pootin the Dearest because he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom, all righteous virtues of today's right.

But he ain't that ****** Kenyan Nazi so it's all right....

he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom,

You must mean obama.
ShaklesOfBigGov;8718887 To sum it up in a short answer: Anytime an individual said:
And what did you call us when we criticized Bush? For legitimate reasons?

what legitimate reaasons?

name me 5 "Bush" policies Dems DIDNT follow, fund, extend, vote FOR...................ETC

even long after Bush was gone and Dems became the Majority Party

Back then the country ran on compromise and unity. Back then we believed the President, even when he lied.

Today...not so much. Oh. There was a "majority party" for a whole 72 days.
You mistake respect for love.
Then again you probably mistake men for women, judging by your homoerotic avatar.

Look up the word "sarcasm", dimwit.

This is what you guys love about Pootin the Dearest?

Here's 78 pages of Pootin the Dearest human rights violations in the past two years or so...

Laws of Attrition | Human Rights Watch

So guys love, sorry respect, Pootin the Dearest because he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom, all righteous virtues of today's right.

But he ain't that ****** Kenyan Nazi so it's all right....

he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom,

You must mean obama.

You mistake respect for love.
Then again you probably mistake men for women, judging by your homoerotic avatar.

Look up the word "sarcasm", dimwit.

This is what you guys love about Pootin the Dearest?

Here's 78 pages of Pootin the Dearest human rights violations in the past two years or so...

Laws of Attrition | Human Rights Watch

So guys love, sorry respect, Pootin the Dearest because he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom, all righteous virtues of today's right.

But he ain't that ****** Kenyan Nazi so it's all right....

he strips his people of their identity, rapes and kills their women and children, bombs and attacks democratic governments and restricts freedom,

You must mean obama.

it's hhilarious; left-wingers crying all over these boards about how the Right "hates" obama.

these are the same unhinged, angry let-wing nutjobs that spewed and still spew hatred at Bush, Cheney, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, ann coulter........................and virtually every right-winger, on a daily basis

LWNJs; your "chickens came home to roost"

idiots and hypocrites
And what did you call us when we criticized Bush? For legitimate reasons?

what legitimate reaasons?

name me 5 "Bush" policies Dems DIDNT follow, fund, extend, vote FOR...................ETC

even long after Bush was gone and Dems became the Majority Party

Back then the country ran on compromise and unity. Back then we believed the President, even when he lied.

Today...not so much. Oh. There was a "majority party" for a whole 72 days.

comical stuff coming from a supporter of the 2013 Lie of the Year Award

idiots n hypocrites

oh btw on that other point; that is 72 more days than Republicans had a majority./ gee thanks for making another point for the other side.

first of all it doesnt matter how big OR small your majority is or was when you were voting FOR Bush and Republican policies./


all you asinine lefty losers do is whine and make hypocritical fools of yourselves

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