Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

He probably means Trump was handed daddys 500 million dollar business and went bankrupt a record number of times.

Good thing he was handed it not you...

I'd be Bill Gates rich if I was handed a 500 million dollar business.

But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates.

But how was it divvied up? That’s something that reporters have tried to sort out during the 2016 race.

The New York Times reported Jan. 2 that Fred Sr.’s will "divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.’ "

A National Journal writer, S.V. Dáte, estimated Trump started with $40 million in 1974 when he became president of his father’s real estate company. By one estimate, the firm was worth about $200 million. Divided among Donald Trump and his four siblings, each would have received $40 million.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
/—-/ Ever notice the Libtards have no problem with the Kennedy or Rockefeller boys inheriting a fortune?

And what does this have to do with anything?

You guys are the ones touting the supposed business building of Trump as some kind of claim of how he knows how to create jobs. A Kennedy has not been president since JFK and a Rockefeller has never been president.

Trump built resort hotels & staffed them with foreign workers & the Trumpettes think that is good. That is putting America first.
Your job cannot stop you from doing anything while off work. So if you followed those rules you are a fool. I would have quit if I got a list of things telling me what I can't talk about when I'm not working.

I guess you never heard of drug testing on the job?????

And I guess you have never heard of a collective bargaining agreement.

I guess you never head that companies get a discount on their workman's compensation insurance if they have a drug testing program in their company.
Companies drug test because of work hazard from drugged up employees.

You want to drug testy to deny health insurance.

That is the difference.

Wrong, because if they only worried about hazard, they would only test for intoxication on the job. But drug tests extend well beyond the job. Pot can stay in your system for weeks. Think your employer G.A.S whether you were smoking pot on vacation last week? Of course not. He doesn't care, but his insurance company does.

Where did I say anything about drug testing for health insurance? You leftists see things that nobody else can see.
/—-/ what guy standing outside the store?

MY God you are as fucking stupid as Trump.
You mean he also has Billions of $$ of real estate wealth, a large private jet, nice family, starred I a TV show, and got himself elected POTUS. ?
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He probably means Trump was handed daddys 500 million dollar business and went bankrupt a record number of times.

Good thing he was handed it not you...

I'd be Bill Gates rich if I was handed a 500 million dollar business.

No it's obvious you would be in jail:)
Your job cannot stop you from doing anything while off work. So if you followed those rules you are a fool. I would have quit if I got a list of things telling me what I can't talk about when I'm not working.

I guess you never heard of drug testing on the job?????

And I guess you have never heard of a collective bargaining agreement.

I guess you never head that companies get a discount on their workman's compensation insurance if they have a drug testing program in their company.
Companies drug test because of work hazard from drugged up employees.

You want to drug testy to deny health insurance.

That is the difference.

Wrong, because if they only worried about hazard, they would only test for intoxication on the job. But drug tests extend well beyond the job. Pot can stay in your system for weeks. Think your employer G.A.S whether you were smoking pot on vacation last week? Of course not. He doesn't care, but his insurance company does.

Where did I say anything about drug testing for health insurance? You leftists see things that nobody else can see.

Because this subject was brought up by one pf your stupid fuckbvuddies wanting to drug test medicaid recipients.
Good thing he was handed it not you...

I'd be Bill Gates rich if I was handed a 500 million dollar business.

But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates.

But how was it divvied up? That’s something that reporters have tried to sort out during the 2016 race.

The New York Times reported Jan. 2 that Fred Sr.’s will "divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.’ "

A National Journal writer, S.V. Dáte, estimated Trump started with $40 million in 1974 when he became president of his father’s real estate company. By one estimate, the firm was worth about $200 million. Divided among Donald Trump and his four siblings, each would have received $40 million.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
/—-/ Ever notice the Libtards have no problem with the Kennedy or Rockefeller boys inheriting a fortune?

And what does this have to do with anything?

You guys are the ones touting the supposed business building of Trump as some kind of claim of how he knows how to create jobs. A Kennedy has not been president since JFK and a Rockefeller has never been president.

Trump built resort hotels & staffed them with foreign workers & the Trumpettes think that is good. That is putting America first.
/----/ Geee, I guess you can't think of plausible reasons why he had to use foreign workers for his resorts like every other resort in high end towns like the Hamptons.
Demand remains for foreign workers
The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?

“federal government lost a potential tax revenue of $1.11 billion on bonds issued by local governments to finance NFL stadiums.”

Nauseating. Kick these whiny millionaires to the curb.

They did not lose any tax revenues. The bonds are used by local governments. NFL teams pay taxes the same as any regular business does. You are the whiny one.

The NFL gets lots of local, state and federal corporate welfare, it all needs to stop, this is a good first step. Corporate welfare needs to end, all of it.

