Conservatives have lost their toughness

We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Not sure where you live but the rugged individual is alive and well in Texas.
Except for parts of Austin anyway.

You can't be talking about Cowboy fans though. They are as tribal and delusional as it gets.

Their biggest fault is their penchant for living in the past.
And you're whining about me whining about people whining. Therefore...
if you want to go that route then no matter what anyone can be taken as a whine......

LOL, by this standard every post on the message board is a whine. Which become nothing more than a tautology.
quit your whining

I can't Harry, but I do have a story:

Years ago, I discovered Gewürztraminer which when slightly chilled went well with fish, cheese, fresh fruit and a warm summer afternoon or night. Only recently did I learn ( that this wine, is best known in NE France where my ancestors on my mom's side came from. I traced my heritage to a small town in France (Dabo), in the Department of Moselle and the territory of Lorraine (my mom's first name).

It's interesting, I liked gewürztraminer way before I made the link between my mother's first name; I am the progeny of those who must have consume this particular wine which generations of my maternal family must have enjoyed. Coincident? Or does memory of food and drink pass down with our DNA?
so did the Ancestry thing? niece did a genealogy thing on our family thru them and found out all kinds stuff about my relatives i never knew...she did the DNA test with them and found out some interesting things about herself,she wants me to do a DNA i may be doing it....

My wife and I did both, Ancestry and 23&Me. 23&Me is more costly, but provides greater detail; Ancestry provides access to possible relatives you don't know, never heard of and can in some cases connect with.
I can't, but I do have a story.

Years ago, I discovered Gewürztraminer which when slightly chilled went well with cheese, fresh fruit and a warm summer afternoon or night. Only recently did I learn ( that this wine, is best known in NE France where my ancestors on my mom's side came from. I traced my heritage to a small town in France (Dabo), in the Department of Moselle and the territory of Lorraine (my mom's first name).

It's interesting, I liked gewürztraminer way before I made the link between my mother's first name; I am the progeny of those who must have consume this particular wine which generations of my maternal family must have enjoyed. Coincident? Or does memory of food and drink pass down with our DNA?

Fascinating question. I've had similar experiences with geography and food. Not from the same place, of course. I eat Freedom Fries. Not frites.

Déjà vu, is an interesting phenomenon. For the curious:

Memory-based explanations[edit]
Research has associated déjà vu experiences with good memory functions:

Déjà vu - Wikipedia

I haven't had deja vu in like thirty years. With credit to Joseph Heller mostly what I have these days is either Presque vu or jamais vu.

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."


A reckless survivor.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Speaking the truth about injustice and anti-white discrimination is not whining.

If we don't the lefty assholes will just continue doing it unchecked.

This isn't about psychological tribalism, this is about our real interests being fucked over by our enemies, and we need to start fighting back.

Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.

Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.
Fascinating question. I've had similar experiences with geography and food. Not from the same place, of course. I eat Freedom Fries. Not frites.

Déjà vu, is an interesting phenomenon. For the curious:

Memory-based explanations[edit]
Research has associated déjà vu experiences with good memory functions:

Déjà vu - Wikipedia

I haven't had deja vu in like thirty years. With credit to Joseph Heller mostly what I have these days is either Presque vu or jamais vu.

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."


A reckless survivor.

You are now my favorite poster. A bona fide supraman.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Speaking the truth about injustice and anti-white discrimination is not whining.

If we don't the lefty assholes will just continue doing it unchecked.

This isn't about psychological tribalism, this is about our real interests being fucked over by our enemies, and we need to start fighting back.

Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.

Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.
Conservatives have not been tough since they were beaten into the ground from the mid to late sixties.

They are nothing but snowflakes emotionally and physically.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Speaking the truth about injustice and anti-white discrimination is not whining.

If we don't the lefty assholes will just continue doing it unchecked.

This isn't about psychological tribalism, this is about our real interests being fucked over by our enemies, and we need to start fighting back.

Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.

Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.
Speaking the truth about injustice and anti-white discrimination is not whining.

If we don't the lefty assholes will just continue doing it unchecked.

This isn't about psychological tribalism, this is about our real interests being fucked over by our enemies, and we need to start fighting back.

Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.

Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.
The true conservative's of America aren't out there whining, they're working their asses off for their families. You only hear from them once in a while - see 2017 election. They're known as the silent majority for a reason - and it ain't because they're whining and bitching in public.
Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.

Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.
Your flippancy is disrespectful of the millions of white people who have had their lives fucked up by policies based on the idea that they don't count and do not have the right to have their interests represented in policy.

My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.
My father always said my smart mouth would get me in trouble one day. I just didn't realize it would be today. So sorry for you and the millions who have had their entire lives messed up. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it and I am indeed sorry for that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, honestly. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

Sounds like we disagree, but I'm not sure it isn't anything but a disagreement in attitude. While I certainly acknowledge that I have been disfavored in the face of this "discrimination," I choose to work hard and succeed in the face of it. Others can do whatever they like, including complaining about policies in the hopes of changing them. Free country. But, this is what I mean about conservatives having lost their toughness. Real conservatives get on with the show when the lead actor doesn't show up, they don't whine about wanting to move the curtains up time.
Why is your knee jerk response to the idea of speaking out for the interests of whites sarcasm and ridicule?

Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

Sounds like we disagree, but I'm not sure it isn't anything but a disagreement in attitude. While I certainly acknowledge that I have been disfavored in the face of this "discrimination," I choose to work hard and succeed in the face of it. Others can do whatever they like, including complaining about policies in the hopes of changing them. Free country. But, this is what I mean about conservatives having lost their toughness. Real conservatives get on with the show when the lead actor doesn't show up, they don't whine about wanting to move the curtains up time.

It is not a lack of toughness to fight back politically against your enemies.

It is selfish to ignore or dismiss those who either can't try harder or tried harder and still failed.
Actually I was being sincere. I genuinely am sorry for any suffering you've been through. I want everyone to be able to live the American dream. Work hard, get ahead.

I would note, however, that "speaking out for the interests of whites" and "millions of white people who have had their lives f--- up" are two different things, with an awful lot of room between the two. I have no problem with you or anyone exercising their First Amendment rights to speak out for themselves. I simply question whether there are millions of white people who have had their lives messed up by favoritism towards blacks. Hasn't happened in my life, in fact, I am positive that getting into college I didn't get into my first and second choices but less qualified black candidates did. And I got my second choice job coming out of school, probably for the same reason. But I didn't whine, I worked harder than anyone else and did pretty well. In fact, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

So these discriminations that relegated me to second and third choices didn't stop me, they might have stopped others. If in fact you are one of them, I am truly sorry to hear it, no sarcasm, no ridicule. I really mean it.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

Sounds like we disagree, but I'm not sure it isn't anything but a disagreement in attitude. While I certainly acknowledge that I have been disfavored in the face of this "discrimination," I choose to work hard and succeed in the face of it. Others can do whatever they like, including complaining about policies in the hopes of changing them. Free country. But, this is what I mean about conservatives having lost their toughness. Real conservatives get on with the show when the lead actor doesn't show up, they don't whine about wanting to move the curtains up time.

It is not a lack of toughness to fight back politically against your enemies.

It is selfish to ignore or dismiss those who either can't try harder or tried harder and still failed.

If you try hard and give it everything you've got, you can't fail. Just my opinion. If you rail against the powers that be (which today, I might point out, we control all three branches of government), you aren't tough. That's just my opinion too.
YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice college because of anti-white discrimination.

YOu admit the possibility that you didn't get your first choice job because of anti-white discrimination.

You had the ability and determination to work harder and do pretty well any ways.

How many whites do/did NOT have the ability to out work their competitors who were being given favorable treatment?

How many of them, lose their chance at a decent school and ended up with a shittier school, and failed to graduate, or if they graduated failed to get a job in their field at all?

How many those who failed to get one decent job, did not find another?

The factors driving that discrimination you are talking about are UNIVERSAL in our society, the number is certainly in the millions.

I recall when I was in management and transferring to a newly acquired branch, and my previous position was to be filled.

I recommended my best employee with many years of experience.

My recommendation was ignored as they wanted more diversity in management.

