Conservatives, keep this in mind and plan.

Damn, you have Rachel Madow down, well done. Lion's mouth moves and a chicks voice comes out. A husky chick voice, but a chick none the less. BTW, why is Ed Shultz's hand sticking up your ass?

Hmmmm. Have I just said something that you have heard one of those people say?

Sounds to me like he's saying he watches Rachel Maddow's show...

Funny story there. We were for years a Nielson family, meaning we represented about 10K viewers in the ratings. Rachel Maddow cracks me up. I watched other MS-NBC shows too, but my daughter specifically gave me tons of crap about Rachel Maddow for giving her ratings. I don't know why Rachel bothered my daughter the most. Not that she didn't complain for the others, but she particularly gave me crap for watching the angry gay chick.

I'm not as shallow as you all that I can't watch people I disagree with. But I find your argument that people are parroting Rush, Hannity, Fox and that sort of thing to be just extreme intellectual shallowness and laziness and an admission that even you know your arguments are stupid. Which is why I always mock you for it. I see nothing admirable about not watching or listening to people you disagree with.

BTW, I loved Air America. Randy Rhodes was my favorite. Wow, what a whack job. She was freaking nuts. But she was a hoot. Until they kicked her off. Wow, being kicked off Air America and their three viewers (thanks to me, else it would have been two). That's serious nuts.
Last edited:
Killing Kennedy, Killing Lincoln, Killing Jesus -Bill O'Reilly

I am not familiar with them. Are the strictly historical or are they allegorical?

Historical, and they're great. The first book ever written about the Kennedy assassination is "Death of a President" by William Manchester. I highly recommend it.

Well the thing is that I'm looking for books that preserves the parts of history that the left would want to rewrite. I think that the Killing Jesus book would be a good one but I'm not sure the collection would need an account if the Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations.

I'm serous about this idea. I think we cannot, for practical purposes include every book on history for practical purposes alone. We need to keep it to the tho gs the lefties will try to suppress.

We need books on Reagan, Carter, Clinton, and the Bushs, for example.
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

I wish we could get her to sign up here for a few days. I think she would leave a few dozen idiot nutters here, including you, STUNNED by telling her annoying way....just how fucking stupid you are.

It's funny when I disagree with her on both social and military issues how the monolithic left liberals can't process the idea of not liberal and not Republican both being true statements, at the same time. It's a paradox to you, something to be meditated on in a yoga class...
Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

I wish we could get her to sign up here for a few days. I think she would leave a few dozen idiot nutters here, including you, STUNNED by telling her annoying way....just how fucking stupid you are.

She was in my area last year on her book tour. Princeton turned her down but she did get a gig at the College of New Jersey in Trenton. (snicker)

She's good friends with Bill Maher actually. She doesn't believe a word she writes. She's just 'ho-ing it for the bucks. Red meat sells.

You obviously haven't read her books. Or they were just way too much content for you to grasp.

And again, yes, we all know that liberalism is truth, we're just denying it because of our racism and greed. You got us.
Oh, and let's not forget this one:


Her books are spectacular. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on military and social. But wow, she destroys liberal arguments like nobody out there. I see why you hate her so much. She makes you look really, really stupid.

Exactly. The book I recommended in my OP is excellent. It shows the left wings blatant control of the mainstream media. It is essential to future gemeration's understanding of how all of this crap happened.
Men in Black, Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.

Men in Black contains considerable legal jargon in it and can be a tough read for non-lawyers but it's worth the effort.
Men in Black, Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.

Men in Black contains considerable legal jargon in it and can be a tough read for non-lawyers but it's worth the effort.

Agreed, I have that book, it's a fascinating read.
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.

So we can assume, by your unbiased reviews of these authors, that you aren't a fan. Big news there.

You know, I recall, back in the dark ages, being fed a steady diet of Nietzsche. I was young and impressionable and fell for his crap hook, line and sinker. Then, over a drunken, pot-filled weekend, I tackled "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

When I finally came to my senses on Monday morning, I realized what the term "pseudo-intellectual" actually meant.

Stop "analyzing" everything you encounter. It will give you a headache. :lol:
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.

So we can assume, by your unbiased reviews of these authors, that you aren't a fan. Big news there.

You know, I recall, back in the dark ages, being fed a steady diet of Nietzsche. I was young and impressionable and fell for his crap hook, line and sinker. Then, over a drunken, pot-filled weekend, I tackled "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

When I finally came to my senses on Monday morning, I realized what the term "pseudo-intellectual" actually meant.