Funny we have left wing nuts now in favor of corporate welfare.
As soon as trump was for it they became against it.

I literally heard npr flip it's stance once trump said he wasn't going to do something.
no business should get tax dollars or a tax exemption.

we are $22 Trillion in the whole...
He probably means Trump was handed daddys 500 million dollar business and went bankrupt a record number of times.
Another Trump smear-lie. Trump only got a loan of $ ONE Million in the mid-70s, from his father, and paid it all back. He actually could have gotten h loan from bank.

He did not go bankrupt (Chapter 7). He filed Chapter 11, which is a reorganization, and even this was a drop in the bucket of all his business dealings (99% success) :biggrin:

Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father

Trump’s false claim he built his empire with a ‘small loan’ from his father

As far as we can determine, the assets distributed to Fred C. Trump’s descendants before and after his death in 1999 has not been revealed. The Daily News in 2000 cited family estimates that his estate was worth $100 million to $300 million but The New York Times recently found documents in Queens Surrogate Court that show that Fred Trump, in his will, divided $20 million among his four surviving children, among other distributions after estate taxes. (The will was contested by the children of his oldest son, Fred C. Trump Jr., who had passed away.)

Trump’s father, like most wealthy individuals, also set up trusts before he died. Donald Trump admitted in a 2007 deposition that he borrowed at least $9 million from his future inheritance when he encountered financial difficulties. The documents (appended at the end of this article) suggest some property—worth, after expenses, about $30 million–was kept in trust after Fred Trump’s death to provide income to his wife, who died in 2000. So that also was presumably divided by the children after her death.

Moreover, Trump’s claim that he built a real-estate fortune out of a “small” $1 million loan is simply not credible. He benefited from numerous loans and loan guarantees, as well as his father’s connections, to make the move into Manhattan. His father also set up lucrative trusts to provide steady income. When Donald Trump became overextended in the casino business, his father bailed him out with a shady casino-chip loan—and Trump also borrowed $9 million against his future inheritance. While Trump asserts “it has not been easy for me,” he glosses over the fact that his father paved the way for his success — and that his father bailed him out when he got into trouble.

This coming from the side that backed a woman who hit $100k on a $10k play.
don't understand what you mean.

what does that have to do with what I posted?
Your job cannot stop you from doing anything while off work. So if you followed those rules you are a fool. I would have quit if I got a list of things telling me what I can't talk about when I'm not working.

I guess you never heard of drug testing on the job?????
And I guess you have never heard of a collective bargaining agreement.

I guess you never head that companies get a discount on their workman's compensation insurance if they have a drug testing program in their company.
Companies drug test because of work hazard from drugged up employees.

You want to drug testy to deny health insurance.

That is the difference.

Wrong, because if they only worried about hazard, they would only test for intoxication on the job. But drug tests extend well beyond the job. Pot can stay in your system for weeks. Think your employer G.A.S whether you were smoking pot on vacation last week? Of course not. He doesn't care, but his insurance company does.

Where did I say anything about drug testing for health insurance? You leftists see things that nobody else can see.
Under Obamacare, you can not be denied health insurance coverage regardless of whether you are a current or former user. I have no idea what the Republican plan if there is one will require. Life insurance is another matter. Companies can ask about drug use and can require a drug test.

Although marijuana will show up on drug tests for about two weeks the noticeable effect will usually be gone in 3 or 4 hours after smoking and 6 or 7 if taken orally.
I guess you never heard of drug testing on the job?????
And I guess you have never heard of a collective bargaining agreement.

I guess you never head that companies get a discount on their workman's compensation insurance if they have a drug testing program in their company.
Companies drug test because of work hazard from drugged up employees.

You want to drug testy to deny health insurance.

That is the difference.

Wrong, because if they only worried about hazard, they would only test for intoxication on the job. But drug tests extend well beyond the job. Pot can stay in your system for weeks. Think your employer G.A.S whether you were smoking pot on vacation last week? Of course not. He doesn't care, but his insurance company does.

Where did I say anything about drug testing for health insurance? You leftists see things that nobody else can see.
Under Obamacare, you can not be denied health insurance coverage regardless of whether you are a current or former user. I have no idea what the Republican plan if there is one will require. Life insurance is another matter. Companies can ask about drug use and can require a drug test.

Although marijuana will show up on drug tests for about two weeks the noticeable effect will usually be gone in 3 or 4 hours after smoking and 6 or 7 if taken orally.

I could care less about drugs when it comes to healthcare, although I do think it should be a requirement to get government benefits like welfare, HUD, food stamps, and so on.

Pot stays in you system for quite a while. I lost friends over the crap because they became so paranoid and started to imagine things, even when they were not high.