This guy was in a "modified" position because of an injury and had serious scheduling issues because of child care issues.

He was not job mobile and did not have many prospects.

His being passed over on a job, he was the most qualified for, cost him a rare chance for a serious promotion.

We are talking the difference between low class and middle class.

He was fucked.

He children lost out on vast increased access to resources that would have come with their fathers promotion.

He never knew that I had recommended him. He did not know that he had been fucked. He might have suspected when he saw who they did hire, or her replacement, or her replacement as they failed and failed, and then finally sort of succeeded.

I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

Sounds like we disagree, but I'm not sure it isn't anything but a disagreement in attitude. While I certainly acknowledge that I have been disfavored in the face of this "discrimination," I choose to work hard and succeed in the face of it. Others can do whatever they like, including complaining about policies in the hopes of changing them. Free country. But, this is what I mean about conservatives having lost their toughness. Real conservatives get on with the show when the lead actor doesn't show up, they don't whine about wanting to move the curtains up time.

It is not a lack of toughness to fight back politically against your enemies.

It is selfish to ignore or dismiss those who either can't try harder or tried harder and still failed.

If you try hard and give it everything you've got, you can't fail. Just my opinion. If you rail against the powers that be (which today, I might point out, we control all three branches of government), you aren't tough. That's just my opinion too.

1. Sure you can.

2. There is nothing about "railing against the powers that be" that means you can't be tough.
I'm sorry for your former colleague. And I'm sorry I can't answer any of the questions you list here. I believe I have not gotten positions because of my color. My thing is, so what? I believe in self determination. I've been dealt some really pretty cruddy breaks in this life. But I don't blame anyone else for them. I take them as they come and make the best out of it. You work hard enough, you can make your own breaks. And you can't work hard enough if you spend all your time blaming "discrimination". I know blacks whites Asians even Native Americans who have been successful even though they have been victims of discrimination. They roll up their sleeves and get on with life.

Millions? Well. That's your perspective but until I see any empirical evidence of any kind that indicates that white folks are downtrodden at the hands of blacks, I will continue to believe in the value of hard work. And not blaming others for my bad breaks.

1. Self determination is not a reason to ignore policy and actions that are harmful to your and yours. Indeed, that might be purposefully designed to be harmful to you and yours.

2.You are conflating addressing bad policy and injustice with wallowing in defeat. You can work hard enough while spending time and energy on politics. Learning and voting, even volunteering does not mean that you are not working hard to succeed or achieve.

3. What would you accept as "empirical evidence" that white folks are downtrodden". And those they would be downtrodden by are not blacks. THey are mostly white liberals and lawyers. My colleague was not fucked by blacks but by white upper management, pandering to blacks, and fearful of bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

Sounds like we disagree, but I'm not sure it isn't anything but a disagreement in attitude. While I certainly acknowledge that I have been disfavored in the face of this "discrimination," I choose to work hard and succeed in the face of it. Others can do whatever they like, including complaining about policies in the hopes of changing them. Free country. But, this is what I mean about conservatives having lost their toughness. Real conservatives get on with the show when the lead actor doesn't show up, they don't whine about wanting to move the curtains up time.

It is not a lack of toughness to fight back politically against your enemies.

It is selfish to ignore or dismiss those who either can't try harder or tried harder and still failed.

If you try hard and give it everything you've got, you can't fail. Just my opinion. If you rail against the powers that be (which today, I might point out, we control all three branches of government), you aren't tough. That's just my opinion too.

1. Sure you can.

2. There is nothing about "railing against the powers that be" that means you can't be tough.

We disagree, but I kind of like and respect your sticking to your beliefs. Long may you prosper, my friend.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.
You are obviously not even a conservative.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Speaking the truth about injustice and anti-white discrimination is not whining.

If we don't the lefty assholes will just continue doing it unchecked.

This isn't about psychological tribalism, this is about our real interests being fucked over by our enemies, and we need to start fighting back.

Yup. I've really had it bad in this country, being a white male. Darn, think of the things I could've done if it weren't for all that discrimination against me.
You literally grew up in another generation, you dumb fuck.

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