Stop "analyzing" everything you encounter. It will give you a headache. :lol:

There wasn't much in the way of analysis. It was mostly just observation.

But since you mentioned it, I WILL offer some analysis.

Twenty years ago, I was somewhat troubled when I first tuned in to talk radio and heard the opinion-based radio shows which offered uninformed opinions on the issues. But I didn't worry TOO much since I knew part of it was meant to be a political version of Howard Stern's shock radio and reflected an effort to make money. Besides, radio didn't have the reach of TV. But silly me. Certain TV executives turned to talk radio and decided to use it as a template for TV which transformed our media landscape.

Now, I'm disturbed by the fact that our radio and TV media outlets are increasingly dominated by opinion-based shows which do far more to stir people up emotionally by offering up false and misleading programming which understandably upsets people if they believe what they're hearing, and I think it's clear that they do.

On one end of the spectrum, we have our schools failing our children when it comes to education to prepare them for an increasingly competitive future, and on the other end, we've got the media engaging in wholesale propaganda like I never could have imagined three decades ago.

And what I know from experience is this: Given bad information, people make bad decisions. Consequently, this cannot end well if the trend continues.

How's that for analysis?
Those who loved Hitler were strong in their belief that he'd never burn a single book.

Isn't that the kind of faith we're seeing from the left these days?

A much ore accurate parallel would the far reactionary right.
The problem with the OP is that mainstream GOP and their conservative wing have realized the walking political gonorrhea that infects the TPM and the far right reactionaries is still preventable.

The far right's time has passed.
Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.

So we can assume, by your unbiased reviews of these authors, that you aren't a fan. Big news there.

You know, I recall, back in the dark ages, being fed a steady diet of Nietzsche. I was young and impressionable and fell for his crap hook, line and sinker. Then, over a drunken, pot-filled weekend, I tackled "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

When I finally came to my senses on Monday morning, I realized what the term "pseudo-intellectual" actually meant.

Stop "analyzing" everything you encounter. It will give you a headache. :lol:

There wasn't much in the way of analysis. It was mostly just observation.

But since you mentioned it, I WILL offer some analysis.

Twenty years ago, I was somewhat troubled when I first tuned in to talk radio and heard the opinion-based radio shows which offered uninformed opinions on the issues. But I didn't worry TOO much since I knew part of it was meant to be a political version of Howard Stern's shock radio and reflected an effort to make money. Besides, radio didn't have the reach of TV. But silly me. Certain TV executives turned to talk radio and decided to use it as a template for TV which transformed our media landscape.

Now, I'm disturbed by the fact that our radio and TV media outlets are increasingly dominated by opinion-based shows which do far more to stir people up emotionally by offering up false and misleading programming which understandably upsets people if they believe what they're hearing, and I think it's clear that they do.

On one end of the spectrum, we have our schools failing our children when it comes to education to prepare them for an increasingly competitive future, and on the other end, we've got the media engaging in wholesale propaganda like I never could have imagined three decades ago.

And what I know from experience is this: Given bad information, people make bad decisions. Consequently, this cannot end well if the trend continues.

How's that for analysis?

Well then - how about your "unbiased analysis" of Ben Stein's Quote "paradoxical quote of the day":

"Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured...but not everyone must prove they are a citizen." - then add this, "many of those who refuse or are unable to prove they are citizens, will receive free insurance, paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

Welcome to 1984.
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.

So we can assume, by your unbiased reviews of these authors, that you aren't a fan. Big news there.

You know, I recall, back in the dark ages, being fed a steady diet of Nietzsche. I was young and impressionable and fell for his crap hook, line and sinker. Then, over a drunken, pot-filled weekend, I tackled "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

When I finally came to my senses on Monday morning, I realized what the term "pseudo-intellectual" actually meant.

Stop "analyzing" everything you encounter. It will give you a headache. :lol:

Oh, I neglected to ask you something. Do you recall what Nietzsche warned where the 'new faith' might lead?

It might lead to a race of Dauermenschen, of Last Men where they would stagnate and wallow in their arrogance and ignorance, part of an easily manipulated crowd which confuses cynicism with knowledge.
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.
Are you looking for a scapegoat or two? Academia, Hollywood, and the old Conservative favorite boogeyman: THE MEDIA are to blame for our woes? If Conservatives appealed to the better angels of our humanity; peace, tolerance, acceptance, brotherhood and egalitarianism perhaps their image (which is really what you're complaining about) might be burnished and glow like those of our American heroes.