Not only do they drug test us, they also give us breathalyzer tests to see if you have any residual alcohol from the night before. They say that 10 hours from your last drink "should" not show up on the test.
I agree Ray although I do strongly feel that overweight people should pay alot more in premiums. Or simply make an easy choice...exercise and eat better.
It is odd to watch the far left to support anything that subsidizes millionaires..

More proof the far left runs on debunked religious narratives than anything based in reality.
Good thing he was handed it not you...

I'd be Bill Gates rich if I was handed a 500 million dollar business.

But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates.

But how was it divvied up? That’s something that reporters have tried to sort out during the 2016 race.

The New York Times reported Jan. 2 that Fred Sr.’s will "divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.’ "

A National Journal writer, S.V. Dáte, estimated Trump started with $40 million in 1974 when he became president of his father’s real estate company. By one estimate, the firm was worth about $200 million. Divided among Donald Trump and his four siblings, each would have received $40 million.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
/—-/ Ever notice the Libtards have no problem with the Kennedy or Rockefeller boys inheriting a fortune?

And what does this have to do with anything?

You guys are the ones touting the supposed business building of Trump as some kind of claim of how he knows how to create jobs. A Kennedy has not been president since JFK and a Rockefeller has never been president.

Trump built resort hotels & staffed them with foreign workers & the Trumpettes think that is good. That is putting America first.

What you are trying to say, but you don't want to clearly say, for obvious reasons,

is that if Trump did something once, he can never do the opposite.

This is an idiotic claim.

Hillary was clear that she was planning to take step to INCREASE the flood of cheap third world labor.
I agree Ray although I do strongly feel that overweight people should pay alot more in premiums. Or simply make an easy choice...exercise and eat better.

What about those that do extreme sports? They should pay higher premiums also. Those that drink alcohol, those that smoke, those that take recreational drugs, those that are promiscuous in the sex lives or having more than one partner, these are all choice risks, so go after one, go after all.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?

“federal government lost a potential tax revenue of $1.11 billion on bonds issued by local governments to finance NFL stadiums.”

Nauseating. Kick these whiny millionaires to the curb.

They did not lose any tax revenues. The bonds are used by local governments. NFL teams pay taxes the same as any regular business does. You are the whiny one.

The NFL gets lots of local, state and federal corporate welfare, it all needs to stop, this is a good first step. Corporate welfare needs to end, all of it.

Funny we have left wing nuts now in favor of corporate welfare.
As soon as trump was for it they became against it.

I literally heard npr flip it's stance once trump said he wasn't going to do something.

I have been corporate welfare for a long time, I don’t change because of politics. I guess the left has no morals.
I'd be Bill Gates rich if I was handed a 500 million dollar business.

But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates.

But how was it divvied up? That’s something that reporters have tried to sort out during the 2016 race.

The New York Times reported Jan. 2 that Fred Sr.’s will "divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.’ "

A National Journal writer, S.V. Dáte, estimated Trump started with $40 million in 1974 when he became president of his father’s real estate company. By one estimate, the firm was worth about $200 million. Divided among Donald Trump and his four siblings, each would have received $40 million.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
/—-/ Ever notice the Libtards have no problem with the Kennedy or Rockefeller boys inheriting a fortune?

And what does this have to do with anything?

You guys are the ones touting the supposed business building of Trump as some kind of claim of how he knows how to create jobs. A Kennedy has not been president since JFK and a Rockefeller has never been president.

Trump did it at Mir A Lago, put in applications this year for his Vineyard in VA, He does it every time. Why are you so uninformed about this? Head too far up Trump's ass?

Trump built resort hotels & staffed them with foreign workers & the Trumpettes think that is good. That is putting America first.

What you are trying to say, but you don't want to clearly say, for obvious reasons,

is that if Trump did something once, he can never do the opposite.

This is an idiotic claim.

Hillary was clear that she was planning to take step to INCREASE the flood of cheap third world labor.
I agree Ray although I do strongly feel that overweight people should pay alot more in premiums. Or simply make an easy choice...exercise and eat better.
You do realize that the obese and overweight make up 70.4% of our population?

Real physical fitness exercise programs should be required at all grade levels. If physical fitness is instilled in children, it is likely to stay with them throughout their life.
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one nut bar isn't "republicans". and what do the sacrifices of the military have to do with prohibiting free speech unless you're an angry white male?
1. the sacrifices of the military have everything to do with the national anthem. Even you are smart enough to know that. Try listening to the words.

2. Not all speech is free, especially in workplaces.

3. You got something against males and whites ?
Trump built resort hotels & staffed them with foreign workers & the Trumpettes think that is good. That is putting America first.
That you are ignorant of the Mar-a-Lago staffing "issue" shows you have little credibility in this forum. This is an old story.
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