Conservatives have lost their toughness


Dim Bulb

We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.
when are you going to follow that model? you are whining about what you say white people whine about....just sayin....
Maybe you needed more rugged individualism when you were trying to hack up trees with a hatchet and spoon to build a cabin whilst fending off a bear, a diamond back and 47 Indians.
People are whinier than they used to be, but some ascribe to whining things that are simp,y pointing out glaring hyoocrisies or wrongs as they see them. Nothing wrong with folks using their 1st amendment right for something other than a hello.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.
You are 100% right. Then if we could shut up the wing nuts wearing vagina costumes and screaming about the injustices of the Trump administration, we'd have a half way sane country again.
Maybe you needed more rugged individualism when you were trying to hack up trees with a hatchet and spoon to build a cabin whilst fending off a bear, a diamond back and 47 Indians.
People are whinier than they used to be, but some ascribe to whining things that are simp,y pointing out glaring hyoocrisies or wrongs as they see them. Nothing wrong with folks using their 1st amendment right for something other than a hello.
That's true I think. First Amendment rights apply all around. But I was brought up to think that if you disagreed with someone you don't try to convince them, you just say what you stand for and ignore them. Instead, driven by talk radio and TV and now our President we look for slights to our movement everywhere. To me it cheapens the movement. Makes us into what we are fighting.
Conservatives were never really tough. They just think their obsession with guns is an extension of their toughness but really, deep down, they are insecure and overly emotional.
Conservatives were never really tough. They just think their obsession with guns is an extension of their toughness but really, deep down, they are insecure and overly emotional.
I disagree. I think there are political conservatives who talk a good game in DC but then goof around with Congressional pages or get caught soliciting in bathrooms. But this country was founded on people who just flat out GSD ("got stuff done"). And instead of getting stuff done we're busy worrying about what Al Sharpton said on a program that probably has fewer viewers than the average Cake Walk at your Sunday church festival. We should revert to doing the right thing, ignoring the critics, and letting them stew in the petard of their own mistaken beliefs.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.
The GOP establishment are nothing but a bunch of progressive pussies…
when are you going to follow that model? you are whining about what you say white people whine about....just sayin....

There is a difference between "whining" and writing an expository essay, something pretty obvious to most (hopefully) of us. The whining is why I coined the phrase, "Idiot-Gram", a usually single sentence or phrase which lacks any substance other than, "ain't it awful".
Progressives want to force political correctness on to the American public and make them all part of the collective… Fact
Leaders of the GOP establishment are not conservative at all, spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham do not represent conservatives whatsoever…
Progressives want to force political correctness on to the American public and make them all part of the collective… Fact
So why do we have to do the same? Why do we have to police all conservatives into the cult of personality and chastise people who say, "hmm, I don't know about this particular policy of the President's?" That sort of comment is met by instant and voluble anger and chastisement. You know what that reaction is? Political correctness.
Leaders of the GOP establishment are not conservative at all, spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham do not represent conservatives whatsoever…
This post is a good example of what I am talking about. Don't agree with the cult? Then you ar
Leaders of the GOP establishment are not conservative at all, spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham do not represent conservatives whatsoever…
This post is a good example of the political correctness I'm talking about. Don't agree hook line and sinker with the President? You are not a conservative and should be banished. Or you are a cross dresser? Perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Leaders of the GOP establishment are not conservative at all, spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham do not represent conservatives whatsoever…
This post is a good example of what I am talking about. Don't agree with the cult? Then you ar
Leaders of the GOP establishment are not conservative at all, spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham do not represent conservatives whatsoever…
This post is a good example of the political correctness I'm talking about. Don't agree hook line and sinker with the President? You are not a conservative and should be banished. Or you are a cross dresser? Perfect example of what I'm talking about.
No, they just don't represent conservatives. The GOP establishment has never been conservative they're just progressive's.
Career politicians are all the same no matter what side of the aisle they claim to be on… Fact
Conservatives were never really tough. They just think their obsession with guns is an extension of their toughness but really, deep down, they are insecure and overly emotional.

I disagree. I think there are political conservatives who talk a good game in DC but then goof around with Congressional pages or get caught soliciting in bathrooms. But this country was founded on people who just flat out GSD ("got stuff done"). And instead of getting stuff done we're busy worrying about what Al Sharpton said on a program that probably has fewer viewers than the average Cake Walk at your Sunday church festival. We should revert to doing the right thing, ignoring the critics, and letting them stew in the petard of their own mistaken beliefs.

I don't necessarily disagree with Billy000 assessment, what I do find incorrect is that those who claim to be conservatives aren't, they are renegades who reject progress/change and are driven by hate and fear.

Real conservatives conserve, fake conservatives destroy; real conservative can be sagacious, a fake conservative emotes. Off hand, I can't think of any real conservatives who post on this message board - most are single issue voters driven by emotion.
when are you going to follow that model? you are whining about what you say white people whine about....just sayin....

There is a difference between "whining" and writing an expository essay, something pretty obvious to most (hopefully) of us. The whining is why I coined the phrase, "Idiot-Gram", a usually single sentence or phrase which lacks any substance other than, "ain't it awful".
a whine is a whine Wry.....Bulb was whining about people whining...even he agreed he was...
when are you going to follow that model? you are whining about what you say white people whine about....just sayin....

There is a difference between "whining" and writing an expository essay, something pretty obvious to most (hopefully) of us. The whining is why I coined the phrase, "Idiot-Gram", a usually single sentence or phrase which lacks any substance other than, "ain't it awful".
a whine is a whine Wry.....Bulb was whining about people whining...even he agreed he was...
And you're whining about me whining about people whining. Therefore...
Conservatives were never really tough. They just think their obsession with guns is an extension of their toughness but really, deep down, they are insecure and overly emotional.

I disagree. I think there are political conservatives who talk a good game in DC but then goof around with Congressional pages or get caught soliciting in bathrooms. But this country was founded on people who just flat out GSD ("got stuff done"). And instead of getting stuff done we're busy worrying about what Al Sharpton said on a program that probably has fewer viewers than the average Cake Walk at your Sunday church festival. We should revert to doing the right thing, ignoring the critics, and letting them stew in the petard of their own mistaken beliefs.

I don't necessarily disagree with Billy000 assessment, what I do find incorrect is that those who claim to be conservatives aren't, they are renegades who reject progress/change and are driven by hate and fear.

Real conservatives conserve, fake conservatives destroy; real conservative can be sagacious, a fake conservative emotes. Off hand, I can't think of any real conservatives who post on this message board - most are single issue voters driven by emotion.
Thoughtful response. I like to think I am a thoughtful conservative who actually thinks for himself. This constantly gets me in trouble with all these faux conservatives. I really believe many of this current crop of "conservatives" used to be Democrats hoping for the government to fix all their problems and when the government didn't do it, they turned to a cult of nationalistic jingoism and adopted President Trump's thin skinned blaming of everyone and everything for their own MO. That isn't conservatism, but President Trump could do some good conservative things. Accordingly I don't dismiss him or his sycophants because they could get us health care reform, tax reform, immigration reform (beyond the "wall" --- good grief) and other issues I would like.
Oh brother. All this I'm a conservative, but one of the good ones and I'm democrat but not one of the junky ones is pretty pitiful.

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