But what have we seen from Conservatives lately? Petulance, obstinence, intractable ideology and brinksmanship rather than statesmanship. If they intend to lead by example, the example they have proffered is one bereft of inspiration and reason. Does the fact that the most ardent Conservatives 'serving' in Congress voted to shut down the whole of the federal government and crash our credit into the ocean bode well for how the contemporary Conservative will be seen in history?

Here's a hint: start by being loyal to the American people and not your narrow political ideology. People respond well when their interests are taken to heart. They will deliver dismal polling data when they feel that a very narrow political outlook is the priority of the Conservative movement.

If you want to be loved, love. If you want to be hated, hate. If you want to be seen as responsible, act responsibly. But if you hitch your wagon to a star that throws heat but no light, stick with the Tea Party movement. Your image will be that which you create.

Like most ideologues, you begin with a premise that your ideology is pure, and any opposition to that ideology is necessarily wrongheaded and contrary to the welfare of the people. Then, you throw in a few halftruths for effect, and begin to spin the truth to your partisan political bias.

It should be obvious to an intelligent person that when you have to accept halftruths and spin to justify your actions and or your desires, something is wrong with your political concepts.

To settle one of your sophmoric arguments, one only has to note that no impass is a one sided affair. It takes two to tango, and it takes two opposing sides to reach the point where the government is shut down. It is one thing to spew partisan BS, it is quite another thing to actually believe that what you are spewing is the truth.

Although conservatism is as much a political ideology as liberal/socialism, it is neither narrow, nor anti people. And, it is not, and never has been anti-government. Conservatism is based on the ideals and social concepts that built this great nation. You would never understand that, because you do not believe that the vast majority of people are fully capable of maintaining their own lives, and/or following their own dreams.

One does not need a doomsday bunker to survive the ultimate results of liberal idiotology. However, one better have the means to survive life in a third world economy. We are well on our way to achieving that dubious status. Who will be sending you care packages?
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.
Are you looking for a scapegoat or two? Academia, Hollywood, and the old Conservative favorite boogeyman: THE MEDIA are to blame for our woes? If Conservatives appealed to the better angels of our humanity; peace, tolerance, acceptance, brotherhood and egalitarianism perhaps their image (which is really what you're complaining about) might be burnished and glow like those of our American heroes.

But what have we seen from Conservatives lately? Petulance, obstinence, intractable ideology and brinksmanship rather than statesmanship. If they intend to lead by example, the example they have proffered is one bereft of inspiration and reason. Does the fact that the most ardent Conservatives 'serving' in Congress voted to shut down the whole of the federal government and crash our credit into the ocean bode well for how the contemporary Conservative will be seen in history?

Here's a hint: start by being loyal to the American people and not your narrow political ideology. People respond well when their interests are taken to heart. They will deliver dismal polling data when they feel that a very narrow political outlook is the priority of the Conservative movement.

If you want to be loved, love. If you want to be hated, hate. If you want to be seen as responsible, act responsibly. But if you hitch your wagon to a star that throws heat but no light, stick with the Tea Party movement. Your image will be that which you create.

I beg to differ. The true statesmen have certainly been the Tea Party Members. They campaigned on a particular message and kept their promise in a difficult stage. They acted responsibly to their constituents.

Then you take Mitch McConnell who was working with Boehner who were working for the country, not just their states. and McConnell took a bribe, an earmark when he was negotiating for something bigger and let the entire party down. He created an image alright, one of a traitor.

Now, for realism....
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When it comes to the ACA, let's face facts. When it was voted on, Pelosi said It first and she was correct. "If you want to know what is in it, you'll have to pass it first." Well, we are getting to that part. Once the website is up and running Americans will see and experience all of the ramifications of the law and make their own determinations and conclusions of the law. Some may love it and some may not. We'll see.

Until then all of us, The Democrats, Republicans and Independents are talking through their hats. No one knows how it's going to come out. It is all speculation.

All this big talk is useless. Let's just be friendly and wait. Shall we?
Glenn Beck...Ann Coulter...

The "Truth"......

Beat it, trolling dumbass.
You can rant and rave and call others names but it does not change the fact that Nyvin was 100% correct. Beck books have been reviewed and found to be full of errors and personal prejudice. Coulter's are even worse. Any resemblence to history or honest is purely conincidential.
Oh, and by the way, you quest is rather stupid. You have heard of libraries? You have heard of them? Only someone who is a total wacko could come up with the plan you have come up with.
Now, that said, the US government is out to get people like you. I suggest you make an aluminum hat so you will be invisible to the government. And a final tip: Never ever look up incase a drone of black helicopter is following you.

first, get rid of the bold large font print. you look like a fool and you will be on everyone's ignore list if you keep it up.

