Conservatives, keep this in mind and plan.

Gosh! Almost forgot this one:

I have often wonded if Rush will do a similar thing after he has completely drained the well. He is the type of asshole who would enjoy the look on the faces of his "dittoheads" as he tells them that he has been fucking with their heads for decades. of the FOX producers will decide to cash in with a "tell all" about the bullshit that goes into some of those shows.

Oh of course they will. We all know the inherent truth of liberalism. All of us questioning you are liars. We know we're liars, we just can't help it. It's because we're rich and greedy and want more, hopefully on the backs of people of different races and particularly the poor. One day we will all admit the truth of liberalism to save our souls. But in the mean time, we're going to defend the rich and corporations and get all we can get.

Silly nutter. You are not all rich. Most of you are lower middle class and poor. But you all think that someone poorer than you is trying to get over on your dime. People like Rush and Hannity have helped convince you of that. Once you get suckered in with the social agenda items.....they have you. No matter how much proof exists to show you that their theories on the economy are will parrot them day in and day out. You are part of the got back-up.

Damn, you have Rachel Madow down, well done. Lion's mouth moves and a chicks voice comes out. A husky chick voice, but a chick none the less. BTW, why is Ed Shultz's hand sticking up your ass?
Those who loved Hitler were strong in their belief that he'd never burn a single book.

Isn't that the kind of faith we're seeing from the left these days?

People get bent out of shape over these pansy, limp-wristed clowns. Don't let your brow be furrowed. Their day has come and it is nearly done. OBarrycare WILL be their downfall. Hell, even THEY know it. Right now, they are trying to figure out how to distance themselves from this debacle BEFORE next year. IT WILL NOT WORK.

I envision an ass-kicking not unlike the whipping they took when George McGovern ran.

Don't let these little "Brown shirt wannabes" trouble you. Pussies are pussies and they will always be pussies.
Oh of course they will. We all know the inherent truth of liberalism. All of us questioning you are liars. We know we're liars, we just can't help it. It's because we're rich and greedy and want more, hopefully on the backs of people of different races and particularly the poor. One day we will all admit the truth of liberalism to save our souls. But in the mean time, we're going to defend the rich and corporations and get all we can get.

Silly nutter. You are not all rich. Most of you are lower middle class and poor. But you all think that someone poorer than you is trying to get over on your dime. People like Rush and Hannity have helped convince you of that. Once you get suckered in with the social agenda items.....they have you. No matter how much proof exists to show you that their theories on the economy are will parrot them day in and day out. You are part of the got back-up.

Damn, you have Rachel Madow down, well done. Lion's mouth moves and a chicks voice comes out. A husky chick voice, but a chick none the less. BTW, why is Ed Shultz's hand sticking up your ass?

Hmmmm. Have I just said something that you have heard one of those people say?
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.
Killing Kennedy, Killing Lincoln, Killing Jesus -Bill O'Reilly

I am not familiar with them. Are the strictly historical or are they allegorical?

Bill O'Reilly little known fact:

He has a BA in History, so these are based strictly on historical premises only. He taught History and English at Monsignor Pace High School.

So I don't think he's too stuck on allegory.

I have had the pleasure of reading all three and found them to be fascinating. Especially "Killing Kennedy". I absolutely adored the man (Kennedy) until I found out, some years later, what a sleaze bag he was.
Silly nutter. You are not all rich. Most of you are lower middle class and poor. But you all think that someone poorer than you is trying to get over on your dime. People like Rush and Hannity have helped convince you of that. Once you get suckered in with the social agenda items.....they have you. No matter how much proof exists to show you that their theories on the economy are will parrot them day in and day out. You are part of the got back-up.

Damn, you have Rachel Madow down, well done. Lion's mouth moves and a chicks voice comes out. A husky chick voice, but a chick none the less. BTW, why is Ed Shultz's hand sticking up your ass?

Hmmmm. Have I just said something that you have heard one of those people say?

What an idiot. I take back that "Ann Coulter" makes you look stupid, you have that covered...
Silly nutter. You are not all rich. Most of you are lower middle class and poor. But you all think that someone poorer than you is trying to get over on your dime. People like Rush and Hannity have helped convince you of that. Once you get suckered in with the social agenda items.....they have you. No matter how much proof exists to show you that their theories on the economy are will parrot them day in and day out. You are part of the got back-up.

Damn, you have Rachel Madow down, well done. Lion's mouth moves and a chicks voice comes out. A husky chick voice, but a chick none the less. BTW, why is Ed Shultz's hand sticking up your ass?

Hmmmm. Have I just said something that you have heard one of those people say?

Sounds to me like he's saying he watches Rachel Maddow's show...
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

So you're one of the trained seals who awaits her annual bucket of chum?
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

I wish we could get her to sign up here for a few days. I think she would leave a few dozen idiot nutters here, including you, STUNNED by telling her annoying way....just how fucking stupid you are.
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

I wish we could get her to sign up here for a few days. I think she would leave a few dozen idiot nutters here, including you, STUNNED by telling her annoying way....just how fucking stupid you are.

She was in my area last year on her book tour. Princeton turned her down but she did get a gig at the College of New Jersey in Trenton. (snicker)

She's good friends with Bill Maher actually. She doesn't believe a word she writes. She's just 'ho-ing it for the bucks. Red meat sells.
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I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Just go ahead and give up already.

You guys are toast and everyone knows it. You either move out of the way of progress or get ran over.

Plain and simple. :badgrin:

I know you are a liberal, so reading isn't your strong suit. It said "Conservative" in the title. So piss off asshat.

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