As to books and lies, have you read any of obama's books? they are full of lies and half-truths. but I guess in your small mind thats just fine.
I know no one wants to think this way, no one wants to think that it's over. Many here and in conservative think tanks all agree that it isn't time to give up. I could go on making a point that stupidity and laziness is going to win the day over conservative values but that isn't the purpose of this thread. I do t want to argue about whether we can pull the country back or not, I'm more of a "be Prepared" kind of guy.

That said, here's the point.

The democrats via the unions control the schools, the colleges, Hollywood and the main stream media. They will be turning out potential voters that are more and more ignorant every day. Winston Churchill said; "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!". That applied to Obama and the democrats but literally. Through the schools, the media, and Hollywood, they will rewrite history.
We need to preserve the truth. The truth about our country's history from the beginning and most importantly, what has happened to it since the rise of progressivism.

What we all need to do is to collect books that tell the truth, and make sure future generations read them and know the truth. If you know some titles from conservative authors list them here. I have been building my collection for a while, and I suggest you all do the same.

Here is a few that I think should be in every conservative's library:

"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett

Conservatives, please add to the list.

Here's my addition:

I'll comment on those people.

Glenn Beck is a conspiracy theorist who seems unable to find a conspiracy theory he won't embrace in one form or another. The problem comes when Glenn tries to tie them all together because all Glenn seems to be able to do is tie himself in knots. Admittedly, he has enriched himself, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern fact from fantasy which would be perfectly fine, even laudable, in a high end escort, but it's laughable if credibility is what you seek. Consequently, I laugh at him and anyone who takes him seriously.

Ann Coulter was trained as a lawyer which is hard to believe given a lawyer's tendency for dry dispassionate writing which contrasts sharply with Ann's natural gift for incendiary red meat rhetoric. Yes, she's the mean HS girl who found new adult victims like the Jersey Girls to torture as they reeled from their post 9-11 devastation and loss. No, just like Ann thinks there's no such thing as a victim you shouldn't kick when they're down, Ann seems to believe that there's no conservative reprobate she can't rehabilitate with a book and a few carefully chosen words to show that a man like Joe McCarthy was really a swell guy, after all. I await Ann's next book where she regales the world with the fun-filled days of Menachem Begin's youth when he was a terrorist killer who bombed and hanged people to further his political agenda. She's may be a natural born polemicist, but her judgment on right versus wrong, or good versus evil is severely clouded to the point of opaqueness by her political leanings. Therefore, her objectivity is flawed to the point of resembling the ravings of a mad woman.

William Bennett is a man who once had the temerity to write a book entitled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasure of Great Moral Stories" in order to instruct everyone else on morality despite the fact that he had a very serious gambling problem at the time. But it was okay because he didn't mention gambling as a moral shortcoming in the book. See how that works? I've had the opportunity to listen to Bennett's early morning talk radio show a couple of hundred times (at least), and all I can say is that he's one unapologetic propagandist who will shamelessly put any liar on the air to spread any rumor in order to discredit the political opposition. Don't believe me? I once heard him put a guest on his show who accused Democrats of essentially being terrorist coconspirators, and Bennett, a former Reagan cabinet officer never uttered one syllable of protest at such an outrageous charge. All I can say is his book on morality must be based on Machiavellian morality because his behavior isn't something I would want any child to emulate let alone learn from someone who used to be the education secretary of the United States of America. But undoubtedly, Bennett would have no trouble squaring that moral circle as long as the ends justified the means. In my opinion, when any lie, any falsehood that furthers your goals is considered wholly acceptable, that's an example of rhetorical terrorism, and perhaps future copies of his book should be retitled "The Book of Bullshit" in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws.

So we can assume, by your unbiased reviews of these authors, that you aren't a fan. Big news there.

You know, I recall, back in the dark ages, being fed a steady diet of Nietzsche. I was young and impressionable and fell for his crap hook, line and sinker. Then, over a drunken, pot-filled weekend, I tackled "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

When I finally came to my senses on Monday morning, I realized what the term "pseudo-intellectual" actually meant.

Stop "analyzing" everything you encounter. It will give you a headache. :lol:

it is not even HIS views. It is a copy&paste of some blogger, because that is all he can do - copy & paste, not lay out his own views - in order to have ones he should be able to THINK, which is not the key feature of a leftard

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